General Discussion

General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion
1-IceTea 🌟

    ^Rat is the answer


      What build did you go for? If you dont build soul ring ull need to put acid once in 1min or 2 creep wave. The rest of time could be used to stack hard camp and med camp and farm med camp or just simply take rune and farm your hard camp.


        Hey fx lets swap account before I make another pile of -25

        Président® Salted Butter

          ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


            I always lose against magnus btw maybe I should start banning this free battle curry piece of shit gifter


              Best TB experience 10/10 would 2nd pick again
              Pick disabler pls oh yea lets pick a goddamn omni and necro support im 12 btw haHAA iknowishouldntblamemyteammatescuziplayedlikeshittoobutwhatever


                Oh shit this gon b a good antimage ga- *1.6k friend picks bloodcyka*

                  Ten komentarz został usunięty

                    @fx if u get harrassed in lane bottle i think but i generally like to send out 3 clarities and after im done with lane and going to jungle i use it and till i get back to lane it gives me mana for 1 more Q


                      Maybe I should become a full time support because I basically have become your typical core picking smurf :thinking:


                        play like me ppl. not that my playstyle is great but my picking style is honestly good. mark ur best position at the first sec. ppl are gonna show which kinda ppl they are in the marking stage. if they dont fuck off, u GOTTA fuck off from their lane or game is ruined for yall. if they do fuck off it means u could start out with a joke or smth and make quick friend resulting in good to okish comm. also if they dont fuck off and u gotta fuck off, u gotta know what role you best to worse then go from ur first best to 2nd to ... 5th. i know if im not playing mid/carry i do way better job at pos4/5 than offlane and i like to play a pos 5 that ganks like a rubick or cm or smth. u choose urs

                        Président® Salted Butter

                          ^ I always play pos 4/5 tho because that role is always vacant

                          If not 4, I go 5.
                          If not 5, I go 3.
                          If not 3, we lost because I can't play mid for shit



                            My best position is mid kappa

                            Président® Salted Butter

                              @bws if you want to practice support, start out as a roaming 4, because the 5 role is a little harder and is dogshit to play rn tbh


                                Check my weaver and slardar solo mmr games
                                Then check my CM game
                                U think I can't think that pos 5 slave is dogshit? xd
                                So triggering to play and it's not even effective

                                Président® Salted Butter

                                  STILL BETTER THAN YOUR RIKI KAPPA


                                    Dude you can just cherry pick one of your 99999999 account's hero stats
                                    Also pub doto LUL


                                      we usually win if i play slave pos 5, but why play and win with something i dont enjoy using

                                      greedy picks masterrace


                                        also sup venge in pubs is dogshit dont pick him carry venge is good shit just dont go push like shit with team too soon bc thats how ppl play her. farm the shit outta lane and jungle get treads lance and helm then go for pushes unless enemy runs to u like a retard and die giving u free tower


                                          I can cherry pick my 12 winstreak void and AM in 7.0x and claim that they're effective you know


                                            Why the fuck everytime I pick CM my team goes full retard
                                            "Oh we have a CM lets pick 4 man pos 1 lineup because CM is CM"
                                            If I pick shits like slardar or weaver my team goes like "oh yea 1 more support and we gucci oh wow dis guy is the shit he can roam wow lets team up and take rosh wow nice guys wow nice easy 30 min win"

                                            mr. rabbit

                                              we usually win if i play slave pos 5, but i cant play and win with something my mom banned me from


                                              Président® Salted Butter

                                                Being a solo slave is not rewarding in any mmr range below 4k, hell, probably even below 5k. I only play pos 5 in vhs when I'm sure that my 4 is somewhat competent, otherwise I play 4

                                                If I'm forced to solo slave, I just pick abaddon or something and adapt, not play a fucking oracle or dazzle

                                                Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                doc joferlyn simp

                                                  actually my mom's been chilling for a bit because applying for SHS allowed me the opportunity of bragging my 89 percentile even when i was playing dota. idk if that was effective now shes sad about what could have been

                                                  i can play a few hours a day now and then


                                                    Why the fuck people cant play BH for shit he's like the most braindead roamer ever track invis track invis what the fuck i just had this idiot who just tracks a goddamn hero on their jungle with invis on cooldown 4 sec and dies 8 times in a row the same way and he didnt even do any shit early game
                                                    Even worse than my goddamn riki

                                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                                      >plays meta heroes
                                                      >plays at high ping
                                                      >plays like shit
                                                      >goes 5-9 while being insulted by 1-9 slark
                                                      >loses 25 mmr
                                                      >plays paladins instead and reaches 4.6k elo with the pro players playing at 5k+ elo

                                                      this game is shit




                                                          that's because u guys choose to play slavelike. fuck dat shit i'll let a tard carry feed top instead of saving his ass and go gank mid twice in a row and then ask mid to come with me for smoke their safelane and make plays. the reason i like playin pos5 is i command the shit out of my team and they listen bc i ask only of ppl i helped recently

                                                          Président® Salted Butter

                                                            Because they're not sonneiko, pieliedie, or me



                                                              wanna see my losing streak? xD

                                                              i would give the first reason to gamenet's shitty keyboards and 4:3 monitors and cold AF AFFFFFFFF freezing shit[skd[ohkdh. i was literally shaking while playing invo :|||||

                                                              doc joferlyn simp

                                                                its funny as well cuz i act so toxic bcs who would enjoy playing like a slave to 4 ppl, catering to their every whim like an underpayed nanny is watching small children. they have no choice but to suck it up tho cuz fuck them and their >We need wards! spam lmao


                                                                  i mute shittalkers and do my warding job good enough i dont starve myself for ppl idk!


                                                                    I think I'll practice rubick
                                                                    Slardog and weaver feels too shallow for me


                                                                      I remember playing rubok on a smurf once although I lost I got commended and complimented by the enemy team :thinking:

                                                                      doc joferlyn simp

                                                                        i once played rubick at sub 1k mmr and i felt like a god with a pudge in the enemy team. good old duo stacks with raj with both our mmrs at 1k

                                                                        doc joferlyn simp

                                                                          man vampy chan looks so great ill be transferring this over from renshins acc lmao


                                                                            lul i got shit ton of commends in this acc like 24 in first 10 matches or smth!


                                                                              Anyone wanna accompany me for LP memes in 1 hour? If no then I won't play at all and play osu like a goddamn retard


                                                                                imma play in ~3 hours tho

                                                                                Président® Salted Butter

                                                                                  I can't play today xd

                                                                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                    koala fam go back to studying xd


                                                                                      ye ffs i gotta be studying rn s[ogjksdopgjspogjspggd' already 6 hours behind schedule


                                                                                        Haffy wanna pray with me?

                                                                                        doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                          cant, 10 pm almost bedtime :o

                                                                                          maybe i can sneak away tomorrow, will tell you when i wake up tomorrow


                                                                                            Eyy you probably live on a same timezone as me


                                                                                              hi again

                                                                                              doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                                maybe a few hours difference id say