General Discussion

General DiscussionLC as pos 1

LC as pos 1 in General Discussion

    Any pros and cons on this would help. Thanks


      she can carry from the offlane if you win duels , she can't carry from the safelane if you don't win duels

      '96 Neve Campbell

        Pros: None

        Cons: Does literally nothing late game compared to any conventional pos 1

        Only pick LC as a 2 or a 3, people who pick it safe lane are clowns like the people who pick axe and sniper as a pos 1

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          There are better pos 1 cores. Her kit is designed for early-mid domination. No point wasting that potential on safe lane.


            @parmaviolets she does more damage than the average pos1 hero if you can win duels ..


              if you can win duels

              That's what makes LC a inferior pos 1 compared to other cores.
              pos 1 that consistently gets stronger with farm is always better than a pos 1 that depends on team coordination to get stronger.

              '96 Neve Campbell

                @parmaviolets she does more damage than the average pos1 hero if you can win duels ..

                Not really. LC is a strength hero so you have to build more attack speed to maintain the same dps as agi cores which scale attack speed more naturally. Also the fact that you actually have to somehow win duels as a safe laner just to output the same damage that agi cores are outputting is a stupid prerequisite to come online for a pos 1.

                Also a safe laner likes to sit in the safe lane and maybe jungle for like the first 20 minutes. What is the point in picking a hero like LC that wants to roam the map as soon as they are level 6. The safe lane and your jungle is already wasted space from <10 minutes onward. Always pick a hero that wants to afk farm in the safe lane, never a hero which is super xp reliant like sniper, never a hero which needs to roam to scale like legion, and as a rule of thumb any hero which has blink dagger as a core part of their early game kit apart from ursa (who is probably a better mid anyway lol)


                  The only pro I see is that the ult is very good against the little shits with escapes, cores that the enemy team might rely on to win such as AM, Storm, QoP, Slark. But this is something you're supposed to do as pos 3 already. As pos 1 you normally farm faster and don't have to rely so much on your team to win duels earlier? But that's a very weak pro and not even guaranteed. She's good vs some melee, tanky offlaners that other pos 1s normally have trouble with since she can manfight from the start. I had to really stretch it to find some semi-pros but truth is there's a reason why you see her in the offlane. She needs items for attack speed, to constantly win duels otherwise items for dmg too, doesn't have a natural stun or slow and the ult can't be thrown randomly just to lock people in place like a Sven throws his stun, 'cause if you ult in the wrong situation you give free dmg away (which is even worse as pos 1). So if she approaches, people can literally just walk away. So you need items that compensate for that too. If enemy team sticks together, which is what they tend to do when they see a LC in the enemy team if they have half a brain, it's pretty much gg alot of times. If you're getting pressured early and are at a disadvantage you can't even say "let me ult to get out or use my stun/escape". But if the game allowed you to have 20 item slots and enemies were so kind to wait 4 hours for you to farm all the items you need and stack enough dmg then holy shit sign me up for pos 1 midas LC.


                    The problem with LC is that she can only duel one target... And in the late game you need to just go at it with the entire enemy team more or less. If you are tied down to just one target, it is not very good. Of course you can build Battlefury and Mjollnir for some aoe damage, but it is not a very good pick... She tends to fall off in the late game and that is when the slot 1 hero should be the last best hope of his/her team...

                    Basically your ability to burst down an enemy with duel gets harder and harder all the time and if you are indeed jungling, you are not dueling. One of the best space creators is a LC 3 with the supports roaming around and dueling everything in sight. That will pretty much pull attention of the entire enemy team and the mid and safelane core players have all the space in the world.


                      pros: Very strong laner
                      can hit towers, but only when enemys are dead

                      cons:no native farming ability
                      no split push
                      no rs potential
                      cant use w on himself when stunned

                      she could be on pos 1, but you would have ur initiator on pos 1. a blink bkb timing could be very strong. if I would build a team around it I would want smth that can push and bait for lc to safe and counter initiate (maye dp, beastmaster if we dont take a carry for that role). If we are going for smth like that its probably a deathball lineup and you want rs potential. So you need a frontliner that can push and rs potential on pos 3/2. I could see it happen in captains mode to felx lc as pos 1 to get a nice pocket pick. But for All pick I dont see a reason for it since lc will do the same shit on pos 1 as on pos 3


                        Pros: can jungle if lose safelane.