General Discussion

General DiscussionAghanim scepter for PA

Aghanim scepter for PA in General Discussion
Story Time

    When will they add aghanim for Phantom Assasin? Will there be pure damage dagger then?

    PS Check statistics btw, Aghanim on PA is already 69% win rate! What would be when it will have effect on her skills! Wow


      Coup de Grace becomes a aura at lesser effect
      Coup de Grace becomes castable and can be given to allies for short period.

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      Story Time

        ^pls no! Sniper and sven would be a deadly combo-wombo


          Well with that logic we should never buy tangoes because its winrate is 30%, my point is that the aghs winrate is probably people just buying the item at the end of a game they were already winning. But I would love to see what they have for an idea as an aghs.

          Story Time

            ^that means that 30% of PA bought aganim when they were losing! :D why tho?


              Honestly i think its because they had the lead and then threw the game by buying aghs which gives PA not enough for too high of a price

              1-IceTea 🌟

                ^^I see the way you thinking is wrong.
                Why don't it be like when win hard the PA try to meme Agh build and insta lose after that?

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                Story Time

                  funny that u didnt mention alchemist who boosted pa with aganim, that would be at least reasonable situation

                  BTW Aganim on pa is not even Meme, 5 battle furies is meme at least

                  Ten komentarz był edytowany

                    PA is one of my favorite heroes though and Id say maybe give dagger a 25% crit chance and blinkstrike work on buildings. That or give better level 25 talent, and aghs give you the double strike dagger that can prioritize other heroes or hit the same one twice


                      Sorry I forgot about alch but i get your point

                      1-IceTea 🌟

                        ^It wouldn't count if its not in item slot hahahahahaha


                          Also its only been used 1,700 times, thats a very very small sample size for the 3rd most played hero in the game. Thats also like saying everyone should build refresher on PA or octarine because it has an 82% winrate. The problem that its been hardly bought at all


                            pa aghs: makes blur block 1 instance of 300 magic dmg on a 6 second cd in an aura (applying this to all allied heroes in the 900 aoe)

                            numbers can be nerfed or buffed but I think this is a sound concept which puts aghs in the situational defensive item category.

                            Story Time

                              still 1700 times is hardly a misclick :) but, guys, this was just a joke, why so much attention for it? I suggested discussing the possibility of introduction of Aghanim for PA. It will happen sooner or later anyway


                                I gave my idea, I get carried away sometimes when I see b8


                                  I got it:

                                  Coup de Grace procs have a chance to lower targets mmr by x amount


                                    I would love to see scapter on pa giving him cancerous 5% for mortal strike, cause he is still not oped with his crit dmg.

                                    white boy summer

                                      this aghs idea is one of those "why bother?" upgrades. like they experimented with aghs on farm-reliant cores by giving am one, some ppl bought it at first then realized it's so shit for the price, linkens gives you the same and gives 5 more stats and mana regen for 500 more. dusa aghs is just a no go when u already need so much items, pa can't afford buying shit items for high price when her time is ticking (u are not significant after like 30 mins) 10 stats and some hp mana is literally nothing for 4k2, whatever it would give would be shit (considering "whatever" is not some broken shit IF would ever release)




                                          aghs shud be a situational purchase on cores like that
                                          something that helps pa deal with something she is weak against, but doesn't always come up
                                          maybe some form of disarm countering
                                          maybe a way to make her mobile (phantom strike cd reduction/charges?)
                                          at the very least these upgrades can come into play with an alch on ur team

                                          chicken spook,,,,

                                            Dagger with charges lmao

                                            Potato Marshal

                                              Anybody else here remember that Slark has an aghs upgrade? No?


                                                stifling dagger cooldown 1 second and increased range


                                                  I wud make phantom strike have 3 charges, and pa cannot be disarmed for the 4 attacks after phantom strike

                                                  Yung Beethoven

                                                    I think the only agha she really would need is something like that her blur cannot be deactivated via silver edge or killed by mkb. Even with bkb she still as a 30% evade chance.

                                                    Something like this, since the most problem in the lategame is that she gets countered by a lot of items.

                                                    Pale Mannie

                                                      that one dagger barrage in darkmoon


                                                        +200% critical damage and and +20% critical chance.

                                                        Upgrade miss skill cant detect in minimap.

                                                        I think its enough to change the perception that phantom assassin is not always carry. She can be a support or 4th position. It will change the meta i think.

                                                        Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                          pa doesn't need damage as another item choice, she needs a defensive option, or a way to better her lategame


                                                            Blur becomes aoe so all allies get it. mkb, silver edge, etc no longer stops blur

                                                            registered flex offender

                                                              Aghs would be backtrack from faceless void pre rework

                                                              all role player

                                                                dude if aghs upgrade blur so mkb and se isnt counter anymore she will be cancer. pls dont ever think about it !


                                                                  I would make it something like "blur now has a chance to evade all damage instances"


                                                                    Agh PA : you can crit hit on building

                                                                    Pigeon ( °□°) ︵

                                                                      it should make dagger have global range


                                                                        i think pa aghs should be the idea of cancelling out true strike but it should be redueced so like pa gets 25% true evasion, evasion that can't be countered by items or spells.

                                                                        also jdf8

                                                                          25% blur cahnce vs true strike + 1 other effect, 1 crit on demand long cd, or 1 raindrop charge type thing with high block and cd like above, or make phantom strike autocast a dagger without putting it on cd

                                                                          also jdf8

                                                                            ^^guess i should read the posts but yeah., only thing is ur not gonna buy agh as a 5 slot for just 25% evasion because its just 350 hp 10 damage 1.5 armor and 10 ias. it has to do something else also or nobodoy will ever use it because skadi/AC just as good effectively against truestrike

                                                                            Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                              or give blur an active where you just become immune to damage for like 2-4 seconds on like 30 sec cooldown.


                                                                                make it so, that you just get 10 mmr when you build agham

                                                                                Potato Marshal

                                                                                  Make blur into an active that dodges attacks (even through true strike) and spells for like 2 seconds.


                                                                                    Blur like VOID BACKTRACK


                                                                                      what about like blink strike can be cast a second time after the first cast? like you blink on someone and within 3 seconds you can cast it again at a shorter range


                                                                                        Who need this if you can spamming dagger to other enemies, wait for blink cd, imo^


                                                                                          increasing crit chance by 85% would be great.

                                                                                          Dire Wolf

                                                                                            AM aghs is at least as good as linkens because it reflects spells. Sure there are a few you don't want to reflect like lc duel, spirit breaker charge but that you can cancel that. CD is shorter than linkens and the regen on linkens isn't needed, plus aghs is cheaper. It's fine for am the way it is.

                                                                                            For PA aghs isn't needed, not every hero needs aghs, but if you wanted to do something fun:

                                                                                            Makes dagger a non targeted aoe. Range may need to be tweaked, I'm thinking 750-900, similar to bristlebacks aoe spells.

                                                                                            Other option would be blink strike grants a buff giving 100% coupe de grace crit on your next attack. So blink strike onto a target guarantees a crit on next attack.

                                                                                            also jdf8

                                                                                              increasing crit chance by 85% would be great.

                                                                                              yes, from 15% to a 27% chance :thinking:


                                                                                                How about aghs gives invisibility with fade time of 2 second. Gem, sentry, dust, etc won't work on her. She can only break invisibility when she attacks. Track goes away when she goes invisible.


                                                                                                  What about a new abilities pure autocast for 200 dmg? PA needs more buttons lul


                                                                                                    1% chance to insta kill?


                                                                                                      Perhaps make another skill that insta kills one hero regardless of hp with a 30 second cooldown