General Discussion

General DiscussionDOTA is dying - change my mind

DOTA is dying - change my mind in General Discussion

    Sad that valve don't care about it anymore. Hope I at least see crownfall act 4 before it's all over.
    Meta - dead, last year we had 5 months of absolute Nessaj dominance, after that - 6 months ob absolute n'aix dominance. Now - soon 4 months of lina and WR dominance, though it's not as bad as it was with the previous 2.
    High-MMR matchmaking is dying, mostly smurfs and transfusers. Even on my pretty low level, half of the players that are here should never be here.
    And pro-scene is dead as well, old players leave, new ain't coming. Same names, same rosters for last 2 years, they just shuffle it here and there, 8/16 TI teams would never qualify to it in the better years, some really smell like 322


      True true

      Dota 2 Department of Onco...

        People have been saying this for five years.


          People have been saying this since 2017, but sadly the game just doesn't die.

          o`hanra hanrahan

            Hope it does. Dota2 is the new TF2. They dont do anything about smurfs, account buyers or other bad people like it.
            Compendium has nothing either.
            Valve does not care at all. And its better that this game dies off. Better that then get turned into TF2.



              (minimum is 6 characters)


                True true absolutely

                u suck kid

                  yes the newer generation has fewer people with the attention span to play dota, they need their dopamine and they need it fast, you can't watch skibbidi toilet tik-tok reels while playing dota 2, that's why COD is more appealing


                    well hard truth but that the reality the boys (maybe girls) who played this game long time ago are now have responsibility to take care off and it taking times to do it. No more time for party with your friends in weekdays play it until midnight. 1 game can take 40 minutes maybe more, basically we just dont have time to play this more cause the responsibility (maybe job, family, etc) :(. Especially kids right now more often like to play games in mobile rather than pc.

                    it's personal this time

                      Been playing DotA since the Warcraft III (Frozen Throne) dayz, pretty much from around 2008/09, and switched to Dota 2 in 2014. I think the game right now is in the best stage ever, the only thing is the professional scene is somehow dying. Valve need to react to this, so they fix upcoming TI's to be more exciting and of value to the game(Ryadh Masters or whatever they are called currently provide more money in the tournaments with their arab gold more than everyone else - no disrespect).

                      But talking about the casual Dota that we all love, the pubs and the fun, last update was the biggest update ever to the game, I can tell you that for sure. No match. Not even the scepter update nor the shard update are close to it from the past 6-7 years. The hero pool is expanded from what it was when I started playing as a child by 50% or more. New mechanics and items make the game gradually increase complexity, which I personally enjoy.

                      p.s: I had a 4 year break from the game when I was in college from 2019 to 2023, so in the last 10 years since I switched to Dota 2 from DotA, I can say I only played half of the time consistently.


                        ^ nahh, the biggest update is 7.00 when they introduce talent tree, and it also happen when playerbase at its peak and pro scene going crazy good


                          7.00 ruined dota Basedge


                            Getting New players in my matches they're either dead weight at the draft picking stuff that makes me want to claw my eyes out (Game extenders :AM or Necro while they suck at the hero) or they pick decently and then you lane with them and you realize omfg they're dogwater as they start to feed and blame you. In the last 4 days i've had at least 4 carries pushout by THEMSELVES to the enemy t1 tower while i'm pulling to just get 1 last hit then die for it and blaming me for "not being nearby". I also had a guy yesterday watch the entire enemy team come under a ward singing Kumbaya as he's farming under tower being surrounded by murderers. Then he dies instantly and goes "where are you warlock?" (I was stacking for him). Not only is this mentally frustrating but I quite literally have to hand hold and igl my teams to victory or I might as well not even consider playing dota unless I expect to lose. I find myself needing to explain "hey if you go high ground without roshan we're probably not going to win the fight-goes high ground anyways and we lose the fight then lose the game, because we were lazy and didn't want to take a single team objective in a team game. Go play COD if you want to play solo.


                              Dota has been "dying" for 7 years now

                              Boat Anchor

                                Seems like it became a lot more dull once the map was made a lot bigger.

                                The fact that you can smoke your team and go looking for a gank and not find anyone is very telling.

                                I never saw this happen prior to the map change. Way too many moments during a ranked game now.

                                Player count would be a lot lower if not for the current event and new hero.

                                I only enjoy Dota in turbo now.


                                  who cares


                                    dota is dying since day 1 kekw

                                    haru yo koi

                                      Dota’s too hard, skill floor is too high. Kids would rather play Fortnite


                                        Actually it would be cool to get more big updates, not like once in 2-3 years.

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