General Discussion

General DiscussionCheck your DOTA2 Skill Rating (DSR)

Check your DOTA2 Skill Rating (DSR) in General Discussion

    Is it wrok? How to update it?
    My DSR won't change. It was the same 2 days ago. Anyone know?

    Ten komentarz był edytowany

      I don't think anyone's has changed, but I could be wrong. The top 20 list is the exact same, and mine hasn't changed either.

      Chat d'eau

        "Player number 15298775 skill rating is still being calculated. Currently, your position in the queue is ."

        Well, it doesn't seem to work for me. :(


          Please wait a while after submitting your request. There is a waiting queue for the requests.
          Player number 112403506 skill rating is still being calculated. Currently, your position in the queue is .
          Each hour, 6000 players profiles are processed. Once you reach position one, you will be able to see your score here.

          Chat d'eau

            I feel you bro. :'(


              Mine doesn't update either, is there a way to update? My profile same as the first time I have tried.


                that rating is crap. don't waste your time waiting for update

                Древний Ящеръ
                  Ten komentarz był edytowany

                    My rating somehow dropped 170 points since the last version, and I haven't played a game in the intervening time. Huh. I do like the graph showing the statistical distribution of ratings.


                      what graph ? where is it ?



                        It's the second line of the Update Notes on the DSR page. "- Current DSR distribution for all of the submitted profiles can be found here." The "here" is a hyperlink.


                          dont trust this site, im a fucking garbage player.


                            oh i top2 lol :DD 1775

                            lil oxy

                              What does "Gold DSR" Score means?


                                my score doesnt change, ive played over 6 matches. btw ,its impossible that i have only 245.

                                Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                Llama Said Knock You Out

                                  RIP DSR

                                  EZ MID 9k mmr


                                    Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                      dip dsr

                                      Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                        As for me it hasn't changed since the update almost 1 1/2 ago. How about you guys? I had the impression it changed your DSR everyday.


                                          i hate you dsr guy because you seem like the dumbest shit ever but at the same time you probably accelerated the actual implementation of ranked mm so at the same time i'm really grateful


                                            @SKYNET Mine didn't change after 6 matches. And the site has been offline for me all day.

                                            Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                              Why RiP? I was actually liking that site :(

                                              Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

                                                Why do you think being intelligent enough to create a machine learning (AI) algorithm is "the dumbest shit ever"?
                                                I want to see you build a better one if you think that you are more intelligent than him.


                                                  look, i do think this rating could be correct, when no-one parties. I think it bases it's points mainly on the skill class the player is in. When you do good in your class, you can get the highest possible points for that skill class. e.g. you play in normal, so you can never get a pro rating, the max will be something around 800 (i think). Based on your last 20 games. I've a irl friend (don't blame me for being arrogant plz) which is far worse than me.(played 1v1 to check) BUT he constantly plays solo queue, so in his skill bracket. His skill rating is 750. I play with friends, parties, ... This makes my rating a lot lower (200). Because i never play in my skill bracket. So if you want your rating to be accurate, DONT party up ;)

                                                  EZ MID 9k mmr

                                                    214 DSR suits you well

                                                    Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                      The almighty Losfer with a score of 569!!

                                                      Unemployed, and aint cheap!


                                                        You should look at your link again if you see 569 - then I am blind. On my screen it says: 293, this player has a silver score.


                                                          Weird. Must have changed after i posted. I do have a fantastic avatar though!


                                                            Player number 0143687236 skill rating is still being calculated. Currently, your position in the queue is ....what the hell does this mean?


                                                              I never understood why the best players were the most bitter.


                                                                for some reason site refuses to calculate my rating...


                                                                  @Concede The reason is e-peens obviously.

                                                                  Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                           is BUG !!!!!! @親和性 '


                                                                      My E-Penis is tiny apparently, even smaller than my friend who only has around 90 games played! In all seriousness though, it isn't just my rating which I believe to be skewed, several of the better players I know are rated lower than some of the newer/worse players I know. I'm rated at 182 btw! A friend I spoke to earlier rated at 700 conceded that I was a better player than him and was surprised to see my rating. Oh, in b4 'you got a low rating, u mad'.


                                                                        You got a low rating and you are retarded:

                                                                        If you stacked with players from wildly different skill levels, your result will be skewed.


                                                                          There's no need to be unpleasant. You wouldn't speak to someone like that in real life so why do it on the internet? I am aware of the stacking with players thing - the majority of the time I was stacked with average players, which does not explain why my rating was so low.


                                                                            This is so skewed lol. I'm not saying I'm good, but this... just lmfao


                                                                            just... lol at the algorithm big time. Download his games and watch pls.



                                                                              really really broken not worth paying attention to or getting worked up about

                                                                              Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                                near, it seems that you ARE a good player though, judging by the fact you play very high bracket games (at least previously). I have had a mixed bag recently, having played many games with average players, playing either normal or high bracket (mostly normal) and a couple with my newbie friends. When I queue solo, I either play normal or high, and when I play with my other normal/high friends we often play very high bracket and there is a noticeable difference in player skill. I still often do well in these games, especially if I'm playing one of my better heroes. For someone with a 182 DSR to be able to even make an appearance in a very high bracket game is crazy - the algorithm is beyond broken! I feel there is definitely some correlation between better players and a higher rating, however it certainly isn't always the case. Before publishing something like this that could potentially put a lot of players off, it needs to be accurate. I'd be fine with my rating if I felt it was correct, but given the fact that players I KNOW are worse than me are ranked MUCH higher, it's pretty demoralising. This is one of the reasons Valve was holding off releasing its own MMR figures, except in their case - it would be accurate.

                                                                                Here's an example:


                                                                                The Invoker I was mid against is rated over 1000. I am rated 182. I won mid against him, and we won the game. Obviously people have good and bad games, but losing mid to a player ranked over 5 times lower than him? Alright then.

                                                                                His DSR:

                                                                                My DSR:

                                                                                Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                                                Lai 赖™


                                                                                  check mine please :( i cant check


                                                                                    i agree everything with my finnish low skill player, DSR actually forced valve to do something and they decided to release ranked matchmaking after 2-3 years.

                                                                                    have fun comparing your "DSR" which is unbiased while real men played ranked mm


                                                                                      @FameGG: on what base do you think 200 suits me? Maybe it does, but then explain why my friend's rating is 3x times higher while i can easily beat him and when i play with him, the other players are definitely in a lower bracket than in the one i play. I'm just saying this isn't accurate, but it made Valve think about ranked matchmaking, so THAT is nice ^^

                                                                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                                                      Der absolute harām boi


                                                                                        how can this player be nr 1?

                                                                                        looks like super standard average player to me, shit rating

                                                                                        Solo Leveling

                                                                                          What 708... :(


                                                                                            // pls stop talking about from trash site

                                                                                            Slow Hands

                                                                                              My rating won't show for some reason, just been saying this for ages now "Please wait a while after submitting your request. There is a waiting queue for the requests.
                                                                                              Player number 86875992 skill rating is still being calculated. Currently, your position in the queue is .
                                                                                              Each hour, 6000 players profiles are processed. Once you reach position one, you will be able to see your score here.