General Discussion

General DiscussionAre 3k players delusional?

Are 3k players delusional? in General Discussion

    Each game some crazy shit happens that makes me kind of go wtf when i play with 3k players.
    Last game io raged that we had 2 midas on our team and trolled, then said report for midas
    Offlaners want to farm like they are playing safelane carry, and get mad that i tell them we need to create space for our real safelaner
    and people rage so quickly. I will rage but it takes a lot of shit for me to get mad but people get mad at anything, i told a support to please let me get last hits and he rages.
    what is going on in this bracket guys

    meteor hammer

      4ks bracket same shit and half the time its the 5k raging xd

      this game is planet of the apes



        me bws and haffy are the most delusional fucks

        2k indog monkey

          We're the most delusional fucks because we think we deserve to be in 3k because we suck
          Realistic 3ks are the ones that thinks they are better than everyone although they still goes for brown boots BF on AM


            I feel like i might be suffering minor retardation soon from dealing with all of this trauma you guys

            2k indog monkey

              Tbh pretty much most people below 5k are delusional

              Riguma Borusu

                you have 51% winrate in the last month, you're almost exactly as bad/good as your teammates (despite how retarded they are, they have redeeming qualities) so you should be asking yourself, why can't you rise with 60%+ winrate since everyone is retarded at 3k

                Ten komentarz był edytowany
                2k indog monkey

                  Everytime I see weird buildups or retarded crap like jungle I like to give them one more chance by telling them it's wrong, nicely
                  If the response is the typical "stop acting like a boss" "omg cancer" "sut up noob" I'll just mute and hope that the enemy team is retarded enough to throw the game or I was good enough to carry them


                    i love it when 2k players talk like they know how to play dota.

                    same with 3k, and 4, and 5... nvm


                      Everyone is delusional, and at least 98% are retarded.

                      Riguma Borusu

                        2k monkey: why do you think you know what's right or wrong? If I'm told not to jungle I will just mute the person and proceed to win the game for them because jungle really works bellow 5k.

                        Ten komentarz był edytowany

                          my dream is to someday be able to play dota

                          because right now all im doing is trying my best to be a little less retarded than everyone else

                          but i mnot succeeding, fml


                            Right now I'm trying to play with dogshit players so that I can be as dogshit as them, then return back to a dogshittier bracket where the players are even more dogshit than the players I am trying to play with, after which I will use my newly-acquired dogshittiness to raise the memer of the account which is in the dogshittier bracket, raise it equal to the account which plays with less dogshit players but dogshit nonetheless.

                            2k indog monkey

                              Because like 99% of people who jungle don't know how to jungle efficiently, that I'd think jungling is bad as a whole
                              Well I'll fix what I said, I'm usually fine with junglers who comes out after 7 minutes and help the lanes, and tell them to do that (ofc, nicely)
                              Well, most of the time I get typical responses like "stop acting like a boss" "play ur own game" "omg cancer bobo puta" and ends up afking for 15 minutes and comes out without any item and starts to feed anyway


                                @6 treants I never said i was better then them, stop looking for arguments on the internet kid.
                                re read my original post then try again fam

                                2k indog monkey

                                  Translation to Haffy's autistic words = "I'm borrowing Renshin's account to adapt to 4k gameplay and get some experience from it, and get back to my 2k account with that advantage"


                                    Look at me I'm delusional. Team holding me back, please report my team wohoooooo

                                    2k indog monkey

                                      Anyway, I'm not blaming them for my losses, since you SHOULD ONLY rely on yourself on solo MMR anyway
                                      I'm too dogshit and inconsistent to carry them every game


                                        Eyy you claimed a 3k account and declared it as your own, at least by my methods I'm actually raising my MMR through grinding. lmao

                                        2k indog monkey

                                          At least I don't have negative winrate in 3k, which means I deserve to be there

                                          Riguma Borusu

                                            @6 treants I never said i was better then them, stop looking for arguments on the internet kid.
                                            re read my original post then try again fam

                                            The tone of your post actually suggests you believe you are, because you point some obvious stupid shit they are doing. But you didn't say "holy shit I was so stupid to do this retarded thing", instead you talk about enemies/teammates and how you can't grasp their mentality, as if you are above them.

                                            Also, who are you calling "kid"? Are you 12? Because every single person that called me a kid ended up being one (mentally or physically).

                                            If you do not want to play in that bracket, with those people, you should just get better than those people and be done with them, instead you rant on the internet. Want better teammates/opponents? Play better. Ranting on the internet doesn't accomplish anything other than people looking at your profile and going "oh, but he's just as bad as the people he's complaining about". I am better than my teammates ON AVERAGE, and I am rising above when I play ranked, but I can't find it in myself to complain about everyone being bad because that's obviously to be expected, if I play enough games, I will escape any bracket up to about 5k or something, if I actually try to improve at all. It's very easy to complain about people being stupid without looking yourself in the mirror, but the reality is, if you're not even better than your teammates, you actually look like an idiot to anyone who's paying attention.

                                            @2k monkey: Well, that's understandable, it's just that it's not very helpful to be that way at the start of the game, if you don't see somebody coming out of the jungle for 15 minutes, just buy wards and block all the camps, and say fuck them or something, but judging per se is a very efficient way to accrue an exp and gold lead for the team in a fairly hard to punish way if it's a low mmr game.

                                            I went from 1.1k to 3.8k mostly by jungling efficiently.

                                            Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                            2k indog monkey

                                              Ofc it's my account now
                                              It was a trade in the first place


                                                u both are inferior to me

                                                i grinded my mmr and thats it


                                                  Tempted to trade my items with Renshin for this account for auto-win in the race. huehuehue


                                                    oh wait let me add something

                                                    i grinded my mmr and thats it, yet im still higher than both of you


                                                      @ 6 treants
                                                      are you okay fam lol you seem extremely angry for no reason tbh.
                                                      just relax lmao

                                                      2k indog monkey

                                                        Blocking all the camp would just make the game even harder for me to carry since the afk jungler would tilt and feed even more anyway
                                                        Talking to them nicely is my only chance, other than trying my best ofc


                                                          Extremely angry =/= Highly opinionated

                                                          2k indog monkey

                                                            Talk to me when you actually grinded 800 mmr in less than 200 play hour


                                                              If you want a good laugh check the people who are juuuuuuust over 4k. I once had a weaver flame a guy who was around 3985 or something close. Calling him 3k trash etc. The weaver's MMR you ask? Literally 4000 even. And that was before he lost.

                                                              Riguma Borusu

                                                                @monkey That was 50% a joke, but one game I did this when they were at our bottom rax and lifestealer still tried to jungle up a radiance. At that point, blocking the camp meant less farm for them, more so than the lifestealer.

                                                                Also, low 4k people are no better, as the above poster said, I get matched with them all the time, and yes, they are cocky as fuck but they are just either lucky 2k-3k players who just calibrated there, or somebody who's barely got into 4k, so they end up thinking they're above everyone when they're just as bad as everyone else. There are also a fuckton of bought accounts in this range too, it's funny to see somebody play 4000 games in SEA just to play the next 200 in EU West and win literally only 17% games. In rare cases, it's like 4.7k guys on a tilt who dropped really hard, or a smurf who plays on an old account, or somebody who literally has 60%+ winrate and is stepping their game every time. But those people are much rarer than the shitty kind.

                                                                In general, if you're bellow 5k+, every time you get teammates/opponents of the same MMR as you have you have a good chance to get retards, this is because not being a retard is not a requirement for getting that sort of MMR. Apparently it gets trickier above 5k where people have already started to understand how dota works and have to actually use some brain power to win games, but it's a no brainer that everyine sub 5k is bad, and that you are, too, and obviously, most of us really are (and do all sorts of stupid, unforgivable shit).

                                                                Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                                2k indog monkey

                                                                  Everytime I get tilted by my teammates I usually tell myself maybe they're good at teamfighting, or whatever, they must have some redeeming factor
                                                                  Helps me to keep my mood up most of the time

                                                                  Riguma Borusu

                                                                    ^this is actually a pretty good approach, rather underrated

                                                                    I mean, maybe my sven can't farm nc for big items because he's inefficient, but if he farms a fast blink and kills everyone by having good game sense/ teamfight presence, I will not bitch, for sure. The issue is, however, is that it's more likely that he'll just feed by jumping into fights he can't win, but hey, not doubting everyone right off the bat is already good enough.

                                                                    Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                                    2k indog monkey

                                                                      I've seen jungle LCs who got her dagger in minute 6 and starts to help everyone and snowball out of control
                                                                      I hope these people are now in 4k or above


                                                                        @ 6 treants
                                                                        maybe you are delusional lol


                                                                          Oh my.

                                                                          Riguma Borusu

                                                                            @2k monkey: It's definitely possible to grind up to 5k this way (I've seen it done), and once I get back to grinding MMR again (when I learn how the fuck this patch works), I'm aiming to get to at least 4200. Legion is a trash hero that's ridiculously easy to counter, but if you manage to outplay your opponents and gank lanes really fast, it's just capable of winning a good majority of games.

                                                                            @The positive teamate 2: sure thing, 51% wr guy

                                                                            Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                                            2k indog monkey

                                                                              Treants vs positive teammate 1v1?

                                                                              Riguma Borusu

                                                                                ^he'd probably trash me because I never play mid, but that's beside the point, he can't figure a way to get out of a bracket he dislikes, instead he makes a thread where he describes how everyone is retarded in it, so he loses by default. JDF8 (a 5k+ player) lost to vertoxity (a high 3k-low 4k player) at mid, because he never plays mid, and vertoxity mainly plays mid.

                                                                                Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                                  I hate having lc jungle on my team since the beginning of last patch, they either get their first duel 16 minutes in or they go treads first item or soemthing lol


                                                                                    and no id get shit on i dont play mid at all


                                                                                      and im not having trouble figuring a way out, you are gathering such random information and jumping to conclusions, it is hard to have a stable argument when you do those things fam.
                                                                                      I made this thread bc of the crazy shit that goes down in some of these 3k games, that is all lol.
                                                                                      Fr fam you need to learn to relax a bit lmao

                                                                                      Riguma Borusu

                                                                                        ^not that it matters though, we're both trashcan players anyway

                                                                                        Also, going treads/phase first on legion is perfectly fine, you just need a keen sense to figure out whether you go phase/treads first or farm a fast blink. Experience is mega important on legion too because level 10/12 are reeeeeeeally important so you want to farm fast, too.

                                                                                        BTW, I actually don't intend to trash talk people, I'm just a fairly analytical person, so if somebody says something that doesn't exactly correlate with the data presented, or is said in a tone that does not particularly suggest humility (while claiming it did), it kinda ticks me off, just like people who directly say their teammates are trash and they are gods.

                                                                                        Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                                                        2k indog monkey

                                                                                          If you guys are trashcan then what am I
                                                                                          I can't even get to 3100


                                                                                            I am used to lc jungles going treads, then farm in jungle till they also have their blink. then the first duel 16 minutes in happens lol


                                                                                              and @ 2k indog monkey
                                                                                              we are the same, there is not really that big of a difference in 2-3k imo, 1k however that shit is a mess lmao xD

                                                                                              Riguma Borusu

                                                                                                ^what the fuck are they doing in the jungle for 16 minutes? That's actually beyond retarded, a chen/drow team can take their first rax at that point, rofl.

                                                                                                That being said, legion can be very useful even without dueling people left and right, since the hero has a skillset that allows it.

                                                                                                Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                                                  yeah, when i tell them to try to gank mid or gank safelane they will say fuck off muted
                                                                                                  that is why i made this tread, crazy shit happens in these games fam lol

                                                                                                  2k indog monkey

                                                                                                    Simply because they have ego higher than the Everest
                                                                                                    "Fuck this little shit think hes saying im good with jungle fuck him little imbecile ima do my thing"

                                                                                                    Riguma Borusu

                                                                                                      Well, I had a game where we basically had 5 offlane heroes on the team, with me being safelane legion. We didn't have a courier until 5 minutes in when axe bought the walking one, batrider told me to upgrade the courier because he's not a support (and his pick was the only one that was even remotely resembling a support, bat support is pretty bad), and he also said legion is not a carry, too (even though that was the best scaling hero we had beside invoker).

                                                                                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                                                                      2k indog monkey

                                                                                                        I remember a braindead last pick AM when the team already has 3 cores that synergizes with each other
                                                                                                        "I know how to play"
                                                                                                        Rushes VG without boots, made it in 16 minutes, then bought brown boots, and went for BF, all while afk farming, and he got it in 25 minutes
                                                                                                        It's funny that some people think 3k is awesome and worth buying