General Discussion

General DiscussionRIP GPM

RIP GPM in General Discussion

    lmfao this guy.

    u do realize that it's harder to improve the higher you go right?

    Riguma Borusu

      ^no dude, he's right because MMR is linear ROFL

      pretty sure you can play with one hand and reach 4k given enough games

      Ten komentarz był edytowany
      meteor hammer

        he also doesnt realize i went from 4400-5400 in less than 3 months, and that there are massive gaps in my games played due to IRL shit

        i will 1v1 him in 2020 when he has more mmr than miracle-


          if you win 100 mmr a day and start at 2k... ull be 11k mmr by 7.01!

          Riguma Borusu

            I have 60% ranked winrate. This means that I get 5 MMR for every game I play. So I just have to play 1000 more games, and I'll be almost 9k!

            Holy shit!


              Wtf fa-git is a banned word


                LOL you guys are hilarously retarded. Iq 115 is a hardife for you.

                Obviosly skill gap occurs on a bell curve everyone knows that.

                But according to I think it was open dota, there is actually 2x as many 4k accs as 3.5k. There is more 4k players than 3k mmr players

                Most likely due to a large volume of sold accs and boosted accs and smurf accs.

                And no retard your 56% winrate doesnt mean you gained 5 mmr pr match....

                Assumjng you started at avg 1k skill upon starting to play dota 2. Then you climbed 2800 points over 3500 games. Your life time mmr gain per match is .8, compared to jdf8 .3

                But you will probably drop to .5 if your not already stuck at your low 3.8kk mmr.

                And just fyi, mmr gain is according to person intellectual ability to increase in skill. Some players are not intellectually capable of surpassing a certain mmr therefor the rate at which their skill increases slows greatly as they approach their own mental ceiling like jdf8 did when he hit 4k taking another 3 years to reach 5400.

                But a player who is not near their ceiling will argueable continue to gain skill at the same rate as they already are until they get close to their own gap. Therefor a player capable of 10k mmr skill will go from 4k to 6k 4x faster than a 6k max capable player.


                  guys we should probably not be too mean to him.

                  i think he might have a mental disorder.


                    Srsly i thought ur at least 4k or smth rofl


                      tbh its sometimes (emphasis on sometimes) easier to win in 4k than it is to win in 3k. simply cause of anti-game players who got no idea what they're doing and ruin games.


                        this meta will be all about pushers and supports - which is something I always hated about 6.88 where you gain an early advantage, your team retreats to afk jungle and the enemy sven/luna/alch just farms back up and rofl-stomps you late. the emphasis will be more on the lane and winning it and actually on supports.

                        There's simply not enough farm and not enough *reliable* farm on the map for afk jungle farmers. 4 and 5-core lineups are suicide now unless you have a global support like KOTL who can get wards everywhere. hell, Radiant's closest camp is a blind-camp in a pit for crying out loud.


                          What the hell. Almost 1k games 2.2k mmr with 52% win rate. Sounds like u are close to
                          Your skill ceiling. What are you on about

                          Ten komentarz był edytowany

                            dude, with a 52% winrate he will earn 1 mmr for every game he plays.

                            he only needs to play 7,000 matches and he will finally achieve his true MMR of 9k mmr. don't u dare insult him, he truely a 9k god, praise be onto him.


                            Ten komentarz był edytowany

                              ok he has 65% winrate this month in ranked.

                              he says he'll be 6k in 1k matches or so (if i remember correctly). now that's something to watch. lul he might be the next rtz guys. pls give us updates of your climb bro.

                              also you are already 4k? or were you just projecting? lmao


                                just played troll warlord. I reach 691 gpm. I like those 4 bounty runes now. but I felt that I hit item timings quiet faster this game. 28 minutes satanic after two deaths. but I could've got 23 minutes actually and other than that it felt overall easy as I reached lvl 25 really fast this game (since it was normal skill it was lot easy to lvl up lot faster than others).

                                Dire Wolf

                                  There's more farm on the map, what about that don't you get? Just cus jungle respawns every 2 mins, you can still rotate through lanes and entire jungle just fine, it just means you won't stay in jungle forever with 1 min respawns, basically clearing it every time it's up. You'll clear it, push a lane, go back to jungle, push opposite lane or whatever.

                                  And ancient farmers don't even suffer on a coordinated team. If you're supports will stack both camps for you that is a shit ton of farm. For example old map if you stacked ancients 3-4 times by ~10 mins, luna can clear that by pulling them and not taking too much dmg but it'll take a shitton of time. Now you can stack two camps to 3-4 by 15 mins, luna might actually have items to go clear both quickly. Same for sven.

                                  Downside is for pubs cus those guys may not go helm of dominator anymore and self stack and you need supports to mostly do it, especially to get both.


                                    i just played antimage, i had treads 5min, bf 16 min and i ended game with over 900 gpm so easily
                                    i dont know about other carries but antimage farms ancients so quickly now with mana break and i never really felt the lack of creeps


                                      well but u know guys, he is kinda right in that there is just less farm on the map. although it might not actually affect your gpm like he claims, because of other reasons

                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                        if u are capable of killing ancients, it doesnt matter there are less neutrals/2min

                                        Livin' Real Good

                                          Honestly, I don't think looking at average GPM charts online has any merit to it at this point in time. It's literally day 2 of 7.00, no one knows how to play the map, many people DON'T like the map, and many people are just fucking around experimenting, probably more than ever after a new patch.


                                            Wow wowowowow so many retards its not even funny. None of you must of read past the first post like retards.

                                            Holy shit you 4k noobs are so fucking dumb

                                            Jacked I have a 75% winrate in solo ranked. I boosted from 1800-2250 with only 5 loss. And 3 of those loses where cause my pc BSOD..

                                            I woulda boosted to 3k in a week if not for new patch and 4k by the end of december.

                                            And also I am done talking to you retards. Your all so fucking dumb you cant even read past the original post

                                            Dire Wolf

                                              We all get what you are saying but it's theoretical. In practice most people are getting more farm cus the factors you mentioned, travel distance, respawns, don't matter as much as efficiency in farm patterns. It doesn't matter if the entire jungle used to respawn every minute if you couldn't clear the whole thing. Respawning every 2 mins but with an additional ancients and medium camp is more efficient for most carries.


                                                Holy shit you 4k noobs are so fucking dumb

                                                Jacked I have a 75% winrate in solo ranked.


                                                  and this jungle mechanics change is definitely built for antimage.

                                                  he doesn't give 2 shits that his jungle is gone, he just takes yours so his GPM is roughly the same due to ancients. However, because he is taking your jungle now he will be hemorrhaging out the enemy team.

                                                  Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                  >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                    When do camps respawn now? Wth is going on?

                                                    You would think games would be a little shorter with more push/fighting being the new meta.


                                                      Camps respawn at 0:30, 01:30, and 01+2x:30


                                                        ^no lol.

                                                        camps spawn at :30, then 1:00, then 3:00, 5:00 etc.. odd numbered minutes.


                                                          Oh I kinda forgot thanks


                                                            also luna with a MoM is pretty legit. Loda is sitting at about 850 gpm in game im watching atm. and thats with joining fights a lot.


                                                              1st game in 7.00, 4 people farming because BH wanted to play core as well, went Aghs just to see it in action, and still had 736 GPM in 54 minute game. I'm not seeing the issue here with GPM... SeemsGood. And this is flat 3k shit-tier.

                                                              Optimus Drip

                                                                No. You can't gain that low mmr per game though@sayin. It's by +25 or can't gain .8 mmr per game.

                                                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                  op proves yet again that everything in this world can be explained and understood with math

                                                                  Luis Miguel joven

                                                                    Lol there's more camps but lower gpm fuq logic

                                                                    basement :)

                                                                      Is it just me, or does the higher focus on lanes and combat resemble League of Legends? The jungle in League is practically non-existent for farming, so they are forced to team fight more often.

                                                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                                      meteor hammer

                                                                        another game where i have shitty stats and 880 gpm xd


                                                                          ayyy OP where the hell did u get 75% winrate. i sure as hell dont see it. are you just picking a small subset out of your entire pool of games to show you have a high winrate. dafuq. i have 100% winrate on ursa btw.


                                                                            if i pick ursa every game, i should be 5k by december


                                                                              no OP might actually have a point, if we could see overall statistics about whether average GPM for an entire team drops after the new patch. that would prove who's right. and not games where you stomp 4k submonkeys JD. u evil monkey


                                                                                Yes, OP has a point that there is less amount of camps to be cleared and there is less total gold you get from jungle if you can clear them all
                                                                                But then again who the fuck can clear every single camp that spawns right from minute 1


                                                                                  Ive seen MoM a lot by higher tier players its fucking everywhere. Also @OP fucking dbz weeb BabyRager can u just argue like a fucking normal human being instead of calling someone retarded when they clearly have higher mmr than you? I dont care of your right or wrong, but u diox like consistency with ur autistic replies like "4k noob" when ur like a 2k player. Ur honestly retarded
                                                                                  - your favorite 700 mmr player

                                                                                  1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                                    By my calculations the farm will be so much more because I clear not only my jungle, I farm on enemies jungle also because they will just die even they see me and 2v1 me is it a surprise for your 2k brain?

                                                                                    Edit : I saw a 5 lost streak on your account now and by my calculations you will be hitting the 0 mmr legend in no time if you continue lost streak.

                                                                                    PS : please make more post and more active in dota buff we need another player that we can make fun of after Diox gone :)

                                                                                    Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                                      Yes ice tea. That is true. We need a new dotabuff punching bag. Luul


                                                                                        He's back to stomping pubs XDDDDD


                                                                                          I could be the next Diox or Saiyans, but then I might actually induce brain damage spewing all sorts of stupid shit like that.

                                                                                          I personally feel like GPM by farming camps is the same, if not a tad bit better with the extra ancient camps. You shouldn't JUST be sitting in the jungle to start with and unless your team is just splitpushing and ratting and are covering the lanes, you can just hop onto one, push it and come back to some camps and repeat. And even without lanes, there's so many camps to clear now you can just clear em' grab any available bounty runes, check for free lanes to farm or if your team is grouping to push and then go back to jungle. Nothing's really changed. Just way less safety now by warding the jungles and routes between lanes with vastly less catch-all ward spots. Which has actually improved my experiences with Clinkz with the lack of superior sentry spots like with the old map with all the coverage now.


                                                                                            Not to mention the slight nerf to manta and diffusal (well actually the diffusal nerf is huge) means indirect buff to silence
                                                                                            Well clinkz buys orchid, so....


                                                                                              I actually neglected to buy Orchid while I was snowballing as Clinkz. Clinkz is just a lot stronger with the lack of AMAZING ward spots. Forcing people to either buy dust or plant way more sentries. Which now makes the idea of stealth heroes putting SERIOUS pressure on supports to keep detection up, which in turn makes them poor and less effective for the team truly real now. When before it was less of a real factor with all the ideal catch-all ward spots and open space, especially in Radiant jungle. All this clutter and ward spot changes has in my very biased opinion seemingly indirectly buffed stealth heroes and heroes who wanna sit and hide and wait for a fight to start so they can pick people off from the side without getting focused or picked off preemptively. Which I love as a player that mostly plays Ranged Carries or stuff that wants to come in from the sides after the fight starts and bash their faces in like Troll or in my experience (in 1 game, so I'm likely a fucking idiot and don't know anything about it) Monkey King.


                                                                                                on the other hand, manta is the only way to purge dust, so dust is way mroe effective than it used to be.

                                                                                                meteor hammer

                                                                                                  slarks ridiculous right now i believe


                                                                                                    Slark's actually more managable since now he can't escape snares, so now it's easier to chain CC and kill him, especially since I doubt you can dispel a snare with Manta and can't self-purge with Diffusal. Also oddly enough I haven't seen anyone playing him. Before the patch he was in every fucking match of mine.

                                                                                                    meteor hammer

                                                                                                      his winrate is up 3 % @_@

                                                                                                      he benefits massively from the more "open" map, spread resources, and 0 mres ancients

                                                                                                      timbersaw can farm stacked ancients with Q and W btw