General Discussion

General DiscussionCheck your DOTA2 Skill Rating (DSR)

Check your DOTA2 Skill Rating (DSR) in General Discussion

    Outworldzilla vh vh

    High matches I had cos played with nub friends in queue,and that even doesn`t mean I played vs noobs,cos I get noobs in my team as well and game is balanced.I m in very high bracket 98% of matches at my main acc,I can pubstatsdota show you if you want.

    Nerf at Od 6.79 is so litle,even you played at least 1001-2300 matches 6.78- so you played no nerfed Od too,and your kda and win rate still sux.How did i faked my statistic?Wanna me play now Od solo queue 5 games in arrow to show you a litle bit how i ll play it?

    If you play top pages at solo queue ok. than you are good. But still kda and win rate you must improve alot and overall skill potencial.

    Ten komentarz był edytowany

      i also imagine ^this guy being counterpicked all the time, so.. ye life's hard.


        Btw site doesn`t work anymore is like closed when try to enter :>


          This is why valve doesn't release an ELO score.


            its being updated

            Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

              "High matches I had cos played with nub friends in queue,and that even doesn`t mean I played vs noobs,cos I get noobs in my team as well and game is balanced."

              No, it's not. I rarely play in High I almost never play in Normal skill. Last time Normal I went 42 kills and 7 deaths, it was a shit game simply where I overextended all the time because I got bored so quickly. If you can feed from your enemy because he is low skill then it doesn't matter if their carry can farm fast, because you're just going to kill him instantly.

              The nerf to OD's base damage is really little (3), however his Aura got removed for items which basically means no Astral Spam in midlane anymore by abusing Buckler. More importantly, OD used to be able to steal all your enemies mana, and now he just gives all the mana back at the end of astral duration. In result, this means that Astral imprisonment is now useless if you want it to prevent enemy casters from constantly harassing you with spells, in fact it is counter productive, because you give the enemy more mana "back" than you steal from them (if they were at 0 mana already when you cast Astral, they will still regain 130 mana).

              "If you play top pages at solo queue ok. than you are good. But still kda and win rate you must improve alot and overall skill potencial." I still have a lot to improve in terms of map awareness and in terms of not overextending (didn't really focus on these aspects in the past), I'm also starting learning cooldowns and mana costs of other spells now (such as Cold Snap for example) so I can handle enemy heroes better.
              With my solo queue I have been on the top live pages pretty often already, after TI3 not anymore, mostly because I'm getting countered very hardly (since people realized OD can be dangerous). Most of my games have at least 1 or 2 counterpicks (Razor very often, although I rather consider him as food now that I learned to deal with him), however, more importantly, my enemies are constantly tryharding against me.
              It's because if I first pick OD and are called Outworldzilla, enemies apparently get afraid of me (or simply get mad because they hate firstpickers), so they seem like they need to have at least 3 heroes permanently at mid, and up to 2 others constantly roaming to my lane.
              Of course this doesn't happen every game I play. But it happens really often.

              Yes, I wanna see you pick OD at least 3 times in a row as first pick (i.e. instant)

                Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

                  Hm, I think it's not a good idea to put the root passwords and everything into it...


                    Someone said Valve officially has 3 brackets now: Very-High(25%) High(25%) Normal(50%)

                    But is there a citation on this? It can't be the replay filters thing since the devs already explained those aren't used in MM.

                    Ten komentarz był edytowany
                    Woof Woof

                      that someone was relentless

                      Double Agent

                        Yeah, and he wrote a book about it


                          so, what happened to the site?



                              Ten komentarz został usunięty

                                Libertarian, Volvo just hide it.


                                  compare this
                                  with this

                                  two guys with similar number of games and similar winrate but

                                  WHY THE FUCK the first guy got DSR 600 and second guy got DSR 300 ??


                                    more strangely, the first guy has really shitty KDAs.

                                    Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                      cause the first one owns the system
                                      thats whats u want to hear right?



                                        yup. he made dat stupid system to make him look less stupid.


                                          so is relentless the guy that made this system or is it someone else

                                          cuz the guys name is fear something and thats close to relentless' dota1 name



                                            I don't think you understand that people with high winrates doesn't necessarily make the better players, and people with bad winrates, doesn't make them bad players.

                                            Everyone needs to get this through your head: winrate and amount of games played doesn't correlate to your skill level.

                                            Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                              Going to test by playing 20 games solo. Should be fun :(


                                                1653 nukkaz

                                                get on my level

                                                Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                  When does this update? Does it ever? My score hasn't updated in 2 days.


                                                    It looks like more changes are being made so the site is down for updates.


                                                    Judging by the distribution provided, not all accounts were as close to 1000 DSR as I thought they might be. But still it is good that a rewrite is being attempted since the distribution is nowhere close to the %'s indicated with each bracket. It's possible that there is a decimal point error on this graph.

                                                    Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                      @ whoji
                                                      First guy is Huskar picker with 17.5% of the time with 56.8% winrate. 2nd guy stacks harder so lower DSR. If you look at highest winrate with a 'this month' filter, you will see why.


                                                      You had 49 games under 50% winrate and he had 7.


                                                        @whoji, winrate/KDA/etc are all secondary, the heaviest factor is who you played with/against

                                                        I scored 4 goals last night during a match, am I better than Messi?


                                                          @Relentless So what's correct the percentile tiers or the graph?


                                                            pls calculate my dsr i nid to know

                                                            Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                              Can you calculate my friends, it's broken atm.


                                                                discussions like that just shows that major community wants a ranking system... volvoplss


                                                                  Player number 104121972 DSR is:
                                                                  Dang i need to find pro team nao #roadtoti4


                                                                    I am betting both the graph and the percentile tiers are wrong. But the graph probably shows the general distribution correctly while the percentile tiers have no connection to reality. The graph seems to just be miss labeled. The space under the curve should integrate to 1. But it looks like it would be more like 0.1, suggesting a typo, wrong decimal point.

                                                                    I'm glad there are more attempts at this since it continues to bring attention to the need for a ranking system. But if you put out a non-functional version of any website you risk losing all credibility fixing bugs. It would be better to wait until you were sure it worked.

                                                                    This one is quite a bit better than the last attempted rating system, but its still got some major problems so far.

                                                                    Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                                    Not Griefing
                                                                      Ten komentarz został usunięty
                                                                      ✪ Imperfection

                                                                        Hi Please please please can you calculate this DSR for me?



                                                                          After the second update of measuring algorithm I have
                                                                          distinctly lower score, than some my friends, before the update - I had higher score. And yes, I'm sure they are not "pro", but the site thinks another way.


                                                                            If the majority of incoming points when you win are related to who you played against, there must be somethings like:

                                                                            - 5 men stacks should gain less points compared to 4
                                                                            - 4 men stacks should gain less points compared to 3
                                                                            - 3 men stacks should gain less points compared to 2
                                                                            - 2 men stacks should gain less points compared to SOLO players if they win.

                                                                            Its little tricky i guess, idk system can see if you are solo or not but every time i play solo (%90 i play solo) im against 5 or at least 2 friends, sometimes 2/2 - 2/2...

                                                                            Consider them noobs, i will lose great amount of rating and they normally will have better kda against me.
                                                                            This can be, according to the creator nearly 150-200 points for one hell single match.
                                                                            But if you bring a system that i lose less point against team-ups and they earn less also, it would be AWESOME.
                                                                            In that case, if i win against solo, i must earn more compared to "everyone solo" matches.

                                                                            In this match, i was SOLO.
                                                                            And if im not remembering wrong, my team mates were solo too.
                                                                            And they were 5! Im pretty sure they were...
                                                                            I would not pick offlane mirana if i knew they were friends but gods blessed me for that match and made a little KICKASS ARROW SHOW luckly. They should lose MORE, am i wrong?


                                                                            d -

                                                                              Trying to get my DSR since monday but im still in the queue...

                                                                              "Player number 40042717 skill rating is still being calculated. Currently, your position in the queue is .
                                                                              Each hour, 6000 players profiles are processed. Once you reach position one, you will be able to see your score here. "

                                                                              Can you fix it please?

                                                                              i have 5 reports to use

                                                                                LOL skynet has 534 dsr, no wonder he's butthurt


                                                                                  Come on guys, stop flaming.


                                                                                    i was 1.3k dsr then i dropped to 355 overnight for no games played?


                                                                                      You dropped because they changed the system. ie. your win rates/kda were decent (aka, not shit), so you got a high rating on the old, performance based rating system, however the newer model weighted your games more on the skill level of the matches you were in, which is a much more important factor


                                                                                        1606 and it's wont change since I played 6 games


                                                                                          Skynet how one can play so many dota2 matches and still be so bad?


                                                                                            ah thanks terrible

                                                                                            Jay Ashborne

                                                                                              Is this avidity-kun's website? o.o


                                                                                                Initially gave me ~800 (Listed as Gold), then ~300 (Listed as Bronze), now ~1700 (Listed as Mithril). I'm confused.


                                                                                                  Btw dont forget to click on that link in bottom right corner.

                                                                                                  ✪ Imperfection

                                                                                                    "Player number 101495909 skill rating is still being calculated. Currently, your position in the queue is .
                                                                                                    Each hour, 6000 players profiles are processed. Once you reach position one, you will be able to see your score here. "

                                                                                                    Please help, I get this error when trying to calculate my friends DSR.