General Discussion

General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion
doc joferlyn simp

    Oh yeah games like SV with no background die fast.

    doc joferlyn simp


      Next week I've still got to show up for commissioning (basically graduating) ceremony and the Senior's Tribute on Monday.

      Talked fam into getting me a PC for my commissioning and birthday gift, I'll only be able to use it for 2 years but hey it's something.


        do u plan to leave home for college?

        thats a good thing to do, honestly i shouldve done that

        doc joferlyn simp

          I don't know what I want to do with college. Maybe go Ekon as pre-Law or some shit. As long as it's far from maths I'm chill lmao


            that would be a huge fucking problem if u were born in my era but since u get to be an shs student its not much of a problem since u dont get "locked" in a program ex. u take stem shs but u realize ur gigabad at math so u can just not take engring/accountancy for college

            unlike us who has this big fucking drawback of going back to 2nd/1st year if ever we decide to shift midway through the course

            doc joferlyn simp

              My guidance counselors told me that what I take in SHS will determine what I will be able to enter for college.

              Is that true or was that just a ploy for us to be scared into answering the career examination the right way?


                im gonna be 3rd year after this summer yet i still have classmates from 1st year who are still 1st years because they keep on shifting courses, its a huge waste of time and money


                  huh, not rly sure about u but from what i heard from my shs schoolmates the program they take is just a foundation for the course they take in college

                  idk it could be different here or my schoolmates are delusional

                  doc joferlyn simp

                    Shifting sounds like a rich kid's business lmao


                      btw, remember when u posted her something about education not covering taxes? jokes on you we're studying that in economics

                      and no, not discussing about how2pay them, but how to reduce or avoid the tax u pay LMAO

                      doc joferlyn simp

                        Instead of learning how to support the gov't now we learning how to avoid supporting it, good shit fam.


                          btw man if u dont like ur course in college dont shift right away, stay for one more semester to see if it gets better for u and if it doesnt shift asap LMAO (doesnt apply if ur 3rd year above)

                          doc joferlyn simp

                            All I learned during Economics class was that the buyers just want what's best for them and the sellers want what is best for themselves as well, and since they have to interact in the market they reach this uneasy truce about which price to pay. Baseline is that everyone's a greedy piece of shit.

                            doc joferlyn simp

                              Fun chatting and all but I'm a kid living out of my parents' palms so now I have to go to sleep for a big day ahead of the last "serious" day of my JHS. So excited to leave that behind and enter another phase of my life which I'm basically doing the same thing but under different names.


                                what i learned from economics:
                                higher salary = higher tax and vice versa (in our country's case), so actors/rich ppl/company owners have to pay a significantly higher tax than the average person. however, charity works/children are tax reducers (renshin gets reduced tax yay!) thats why u often see big names doing charity works over the news

                                theyre not rly after helping people, thats just a good side effect that comes along with reducing their tax LMAO

                                also same reason why some unmarried rich ppl just adopt kiddos

                                doc joferlyn simp

                                  Ye tax is %based like Zeus first skill ayy lmao


                                    wait did you just... brush me off?!

                                    how rude!

                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                      Have fun SV man hope you get to S class because the natural progression of A class is S class. You get my point yeah? 'Night man don't stay up too late for le designer eyebags


                                        *zeus 3rd skill cuck


                                          night fuckboi




                                              nah i dont think i can play anything i have to dwell on my stupidity first for at least a day before i get back to normal

                                              aaaahhhh best guy in class but couldnt pass the project, how shameful i need to fix this shit yo


                                                Hey yves
                                                Now I know what it feels like to get carried every game


                                                  The problem is
                                                  I'm the one who's supposed to carry
                                                  Or maybe I can just focus on playing the most braindead role in the game and get 4k :thinking:


                                                    goodluck climbing at 3.5-3.9


                                                      I thought you said the real cancer is low 4k


                                                        well since 3.5 is the max calibration now...
                                                        I think you get the idea


                                                          Just when I thought of switching to other roles -_-
                                                          Guess I have to be a cutnpaste wannabe forever


                                                            fuc kth is shit pc bsoded again ez -25 and 5 lp



                                                              lol isnt even shown in recent matches gg


                                                                46% reknd winret ecksdee
                                                                You should be like me
                                                                One gaming session every week and get sick ass winrate without any significant increase in mmr or skill
                                                                You can cover up your incompetence and pretend that you deserve high mmr but busy with real life


                                                                  fuck you dude xD
                                                                  i'm actually good ehem unlike you ehem xd but i got so many issues. whole pc is worth 200$ or less!, pc crashes for unknown reason time to time and i get 5 lp games and -25 gg
                                                                  also potato mobile net finishes in middle of games, is high price and home doesnt have net xd
                                                                  gonna get better in 3 months since imma get a good laptop and net and go for 10k before miracle


                                                                    166 lp games smh xD


                                                                      Fuckboi out


                                                                        i'm actually good ehem unlike you

                                                                        I've heard this kind of shit way too often


                                                                          Its triggering how you cant use reddit on my country. Lets play a lot today


                                                                            Im taking this program next year where i get to intern for the second half of the school year, for the last half of the school day.


                                                                              Bws can't climb in 2k but already 3.4 magically lol


                                                                                >well played!


                                                                                  If it doesnt assign me as carry when this gets truesight analyzed then ill be triggered. Tho i dont think it will be. This analysis takes eons if u dont have db+


                                                                                    Why do heroes I fall in love with are considered trash :(


                                                                                      hmm really makes you think :thinking:


                                                                                        Why am i ignored always in this thread unless im responding to someone? :thinking:


                                                                                          What if I'm actually improving fast at this game :thinking:


                                                                                            What if I am the next miracle :thinking:


                                                                                              1k gpm AM god > 1k gpm TA god :thinking:


                                                                                                AM goat*


                                                                                                  Also daddy most of your comments are statements
                                                                                                  Not discussion starting stuff


                                                                                                    Hotel? Trivago.

                                                                                                    BSJ. LGD

                                                                                                      i just got albert and whitewolf from the 4 packs iqwdiojwqodijoqjwedcnioqwncdjoiwqnjionxqwjiodndjcoiqwnejdoiqwnjdoiqnwjoidsnjqoiwdncjoiqwnjdoiqnjoicdqwndcioqwdcjioqwmjodiqjdw WOOOOOOO