General Discussion

General DiscussionRIP GPM

RIP GPM in General Discussion

    bye bye farming heros lul,

    you clear the jungle in a minute and then nothing for the next but lanes, if you actually look the GPM is significantly lower in games which causes all the games to go longer, avg before was 30-40, now its gonna be 50 avg

    and yes the gpm is lower, because the map is 50% larger, therefor traveling distance is much more, and the distance between primary and secondary jungle is alot, bounty runes offset only a small amount as they only add 400 gpm every 2 minutes which is equivalent to 2 camps on the map every minute.

    Welcome to the dawn of shit lord ultra prime team based meta. this meta will be slightly harder to carry your team, all those games where your shit face retards go 1-15 as a team by 15 minutes, prepare to lose those ones, and also this is the CK carry meta, cause he is still the single most effective carry with the least amount of items. also timbersaw.

    meteor hammer

      played awfully, fed, had to share camps with alch. the enemy team was pushing HG with chen + omni + WK at pre 20 minutes

      still incredibly easy to hit ridiculous timings, i couldve had a 10 min bfury in a free lane easily

      Ten komentarz był edytowany

        Are the farming patterns pretty much the same?


          .... your gpm, in a game that you won, that you did the most building dmg meaning you probably got 1.6k in building gold or more.
          and your gpm is 770....

          before anti mage could ezly get 950 gpm, you could ez have 550-600 last hits in in a 45 minute game, sven can get 450 last hits in 30 minutes previous patch,

          but not anymore...

          GPM is going to be lower


            how's AGHS on am?


              yes the early game gpm is slightly higher, due to the abundance of bounty runes and map distance making less ganks and safer early game,

              but as soon as you hit your ability to clear jungle in a minute your GPM immediately hits a wall and only goes higher with total map dominance, good illusions control and kills.

              therefor most gpms are gonna cap at 650 as thats what your gonna get with a 1 minute jungle clear then 1 minute of trying to take lanes or switch the other jungle without getting 4 man raped.


                well then it only gives you more incentive to establish said "map dominance".

                makes sense that you can't get overwhelming GPM if you're not dominating the game.

                also you have to take into account the fact that there are more jungle camps now.

                Ten komentarz był edytowany

                  lol, there is nothing but retarded players under 4.2k who can do pretty much nothing but random or pick the hero with the nicest set they have,

                  yes you can still carry but for now it will be about 20% harder


                    being able to clear ancients early is a great advantage i think

                    meteor hammer

                      theres more TOATL camps on the map

                      theres FOUR ! ! !! ancient camps total

                      if you know how to fucking move around the map you farm FASTER.

                      i played 6 games in the test client and basically never dr opped below 700 gpm on random heroes that aren't the best farmers ever

                      meteor hammer

                        i dont play in 2k mmr where if you win the early game you wait until 50 minutes to push hg while you afk farm the same 6 jungle camps over and over again

                        meteor hammer

                          am aghs is a linkens replacement basically. i like it


                            but its just cheaper but shitter stats isn;t it? why not just go linkens. unless u have something to reflect


                              ancients hitters are nerfed alot luna sven etc
                              era of slark ( he cant do ancients ) clinkz ls morph spectra has come. .


                                still owned with luna. LUL. who needs ancient stacking in 2k anyway. so many camps to farm. including on enemy side. wow


                                  so there are 9 total camps instead of the old 7, one is a medium and one is an ancient camp, but respawn is 2 minutes. if ancients count for 2 camps worth thats 8->11 camps worth or 37.5% more farm from all the camps. ish. so the jungle only gives about 2/3 of what it used to per minute. BUT the map is huge and you should be farming lanes.


                                    lower block cd/you only lose out on 5 stats, only the armor/damage will slightly hurt you because aghs had pointbooster which gives more than the 5 stats' worth of hp and mana, and the regen. So there's little to consider Linken's over agha now since linken's had the 2100g useless item build up while aghs have pretty even item build up. Unless you need the extra stats so much, which is extremely rare. Just a BabyRager's view tho

                                    Edit: for the guy who asked about aghs/linken's on AM

                                    Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                      think high mobility heroes (movespeed/blink) are actually good to clear the camps in this big map. so AM/luna still okay.

                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                        wow these 4k noobs shit lords cant even do basic math
                                        what is 7x 2? 14
                                        what is 9 x 1? 9

                                        you have 9 camps per 2 minute on your side of the map, versus previously have 14 camps per 2 minutes on your side of the map

                                        can you really be that fucking retarded? You can't even do basic math? with 5 less camps per 2 minutes that is 300 gpm reduced since most camps avg 135 gold, you will get 1 bounty rune tho so your gpm goes back up 100. arriving at 200 gpm

                                        so whatever you would have gotten before with the same exact hero and kills and building gold, with the exact same effectiveness of farming you will be down 200 gpm,

                                        this is not factoring in that with less gold on the map, exactly 5 camps per 2 minutes, someone will be eating away your gpm by taking camps or lanes, so really its a 200-300 gpm drop

                                        in other words 1k gpm anti mage is now 700, 950 gpm sven is now 750, 1.1k gpm alche is now gonna be 1k gpm because he access to constant bounty runes worth 200 gold

                                        Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                        casual gamer

                                          ur awful

                                          doctors orders - drink bleach immediately


                                            yes because an ancient camp is the same as a regular camp. plz share more of your 2k wisdom sir, i am ready.


                                              i mean seriously comon, basic math, 7x2 = 14 vs 9x1=9

                                              and if your gonna sit there and say I can farm the enemys jungle to get more camps then

                                              14x2= 28 18x1= 18

                                              omfg this is so basic math, there is 5 less camps per 2 minutes on one side and 10 less camps per 2 minutes on the full map, extra ancients... the avg gold of a hard camp is 130, ancients avg between 180-230, each extra ancient is barely worth 2x,

                                              so as far as gold if you count the extra ancient gold as a second hard camp, then there is 8 camps less for the whole map per 2 minutes, 4 per one side

                                              in 30 minutes that is 60 camps less than would have been in 6.88

                                              at an avg of 110 gold per camp, thats 7000-8000 gold less resources on the map by 30 minutes depending on RNG.

                                              I prefer the 4k noobs drink the bleach since they can't even do math.

                                              Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                OH and what is 7000 gold/30 minutes? 233, thats 233 gpm less resource on the map in 30 minutes, which will naturally come out the most effective farmer on the team, so just like I said, your GPM on farmers will be reduced by 200 compared to what it could be.


                                                  because supports and other players will take a much smaller bite of the 233 gpm drop than any farming carry will. Therefor this meta basically comes down to simple picking the right hero who can fight effectively against the enemy team with the least amount of gpm,

                                                  in other words the heros who are going to excel as carries are the ones who can get the most out of 550-650 gpm.


                                                    alright ill quote myself since you didnt read it i guess
                                                    " so the jungle only gives about 2/3 of what it used to per minute"

                                                    BUT you now have a longer time frame to clear out those camps, letting you realistically wipe out every camp and some waves in 2 minutes fairly early.

                                                    its easier to use 100% of the available jungle farm now, and the available camps give ~40% more, but twice the respawn.


                                                      have you ever played anti-mage? you are pretty much never able to kill all the camps regardless of your current farm.
                                                      not because you're not able to, but rather because you'd be pushing lanes anyways, since it more valuable, for you and your team.

                                                      meteor hammer

                                                        i played 1 game of AM and hit a 11 minute bfury in basically a 1v1 lane

                                                        in an empty lane i can hit a 10 min bfury easy

                                                        just fucked around in a lobby and hit 950 GPM by 20 minutes with all my patterns fucked up, go do that in the 6.88 without going clown shit like blink dagger

                                                        Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                          7.00 I wasn't talking about you, I was talking about the other 4ks on this post saying "but now theres 9 CAMPS!!!! theres 4 MORE CAMPS"

                                                          I think I burst a vein in my brain after reading that, sounds like the thought process of a 4 year old lol.

                                                          meteor hammer

                                                            you vs. me

                                                            same number of games, but im playing games at over double ur mmr


                                                            The Medic Guy

                                                              how many large camp before and after patch?
                                                              how many ancient camp before and after patch?


                                                                ^how is your gpm in lane higher now? did they change something or is it just the bounty rune?


                                                                  here we go again with stupid land, in a lobby I can easily get 1500gpm alchemist

                                                                  but in game I dont get that, cause there are players also farming the map and enemies that attack you. this dude is literally mentally fucking retarded.

                                                                  eeeer, there are 9 camps per 2 minutes, thats 1100 gold if you farmed them ALL in 1 minute, in the next minute if you took a lane and got 2 waves and and enemy camp you would have 900 gpm

                                                                  but there is still 7000 gold less resources on the map in 30 minutes with more travel distance avg between resource

                                                                  and in 6.88 perfect free farm am can get 1200-1300 gpm

                                                                  maybe you should continue playing in lobbies with passive bots lol

                                                                  King Dave

                                                                    shutup 2k scrub and go drink some bleach


                                                                      no lol, 70 last hits, plus 4 bount runes, plus 8 last hits from pulling is 80 last hits and 400 gold,

                                                                      thats 3600 assuming you missed a few siege

                                                                      add 1000 gold from your base gpm, thats 4600, add 660 starting gold you have 5200k, enough for treads and bf at 11 minutes in a lobby vs bots or no bots.

                                                                      nothing changed


                                                                        LOLOL let me pull up a game of me getting 950 GPM Templar assasin and out farming your anti mage lol


                                                                          Lol at these reactions

                                                                          Implying your team was doing every camp every minute before 7.0

                                                                          +add talents that give 90-300gpm

                                                                          + you level up faster thus making you able to farm faster

                                                                          + 4x bounty runes and new buildings to kill

                                                                          +farming is for nerds anyway 💃

                                                                          casual gamer

                                                                            the bounty rune + stealing the offlaners rune essentially. the laning phase might USUALLY be the same or slower but i think theres higher potential

                                                                            im not used to the layout yet but i think i might be able to take the offlaner's camp to offset losing the large camp respawn (on dire at least)

                                                                            casual gamer

                                                                              ur a god dude. you must be 2k because ur teammates are really bad!


                                                                                WOW 400 gold in new buildings, and and 1000 gold less smaller buildings inside the base!

                                                                                oh and 1500 gold if you got every single rune available to you in 30 minutes,

                                                                                your RIGHT! this really makes up for the 7000-9000 less gold in jungle camps in 30 minutes!

                                                                                Oh and yeah, faster xp = faster farming right? as much as equal to the 9000 gold missing from the map in 30 minutes which is equal to 225 last hits, which is 22.5 last hits per minute less, XP will make up for it yeah>?

                                                                                casual gamer

                                                                                  you know more than me!

                                                                                  i defer to your superior skill


                                                                                    i doubt you can get the offlaners rune very often once people get used to it, a bounty rune is really nice for a starved offlaner.

                                                                                    still a bounty of your own should help with lane quite a bit.


                                                                                      LOL JDF8 are you mad cause you cannot do math,

                                                                                      hmm I just went from 1800-2250 with like 5 losses? and realistically I could have won every single game, I lost 3 because of disconnecting and then randoming and going to lane at 1:30 seconds.

                                                                                      so having a 73% winrate in solo 2k mmr, when I could have 85% winrate or more at 2k mmr if it wasnt for 3 matches where my PC bsod and then I randomed and got to lane at like 2 minutes.

                                                                                      yeah im really 2k lol, pssh I woulda had this acc at 4k by end of the month if it wasn't for a new patch.

                                                                                      try again fail kid, you played dota 2 since 2012, I have played about 1300 matches total since I started in january 2015 and already calibrated 4k accs and sold them

                                                                                      Once I have your number of matches I will definitely be higher than 5k mmr.


                                                                                        LOL I can tell you were a dota 1 player, your first matches on that acc, you started at 3k mmr skill level in 2013, either this wasn't your first acc or you played dota 1, great job climbing only 1.4k mmr from 2014-2017.

                                                                                        Cause I went from 800 to 4k from mid 2015 to 2017, I obviously improve alot faster than you.

                                                                                        BSJ. LGD

                                                                                          mmr is just a number


                                                                                            i just played an antimage game and got 920 gpm...

                                                                                            im pretty sure farming is fine. but some carries will be better, and some will be worse.


                                                                                              im triggered. time to watch bulldog stim.

                                                                                              Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                                                lets put that into math

                                                                                                from my estimation, your skill level in 2013 on that acc was about 3k mmr, you reached 4k mmr in 2014, your now 5400

                                                                                                you gained 2400 mmr points over 5500 matches assuming you probably have smurfed 1000 matches over 4 years.
                                                                                                your mmr gain per match is .4 to .55 if you didnt smurf 1000 matches.

                                                                                                I went from 800-4100 in 1400 total matches after adding all the extra matches on the smurf accs

                                                                                                so I gained 3200 mmr over 1400 matches,

                                                                                                my avg mmr gain per match is 2.2 or 4.5x faster than yours, so I increase in skill 4.5x faster than you, assuming you didn't play dota 1 at all, since I never even heard of dota till 2015.


                                                                                                  at my current mmr gain per match I would reach 5400 skill level in 500 matches, 700 probably considering the skill gap increases on a bell curve.

                                                                                                  at those rates, in 1200 matches I will be 6400 mmr, at my 2.0 mmr gain per match rate

                                                                                                  and you will be 5860 at the rate of gain you have experienced from 4k in 2014 to 5400 in 2017 (a rate of .3 mmr per match assuming no smurfs).

                                                                                                  See you soon bud.


                                                                                                    going to sleep as its 6am and I have been up all night will not reply till about 8 hours from now.


                                                                                                      Nerds :thinking:

                                                                                                      IT IS WHAT IT IS
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