General Discussion

General DiscussionPA Itemization

PA Itemization in General Discussion
Тихий Дэн

    Do you guys prefer PA with manta or PA with Deso? Which is better in your opinion? Personally, I used to play PA with BF>Deso but now I am more into BF>Manta. It helps a lot during the team fight and farming wise. Feel free to share.


      Manta because "farming wise"? Idk about that but bf is already good farming item for me.

      I usually do:
      bf > bkb or bf > deso or bf > aghs

      flourishing new leaf

        I find PA tricky. They can kite your bkb and then you're could be obliterated super easy. I think the best is to go for high risk high dmg gaming with her. If you've got a good dmg dealer mid that actually contributes, you could go sturdier build with bkb.


          Isn't desolator better for PA?

          another day in paradise

            you can go manta too if you need it, but deso is a core item on PA for a reason...

            bf deso bkb is the build 95% of games. sometimes falcon blade + maelstorm can subsitute for bf and sometimes or you can go for early echo sabre or something but generally that is the build

            6 divine buyer enjoyer

              bf->bkb->deso (23min)


                If i see a pa buying manta in my team im breaking my item


                  Buy echo sabre instead.
                  For some reason my PA echo sabre hero guide get compliment. You get more control, tankier and easier to hit your crit since you hit twice.