General Discussion

General DiscussionBest hero for climbing SOLO MMR?

Best hero for climbing SOLO MMR? in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    I strongly disagree with omniknight. He is so weak in lane early, really relies on a strong partner in lane that he can just keep living and let them rock. He's awesome with certain combos like storm and he is awesome end game but you need to get to end game.

    Last picking is 4 pussies

      God no on Omni.

      Pick Doom, Axe, or Furion because if you can't win vs the jungle you probably shouldn't be playing. Yes I do realize these heroes are not best always jungling but bottom line is they aren't losing in the jungle and in some cases its better for someone on your team to have Offlane solo :)

      harvard graduate

        Pick Doom, go offlane. Farm Mek and blink - doom the fuck out of people - win game


          Anyone who disagrees with omni probably runs that shit as a safe lane support. That shit is garbage, omni off lane is op as fuck since people underestimate his nuke you can get easy kills. He's an off laner, not a lane support. 360 pure damage nuke on an enemy melee carry every 10 seconds with soul ring spam, gfg ty for +25 mmr

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            There's no such thing as a hero or group of heroes which will increase your mmr. Just improve your skill.



              trying to reach solo 4k as support,
              much fun

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              Dire Wolf

                Rabmosalad I have tried Omni off but against any competent tri lane he will get zoned out, even if it's a dual off unless you have another serious nuker/offlane harass like bristle or something. If you want to survive the disables then you must repel yourself and then you can't heal and they right click you down. If you heal the creeps to harass you'll go oom and no hp with soul ring spam.

                Last picking is 4 pussies


                  What you mean to say is improve your skill on the easiest heroes....

                  aka furion, doom, etc.


                    Every hero is easy in the lower brackets in the same way that the "easiest heroes" are hard in the highest bracket. Just stop with your bullshit already, and stop making a fool of yourself...


                      rofl kzz does omni offlane and hes 6k.

                      and how is omni not a good for for climbing solo mmr he has one of the highest winrates

                      to boost mmr its best that your hero ( im assuming 1/2/3) has as many of these traits

                      1. solo kill potential
                      2. killing potential as early as possible (eg. if you are way better than ur opps as ember u can get kills at level3/4 quite often)
                      3. ability to hold high-ground 1v5 (tinker, ember)
                      4. ability to secure early game advantage ( zeus, mek viper). good for team morale.
                      5. ability to be insta-locked and not get shitted on in order to secure desired lane

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                      King of Low Prio

                        I have yet to see a decent trilane in a solo que pub. Maybe because I only sit around 4k but the supports usually fuck it up by hanging around too long and soaking too much exp to make it work


                          who are u to judge if they are decent since they are at ur skill level lol.

                          King of Low Prio

                            because trilanes require much more skill and coordination that what you get at 4k. While they might be similar skill that skill does not translate to being good in a trilane scenario

                            is that a simple enough explanation for you or do I need sock puppets?

                            Ten komentarz był edytowany

                              Okay regarding to this thread, I want to add something about the question.

                              Best Hero to climb up MMR that doesnt affect your gameplay even if you team mate mess up?


                                ember spirit


                                  Best hero to raise solo MMR: Lion support. 6.52 seconds of lockdown plus FoD.
                                  You'll be setting up so many kills for your braindead carries that there's no way you can lose.

                                  Isaac The Ellimist

                                    Hero doesn't matter. If your below 4k your basic mechanics need work. E.G: your last hitting, sense of when to tp or not to tp to help teammates (assuming you even carry tp at that mmr, protip you should be). I can say you should be picking something that scales even if its support like wd, leshrac, visage, lich etc. You probably also get caught out of position and die alot.

                                    For fun I played a 2k mmr game the other day on a friends account. We had no wards so I bought them (as carry gyro). Teammates were out of position continually just walking down river or around jungle with obvious missing enemies.

                                    Anyways tl;dr: Playing op hero only going to help you a bit if you suck at the game itself.

                                    If your asking for what hero is the easiest to mechanically not suck dick at then go jungle doom. midas/phase/mekanism/shiva/Refresher. Then again I dunno it's pretty much impossible to not have good cs/gpm but the amount of active items may confuse you and im sure mek/shiva will quickly become something dumb like SnY and radiance.

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                                      How did this thread get so popular. I made

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                                      Last picking is 4 pussies

                                        I love how people act like all heroes are the same level of difficulty to play.

                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!