General Discussion

General DiscussionBest hero for climbing SOLO MMR?

Best hero for climbing SOLO MMR? in General Discussion

    I tried Tinker and I failed. more suggestions? im like so desperate for higher mmr im willing to play it like 300 times in a row

    King of Low Prio

      at your MM it doesnt matter just play what you are best at.

      and change your name, you look like a fool


        All heroes.

        Get better.

        Raise MMR.

        charged up

          1. get good
          2. pick good hero
          3. get good mmr

          fail on step 3 go back to step 1

          kanye went to uni

            Why not more Meepo; you seem to win a lot with him?

            Totentanz to The King: M ...

              Just have a brain, everything else is fine. Don't be like my team from last game for example.

              kanye went to uni



                  "US West players just suck ass together"


                    i didt get matched vs sing :(

                    kanye went to uni

                      "How can US West players be so bad"
                      "In Korea at least they were humble, in US West they just flame each other, but they're all bad"



                        Why does he have 3 pages of Puppey cards?

                        Also at your mmr, you should work on improving in general.


                          But i am gay for arteezy!!!




                              & thnx everyone! !

                              King of Low Prio

                                if u are gay for arteezy change ur name to '' to clear up any confusion


                                  güd idea


                                    Just pick what your team needs.
                                    If the 4 other players on your team all decide they want to carry, picking a tinker will not help you win that game. PICK A SUPPORT

                                    Void/Tide as offlane is pretty strong, hard to lose with those heroes.

                                    Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                      A guy managed to climb from 2900 up to 5400 MMR:



                                        what's been working for me is:

                                        1. say at start of game what role youre best at
                                        2. have a few "go-to" heroes for each role, just in case

                                        usually i offlane which I know i am best at, 2nd best would be carry.

                                        For me the heroes I've been gaining with are:

                                        Dark seer (pick vs melee carry)
                                        Lich (so good vs trilane)
                                        Tide (OP right now imo)
                                        Weaver (very easy to counterpick him though)

                                        Leshrac (love this hero, godly in solo pubs)
                                        Lich again (boring)
                                        Kotl (if you lane with nukers)

                                        Mid: Just Death prophet and Leshrac, because i really suck at mid LOL

                                        Carry: pretty much PL or Luna only, i find them fun to play

                                        Jungle: just Lycan (i always fail at NP but i like him too lol)

                                        Oh yeah and the second some teammate starts being all toxic and blaming/bossy, just mute him. I've found that below like 4.1k, everyone in the game is the same rating within 50mmr, so that flamer is probably no better than you are! Once you climb higher past 4.1k or so then you start getting 5-6k players showing up in your games (to carry you. Lmao)

                                        And don't forget to have fun, it's a computer game



                                          the problem is that juice is a 6k player playing against 2k players. OP is a 2k player playing against other 2k players.

                                          there's no specific hero for climbing in mmr. tinker didn't work out for you because you're not good with him. weaver got me into 4k but that doesn't mean it'll work for you. play the heroes you're good at, and if you're not good at any (which is why you're mmr is low in the first place), keep playing until you do find a hero you're good at.

                                          also get people to analyse your mistakes. you need someone who is actually good at the game though, they can point out mistakes such as suboptimal skill or item builds. bad players don't know what the best item or skill build is, that's one of the reasons that they're bad in the first place.

                                          Hex Sigma

                                            @andro that means i that it is good if i spam zues?


                                              I assume OP asked what heroes are more efficient to play in pubs to gain MMR. Juice demonstrated many of them. His progress would be much slower had he play random heroes. Of course, you will need to learn these heroes, practice and get better if you want any significant change in MMR.


                                                you should get veil more often on him, but i would say yes. 26 games isn't alot, but it's a good enough sample size if you're stuck at your same mmr (so it means you're facing against the same players). it'll go down when you face up against better players, but for now at least, it'll help you rise in mmr.

                                                play til you have about 50 games with a hero, then I reckon you can judge yourself fairly accurately whether or not the hero works for you.


                                                  and this is where the problem lies. people misunderstand the test to mean "playing mid will get you out of the shit tier even if you aren't good"

                                                  mid heroes are not more efficient to get you out of MMR if you aren't good with them. for me, the offlane was the best way to climb in rating. you could learn to play mid heroes, but how often will you get to play them. 4/5 games there's 1 person demanding mid before the game even starts. how often does the same apply to the offlane though?

                                                  yes you can learn the heroes that juice played, but you don't have to learn those specific heroes. you can learn any hero to the point you're good enough to contribute towards wins more often than losses, and if you pick an unpopular role, you're more likely to get to play the heroes you're good at.

                                                  Hex Sigma

                                                    ^i also like the offlane, but tbh i rarely get it. Solo that is. Most of the time lanes are 2 1 2.


                                                      If you pick one hero and request a random teammate to pick another hero you can pick a good combo that requires very little communication. for example Void and WD. Say at hero select that you will support with WD if someone picks Void then combo your ults every chance you get. You should win more then you lose doing this. There's probably a bunch of other examples such as Treant/Luna. Try it



                                                        Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                          counterpicking is best hero


                                                            Faceless void

                                                            Meepo (If you can play it)

                                                            Junglers, it gives your team more net exp and gold.

                                                            Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                                              Finally, another RTZ believer.

                                                              Anyway... Pretty much what sampson said first thing... general improvement.

                                                              the realm's delight

                                                                cancerous heroes like doom void


                                                                  thats how ti finasls were supposed to be casted

                                                                  Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                                                    I know right?

                                                                    I'M MID| FUCK OFF NOOBS

                                                                      dont pick any hard carry. they are team dependent in early. i like to play clock/bs/mirana/earthshaker/slardar/weaver/bristle. those are easy heroes.


                                                                        Which doctor and lich


                                                                          Counterpick the shit out of the enemy and you will win eventually. Or get very good at 1 hero, i mean play 100 games in a row with him, until you are certain that you know all about him. From there it should be easy to get at least 4k+ mmr.

                                                                          Ples Mercy

                                                                            It rly depends what u're playing against. If there is a lot of str heroes, go for timber, if there is no AOE, meepo, bad push or counterpush, lycan/furi etc.


                                                                              Pick bristleback. Just got done with a game where they played aggressive against bristle and he shrekt them. Every bristle back that is picked normally wins if his team doesn't suck so bad you are playing 1v9.


                                                                                aoe is good for meepo lmao

                                                                                high single target damage isn't

                                                                                Ples Mercy

                                                                                  Gl killing a single meepo without getting kited n shit. Since meepo is a flashfarmer you will have huge difficulties getting a hero with a high singletarget nuke in the mid let alone in the late game. Let's say shit gets till mid game, means u need an instant 2,5kish nuke which has to rek meepo, gl finding that pal.

                                                                                  inb4 all focus meepo bullshit:
                                                                                  bcause it's smart to focus all ur shit on meepo so the rest of meepos team reks ur sorry ass.

                                                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                                                    Skeleton king if they don't pick any counters (kotl, lycan, np cus of necro books, spectre cus of diffusal). Viper and sniper mid win games as long as you aren't a retard on sniper.

                                                                                    Lycan is good if they have no really long stuns like tide (blink ult, ur dead) or es (that fissure range is sooo long!).

                                                                                    Slark is good if no bloodseeker.

                                                                                    Lich is good if your team picks all carries before you get a chance to pick.


                                                                                      Keeper of light the master of harass

                                                                             (PL wanna combo lastpick giff me mana, he suck, we had luck)
                                                                             (Axe was a pussy and a moron. But we had a eazy early and game)
                                                                             (Dominating at the second min.)


                                                                                        I have been playing a lot of antimage lately, all you have to do when your enemies try to push is to cut the creep wave in that lane. Delays their push to the point where you can actually carry

                                                                                        You just have to play heroes that revolve around your play style. I am really good at being elusive around the map so being a rat fits my style

                                                                                        Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                                          id say doom, since hes always so impactful anyway no matter the pick etc


                                                                                            git gud son


                                                                                              Mirana but you have to be active on the map dont be a carry.


                                                                                                Improve game mechanics and game decisions. Wouldn't say there's a way to simply get higher mmr. Improving skill is the best way.

                                                                                                Unless you spam mirana xd.


                                                                                                  INVOKER its ez juist play invoker 1000 times then you get 5.5 mmr

                                                                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                                                                    Doom is always impactful but he's actually quite easy to shutdown if the enemy team is a bunch of strong early heroes who have good physical dmg cus doom has very low armor early. Like axe, legion, centuar, they all take your doom and laugh at it, then rape you with physical dmg. Doom needs to grab a quick midas and farm to get ahead and get some armor or utility items so if your team feeds all the other lanes before 20 mins it's hard to come back imo.

                                                                                                    Ten komentarz był edytowany


                                                                                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!