Rankingi Plus

Players with Dotabuff Plus can see your world rank, percentile and chart of achievement points over time.

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Read more about our new Achievements system: Welcome to the Era of Achievements
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Wszyscy bohaterowie
Niedawno ukończone
Heal your allies
2,000,000 / 2,000,000 (100%)
Ukończ wszystkie z poniższych:
  • Across multiple matches, get 2,000+ Hero Healing

  • Across multiple matches, get 20,000+ Hero Healing

  • Across multiple matches, get 100,000+ Hero Healing

  • Across multiple matches, get 200,000+ Hero Healing

  • Across multiple matches, get 500,000+ Hero Healing

  • Across multiple matches, get 1,000,000+ Hero Healing

  • Across multiple matches, get 2,000,000+ Hero Healing

Zobacz Szczegóły
Najrzadsze osiągnięcia
You've been playing Dota since 2012
Ukończ wszystkie z poniższych:
  • Within a single match, get 2012 or less Match Year

  • Within a single match, get 2012+ Match Year

The International 2012 took place at Benaroya Hall in Seattle. iG won, taking home $1,000,000.
Zobacz Szczegóły