General Discussion

General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion

    Roaming L to the U to the L
    pudge pudge pudge pudge
    Bane mirana earthspirit
    bane mirana earthspirit. We actually got 5 kill @min 1 win bane mirana es and not all in same place we went rune»mid»mid»top»tp bot all kills xd


      It's like ur not even trying lul ez page

      doc joferlyn simp

        last time i tried doing a lsat hit only lobby last year i used juggernaut safelane with the following conditions:
        1) no items
        2) creep equilibrium must be perfect (near my tower but not near enough for tower hits)
        3) no pulling/jungle

        iirc i did so shit xd


          I actually got a catapult and 2 creep cs under tower with 23+3 morph damage rofl xd

          doc joferlyn simp

            wanna play like a god with low attack dmg? dominate a kobold taskmaster and see how you fare at 10 mins

            Ten komentarz był edytowany

              Also if u wanna learn micro solo lobby is the shit naga and mepo and arc are the shit


                Thats not necessary ^ if u can cs with 26 damage only thing left is to know drow ranger's garbage attack animation and every other garbage one


                  Don't ple invoker in botmatches hahaa

                  doc joferlyn simp

                    i think micro lobby with tb (the hero) is far more stressful bcs the illusions dont last long and you need constant micro/casting, in comparison to naga which needs you to just send the illusions right after you cast


                      O shit i do so bad with online invo smh even with knowing combos and how to execute and farm and item builds :,(

                      doc joferlyn simp

                        drow attack animation is heavenly when compared to razor's xd


                          Clinkz atk animation. Is da best

                          mr. rabbit

                            razor's is one of the best dude, i would even go as far as its 3rd after sniper and gyrocopter

                            clinkz drow and lina are the real shit

                              doc joferlyn simp

                                razor has like 0.5 sec delay on the damage so you cant do clutch last hits after denying enemy offlaner

                                doc joferlyn simp

                                  bryant whys the only time you win with qop was with a meme build

                                  feel the call of the meme fam


                                    I remember squinting my eyes to last hit with gyro

                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                      sniper got me fucked more than gyro cuz i couldnt see projectile lmao, plus projectiles are ultra fast and attack animation is non-existent they just stop


                                        I can't last hit with gyro I don't even understand his animation ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


                                          Dude skadi was a legit pickup that game what are you talking about xd


                                            100 cs in 40 min game
                                            Wins it


                                              I actually o remember my first gyros when i was complaining theres nothing comong oout where does the damage come from rofl


                                                I coach only if i see talent

                                                doc joferlyn simp

                                                  i coach only if i see a guy with a pulse


                                                    I pick talents at lvl 10 😏😏😏

                                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                                      i played lina and didnt get the respawn talent, lost xd


                                                        3k has finally felt my OD 😏


                                                          My condolences to 3k

                                                          mr. rabbit

                                                            why would the lack of missile speed be a problem lmao

                                                            the moment u click on something it hits instantly making it rly easy to last hit since u dont have to take into account the missile speed

                                                            the only reason you'll miss cs as sniper is you're bad his base damage is low


                                                              Yo yo play bane mirana earthspirit invo + some carry it's the memest meme of all time

                                                              mr. rabbit

                                                                how come im a really thin person but my belly is huge af

                                                                makes me look like those really disproportionate titans in AoT xd


                                                                  Shingeki no kyojin in 2k17 hahaa

                                                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                                                    i cut myself on a rusty nail yesterday when swimming in the beach for a farewell party. if i die i want adarsh to receive my arcanas and the other items sold to buy bws an education xd


                                                                      No it's bc im used to hitting right click then s

                                                                      doc joferlyn simp

                                                                        yves thats too much info fam hahahahahahahaha

                                                                        prolly have worms or smthng, get that shit purged if you do


                                                                          lol since u sharing life stories i found out im not gay was really shocking


                                                                            I read porn comments ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                                                              wow adarsh thats some next level voyeur shit fam

                                                                              mr. rabbit

                                                                                aot just got a 2nd season u cuck!

                                                                                not planning to watch it tho since i already read the manga 2-3 years ago


                                                                                  Hey porn comments are pretty interesting


                                                                                    Rofl 90% of whT ive read was whos the girl xd

                                                                                    mr. rabbit

                                                                                      fuck never thought this 10 min cs practice could be so time consuming


                                                                                        124 with mepo if i tryhard i think i could get 130+ with stacks


                                                                                          Most I've read are "blablabla from x region send me ur kitty pics xoxo 081234567890"


                                                                                            What if my losestreak actually happens because I tried to be active in the mid game :thinking:


                                                                                              I have seen comments about how to install mine craft mods, how to plat dota and a lot of random shit


                                                                                                Someone come ple dota with me


                                                                                                  Then faith in humanity restored
                                                                                                  People actually use the comment section of porn for memes instead of trying to get pu55y pics


                                                                                                    Go retain your 1k mmr