General Discussion

General DiscussionAre 3k players delusional?

Are 3k players delusional? in General Discussion

    Singedrafter are even more delusional, last of our game we had a pudge that even cant hook well although i assist em with my upheveal. He think he is a dendi


      My spec is such garbage lmfao, Something about the hero just does not work well with me.


        Did someone say out of control legion? I like playibg legion offlane, there isnt a single support that can trade hits with u, and only a few carries can too.


          My spectre sucks so much dick dude. Even when i get rlly farmed i cant win, my winrate is like 20%


            Lc offlane is so annoying to deal with, her q deals great damage and you have great lane stability.


              I just won a spectre game where I got ganked left and right with 700 GPM against people from your level although I made my radi in min 35 (after VG yasha aquila, decided to get radi anyway because the enemy just can't stop throwing lmao)
              Haunt timings is one the biggest win factor on playing spectre imo
              With people who don't know how to end games properly a well timed haunt can translate into an easy comeback


                how can one not win with spectre if he gets so much farm. take objectives. farm you obtained should help you win the game. and on spec if you get farmed think about what is it that stops you from winning that game


                  Ye if lane gets hard then i go talon and go kill the jungle camp and wait for the inevitable lane push, then sap free xp. If easy lane then i just walk at the supports and trade hits constantly. U can run them dry of regen rather quickly.


                    I can literally agree that 3ks are delusional as fuck. Esp. if you get close to 4k, so the last few 3900 matches literally makes you wanna quit.

                    You need a strong mentallity first, and you need to play smart and to minimalize your mistakes.

                    The jump between 3.9 and 4k is just mental barrier, if you're capable of maintaining high 3k mmr you will be able to get to 4k eventually.

                    With that being said, problem is also that a lot of 2ks/low 3ks that try to re-calibrate using a smurf will end up in 3.8/3.9 avg. games and probably ruin it, because the skill gap between 3.1k and 3.9k exists.

                    When games like that appear, the best you can do is accept the fact it's just one game and move on.

                    They will often say they are boosting/smurfing (their main is 5k/6k), but they are just delusional.

                    You can't blame them, rage at them tho. It'll just make things worse.


                      The biggest reason is that its too late and we r already raxed and i cant 1v5 em before we lose.


                        That is why you have to pick heroes that comeonline early, or strong laners. Ls, ursa, bloodseeker. Whenever the enemy team has a safelane carry that is useless early game i tell them to pressure that lane as much as possible.