General Discussion

General DiscussionRIP GPM

RIP GPM in General Discussion

    Yeah but no one's particularly seriously counter picking him atm. Folks are still trying Monkey King and other new stuff. Once stuff becomes normal again people are gonna remember snares lockdown Slark now and start running shit like Treant with a 2-3 stun comp and put him below the 50% winrate. And if they don't, people are fucking idiots.

    doc joferlyn simp

      ^^Wouldn't that take a long time though?

      Ten komentarz był edytowany
      fear is the mind killer

        OP lmfao! You just have to play ONE game of dota 7.00 to see everyone get more or at least the same gpm than before !
        + show actual proofs taht you hit 4k1 in 1400 matches
        + there's actually more 3ks than 4ks (open dota), i'm not sure if you can understand a simple graph
        + you don't understand anything at how mmr work

        Ten komentarz był edytowany
        meteor hammer

          i mean you have a 6s cd snare purge, i really think ur overrating this change.

          worst comes to worst if ur snared and pact is exactly 4s CD you can ult and tp away lol

          its a much bigger storm nerf than slark nerf imho


            fuck slark. he went from an annoying little jerk to cancerously good AND being awful to play against.

            15 agi? 15 dmg or lifesteal? more att speed? and then theres the 6.5s pounce or a free skadi on a hero that reaches 25? osehnikr

            idk if midas slark is legit now, but those talents are so good.


              midas slark was good situationally before, i think its more common on slark now


                I think midas in general is a really strong item, XP this version is much better than it was previously where after level 16 it didn't really help that much. Also I feel like high ground defense is a bit too strong with 5 in base shrines and a bigger map that is easier to split up and keep enemies from grouping as 5 for a big push.


                  midas seems generally like a fairly common item now


                    So I just had a match as Anti-Mage and hit 717 GPM and was hitting some of my best item timings. I think OP is full of shit, cause my farm in new patch is better than in 6.88 with AM.

                    meteor hammer

                      man idk how im outfarming this 2k antimage GOD

                      it seems that the math just isnt adding up! this is the highest gpm ive ever gotten on antimage, must be a coincidence!


                        yea im consistently hitting near-record GPM's from previous patch. I'm sure once I get an easy game where I'm not versus some bullshit duo-aggro lane I will get 1K+ gpm.

                        there is so much farm on the map it's insane.

                        meteor hammer

                          btw if you reflect storm pull you get the agh-upgraded version LMAO


                            ecks DEE

                            one syllable anglo-saxon

                              does that mean that if u reflect laguna/lasso u'll also get an upgraded version?

                              meteor hammer


                                  tbh it was duo aggro, Mirana was on my dick a lot with Io but Lion just wasn't having any of it and decided to take a straight shit on her.


                                    Retards again.

                                    Yes if you establish total complete map control and are able to farm anywhere on the map you can get the same gpm or higher.

                                    And because the map is larger you can argueably farm safer right now because people dont know the map as well.

                                    But thats 1 circumstance where you can utilize the whole map and very few heros can clear 18 camps and 3 lanes in a minute, but a few heros can with perfect effeciency cap the whole of both jungles both theh respawn and go to lanes.

                                    So yes in circumstances where your team is winning and you total map control you can get 1k gpm by farming both jungles.

                                    What I was talking alot more about is the circumstances where you are getting recked and have no map control

                                    For example: your team goes 5-18 by 20 minutes and you are starting to lose all map control and control of your jungle. You cannot safely farm the whole map and your team is now farming half of your jungle cause they are losing.

                                    In these situations you could often just farm and hold out till 33 minutes with 900 gpm sven or said hero and then turn the game over.

                                    But in the new patch when the enemy takes map control and your team taking up resources out of the already less resources, it should result in your gpm being lower in this circumstance than in the previous patch.

                                    The only time it should be the same or higher is when you have freedom to farm anywhere.

                                    This will not be the majority of games tho, once people get used to patch and map it will become more difficult to farm out of position.

                                    meteor hammer

                                      pictured above: complete map control

                                      Riguma Borusu

                                        ^against a fed riki, no less

                                        btw everyone gets 25 really fast because there's a fuckton of farm on the map, and it gets pretty rare that camps remain unfarmed, and then don't get to respawn, pretty much everyone farms everything and it's awesome

                                        in other news, prince, can you stop smoking crack, it's damaging your ability to think

                                        Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                          that kotl carried your shit m8.

                                          GPMs are so high, you dont even need stacks to get 700-900 gpm on luna.

                                          now ofc a lot of that gold comes from destroying the shrines when your are winning, but still.