General Discussion

General Discussionhow to stay PMA

how to stay PMA in General Discussion

    i just shadow amulet afk earlier today because my pos 5 is like intentionally griefing and taking my last hits. tbh i dont mind if my pos 5 is genuinely bad and doesnt understand how to play the lane, but if i have a pos 5 that intentionally and purposely ruining the lane i just dont feel like playing and giving them mmr because they dont deserve it. how do i change my mentality from that to a more positive one?


      leave the lane and go woods or as pos 5 players do go on the offlane.


        please help guys i lost a lot of mmr because of shadwo amulet afk. i wanna stop doing it but i just cant handle seeing them getting a win after griefing intentionally


          keep doing it. it's good.


            @practice i wanna show those retards that im not afraid to get reported and have low behavior score if they intentionally grief, but idk if its worth it cause i already lost so much mmr because of that. im probably like 2k mmr higher than my current peak if i had not throw every time i get intentional griefers on my game


              Yes, please do more cancer on purpose... Two negatives certainly turn into a positive in Dota.


                There is no solution other than murdering him irl. once we get rid of all the cancer in the world, the rest is pure

                You give him 0 lessons. majority of these cancers have their profiles public and feed on hate comments. thats how they carry on their miserable lives. thats how define themselves. you just make the situation worse for yourself by losing behavior. the one hurts here is you, not him.

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                      i can see why you suffering this much and quite surprising its all well deserved.


                        Kowareta gave you good advice but you sought to dis him.
                        No sympathy from this lizard.
                        Keep playing your LP matches.



                          Wait sorry i had to read kowa's comment again. I just realized that the "him" that hes referring to is actually "those griefers". I was like so confused because of that, i thought hes referring "him" as me. My bad, i sincerely apologize for my bad manners (English isnt my first language so im so sorry for that)


                            @gecko yes, i apologize. i got the wrong understanding of his comment. i'm terribly sorry for that


                              plus i thought he was still toxic in these forums like he used to be, i guess he changed now

                              Hexy Rose~

                                kowareta is never wrong trust my man


                                  This game is just a giant theater I swear, with people who will grief you in slightly tilting way, and then increase the intensity by the minute to test your limit, and then when you talk back, bam that's a comms report. If you do anything other than pretending to try, bam a gameplay report incoming. If you are actually shadow amulet or doing anything very obvious, then grats that's LP. But nothing ever happens to whoever that's at fault at first.

                                  I have been to 4k and back to 10k, and now waiting for my 4h ban at 6k. This game is fucking shit as you are required to have monk level patience all the time with all the shit your teammates INTENTIONALLY throw at you.


                                    every time i get a huge loss streak or just feel bad/tilted after playing i always come back to this video by bsj : . it helped for me and i hope it helps you!

                                    tip: use mute button and just focus on your game. creep stealing is a thing in all brackets but it often happens in lower brackets best u can do is just not tilt and focus on your performance. dota is a mental game so try not to get mad/tilted, do the things that you can control. also try to watch youtube videos about Stoicism :)! it really connects with dota and life in general!

                                      Ten komentarz został usunięty
                                      Slim Shady

                                        Or you could quit this game like me, have a happy life, get a good job and look back at this torture of an experience as:

                                        What a fucking waste of time, and effort, dota 2 is a game that requires the most out of you for absolutely nothing


                                          @slim shady but what if i wanna go pro in dota?

                                            Ten komentarz został usunięty

                                              Change your name to neverTilt it helped me become reformed <3


                                                PMA is a skill in Dota. Better players can stay PMA in your situation. But even those players who stay PMA still think like you "They don't deserve MMR" :lick: