General Discussion

General DiscussionHave FREE Covid tests "stopped" in your area?

Have FREE Covid tests "stopped" in your area? in General Discussion
'96 Neve Campbell

    Whatever im literally a libertarian socialist I do not believe a word of what the government tells me but I still think you are an insane person. Imagine even thinking world governments are intelligent enough to stage this kinda conspiracy, you have to be an imbecile to believe it. In this country they cant even hide the fact that the prime minister has been having parties and shit in his house and you really think every one who is in on the covid conspiracy would be
    A) competent enough to hide it and that there would be
    B) absolutely no whistlebowers among the millions of people you would need to go along with it.
    Hilarious really, next you will be telling us about how they faked the moon landings and that biden is a lizard person


      Really? The criminal billionaires and trillionaires who own this world being capable of this sounds strange to you? How do you think they became that rich in the first place? They are capable of literally anything.
      a) They are. It always makes me smile when about their government people say things like "wow they're so bad, can't they see that this is not working? Can't they see that x is creating more problems/unemployment/taxes/anything? They have no idea what they're doing, even I could do it better". Now stop and think for one second. Use your brain. You're talking about the richest people in the world, or better, those who are used like puppets by the richest people in the world. Those are the only ones you see, you'll never see who's behind them pulling the strings. You don't see Vanguard and Blackrock, you see the smaller businesses owned by them. We are talking about bankers, economists and politicians with 20-30 year long careers, the puppets I mean. The reason why things go to shit is because THEIR MASTERS WANT THEM TO GO TO SHIT. But of course they have to put up a charade for the plebs, pretend there's 2 main opposite parties, pretend they hate each other, pretend they're doing their best to do things in your interests. Otherwise who in their right mind would ever elect or listen to them? Or, most of all, trust them? Think for a moment and look at the world from a bigger perspective. Yes, technology helped people, health and sanitary conditions improved. But the work situation has become unstable, salaries went down and prices went up (if you live in the euro zone), what some decade ago was considered perfectly normal like owning your own house, now is a huge priviledge. Life itself has become unstable, people have become increasingly narcissistic and distant from each other with social media, mental illnesses are on the rise also because of them (Instagram especially), you are not only tracked everywhere on the internet but also bombarded with messages telling you to consume more, to buy more, to follow this and be that. Countries have lost their sovranity (euro zone again), they don't print their own currency, they have "public debt" towards the EU, they have to follow EU directions otherwise they get economically punished, spread is used as a weapon, they lost their freedom and in return the citizens of these countries have lost theirs. In Italy people haven't elected their own president for like 10 years at least. They put 3 technocrats one after the other just to destroy the country at every turn. And the citizens are left out of any single decision. Unemployment is high af, but their concern is to "save" the poor poor migrants, aka flooding the country with poor people who will accept jobs at slavery level salaries while caring to give them free houses but leave the other ones with no job nor places, which will in turn piss off the citizens and this of course 1. enhances racism, divisiveness, pretty much war of the poor 2. ha! fucking slaves who will work 15 hours a day for 10 €, are you kidding? Deal mofo. Same modus operandi in the US, movements like the SJW and BLM were created by them to enhance divisiveness and cause what pretty much are civil wars. All this words to basically say, it's divide and conquer. All their doing is divide and weaken people with the excuse of "inclusivity and equality". See the hypocrisy? Now the war is actually on white people lal. People are ashamed of being white. They removed tests and are planning on removing maths because "it's racist" since black people are statistically worse at the subject. Can you fucking believe this? They're using the racism excuse to justify literally anything and to dumb people down. They simplified the school system, what is taught in them. Complementary to this they're offering dumb entertainment 24/7 to keep people distracted and retarded. These are just very few examples but my point is, these masters literally dictate people's lives, the culture, what they will be doing, the goals they will have, they move freaking mountains. All of this requires decades of planning and decades of actual slow changes. So slow that people don't connect the dots, why? Because by the time the new change comes they've already being conditioned to get used to the previous one. Slowly but surely. Slowly more poor, more divided, more controlled (just look at all the emergency states we've had in the past 2 decades, from terrorism to economic crises), more unhappy and now more unhealthy. I understand this is a very complex topic and I also now realize that I shouldn't be so aggressive when exposing things because I always forget that most people don't actually research or spend as much time trying to understand the world as I do. Not that I'm bragging for doing it but literally, it's not a very common thing. Most people just live by the day, don't question things, don't connect dots, they just wanna exist possibly peacefully. So when I come in with concepts that took me even 10 years to gather, of course they will sound alien to most or the new conspiracy theory of the month. Lex is right about the tones I use and I will stop. But the things I wrote? Man do your independent research. Don't ever stop thinking with your own head. You'd be surprised to find out how many things you think are your own ideas but they're just things influence coming from the outside. As usual I went on a tangent but this is the root cause of all the problems. People are not aware, not just of covid but of anything. Don't exist on autopilot and let these power and money obsessed retards take over the world. They don't want your interests, otherwise the world wouldn't be so unhappy.

      b) there's so many. From the cute nurse releasing short videos to vent about how she can't take it anymore with all the lies and the toxic environment in the hospital she's working in to actual people of relevance. The former WHO employee Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger ( - original video, Reiner Fuellmich, one of the biggest advocates in the world, a guy who fought the Deutsch Bank in court defending simple citizens. Dr. Robert Malone, the actual CREATOR of the mRNA technology in the '80s, he warned people and his twitter and Linkedin accounts were deleted, he was also removed from the mRNA technology Wikipedia page (they gave his credits to a Pfizer affiliate lmao), there's many videos of him. And you know who directly pretty much said it? THEM LOL. They always announce what their plans are, always. But people don't listen. Gill Bates more than 1 year ago said this plandemic will end in mid 2022, nobody wondered how he knows. He also said the next one will be much worse. Again, nobody wonders. The president of the european commission, Ursula von der Leyen, stated that this is one of the many pandemics to come and that it's best to get used to it and be prepared. Fauci himself said it lmao ( - original video in the article). You'll be surprised to find out that all world events are their plans with specific purposes. They literally own the world after all, the FED, Vanguard, Blackrock, everything. It's logical.
      P.s. reason why you see many people actually follow the narrative, hospital workers and whatnot, is because they're either scared of losing their jobs, or actually stupid enough to believe the narrative because they're people after all, or in case they hold management positions because the amount of money they get for complying with the lies is outstanding. They're humans, play with their emotions or give them the crumbles they crave and they'll comply. But there's many others who spoke against it, once again, look it up. Original videos and not articles, people talking about fear regimes in their workplace, not speaking up because they'd be left alone since most just want to keep their job, no ICU emergency since march 2020 even when they were saying hospitals were full, many cases of people dying 'cause of the vaxx and their colleagues hiding the correlation, everything.

      This is my last message. Since I'm not like the government you are obviously free to act as you wish and believe in what you wish, but my suggestion is to research and think. You don't have to believe in order to search, you have to search in order to believe. And you don't know how much I hope I'm wrong, I personally get nothing out of this.

      Ten komentarz był edytowany

        Holy shit that is a lot. But phew, as I wrote it's my last message. Do what you wish.

        '96 Neve Campbell

          Holy shit


            >I say to the schizo that i wont reply to his essays because it would be useless since he has his head too far in his ass
            >"haha u got no proofs"
            >Some mad lad actualy post proofs and calls the cospiracy fan boy an hax because of his "Proofs"
            >he then writes an essay which basicaly sum is "NO U"

            Jeez if someone could predict this end...


     your beloved billionaire telling you straight in your face that 2 jabs don't do jackshit (and that of course the new flavour of the month is the way to go 'cuz you have to keep chasing body-weakening experimental meds like doggos chasing frisbees). I know people who got so caught up in this mass psychosis, justifying the unjustifiable and defying any logic who got covid with light symptoms and said "yea I got it but I'm vaccinated with 2 doses you know, so it's just some cold" LOL little do the beautiful ape know that this IS the common flu and cold and that the experimental poison is 100% irrelevant.

              But I've been thinking about it, especially after my amazing experience in 3k lately, you're all absolutely right please get all the jabs humanly possible if you're 3ks. Don't be shy and double down, 2 at once even, go all in. Don't listen to me or the CEO of Pfizer, he's a conspiracy theorist too. I see guardians also prolly need them since they proved to be such brilliant minds, maybe even more brilliant than my 3ks. Please go ahead and have a meds buffet, it's very safe and effective.

              Ten komentarz był edytowany
              Slim Shady

                Basically, if anybody needs to see for themselves how terrible the dota 2 community is you can link them this thread or half of this forum posts and it will most likely deter them from going on a path of virginity and loneliness


                  if u hate this game + community so much why dont u just quit the game and not look at this forum, engage in something u like instead.

                  Ten komentarz był edytowany

                    ^Will quit once I get to the previous mmr. Btw thank you for watching a replay of my game, dunno why you wasted your time with it.

                    @Slim Shady why terrible, I said you're right, the jab is 100% safe and effective no? Did you take the time to watch the Pfizer conspiracy theorist or does the truth hurt too much? In Italy they woke up after 2 years to admit in court that the deaths were caused by criminal protocols and not by covid and that actual, real cures were banned and the doctors that proposed or used them were illegally slandered and persecuted. It was also officially confirmed that the reason why ICUs were full was because of said criminal protocols put in place with that specific purpose and not because of the flu itself. Now people got guilt tripped and scared so much that it's gonna take a million years for them to accept the reality of things. Like they say, fooling people is easier than explaining to them they got fooled.

           it's in Italian but you can use an automatic browser translator.
                    "By binding the doctors, the government has actually prevented the citizens from receiving early home therapies, causing the paralysis of the health care system and bringing the hospitals to collapse, with the dramatic consequences that thousands of families unfortunately know very well".
                    This news was reported on multiple italian sources, even the ones owned by them (that are strangely starting to speak up against the narrative all together all of a sudden), so no "scam sites".

                    In other articles, again from multiple sources, it was stated that the number of covid deaths was pumped by 27 times compared to the actual number.

                    Yes I do hate people for how stupid they are like I said in the beginning, but it's a general thing and not just this community, and yet am still here trying to wake them up.

                    Ten komentarz był edytowany

                      There is no such abomination as libertarian socialist. Where did you get that from? Socialism is from Karl Marks book and what differs it from communism is a tempo of implementing changes but the outcome is almost the same. We have socialist government right now who claim to be libertarians as well, while our economy is on a verge of collapse.

                      Socialism is a system where the biggest beneficiary are elites, while middle class is being artificialy removed step by step with taxes and regulations making it unprofitable to work in general. Socialists believe in "social equality". In reality it means implementing so many tax regulations that force people to be equel. They have equealy nothing in such system. My country experienced that 33 years ago and I hope you never taste the lack of everything, where a piece of meat is a luxury.

                      The purest socialism was implemented with force by Stalin. True liberty indeed, where 60 million died because of central regulations that caused artificial hunger. So called kulaks were class enemy. Now its unvaccinated people.

                      Permaviolets its very important for you to understand why there is no such thing like libertian socialism is that they always burden working class. And its never the wealthies ones. You know how are wealthies people described as in Poland? People earning more than 1800 dollars a month. Never again please dont write such a BS.

                      Ten komentarz był edytowany

                        All of you are massive losers especially the ones who argued here + me

                        Ten komentarz był edytowany
                        '96 Neve Campbell

                          Lex respectfully you know about as much about political ideology as as my fucking cat, and she aint a smart cat either. If you think the Soviet Union was libertarian, or that Stalin was a socialist, then you are a clown plain and simple.

                          Ten komentarz był edytowany

                            First of all parma shut your mouth and learn how to read and listen to people who's parents and grandparents lived in this system. You're delusional guy thinking you ate everyones mind. What is wrong with you? Seriously how dumb you have to be not to understand irony? "True liberty indeed."

                            Secondly google "What was Stallin definition of socialism". Stalin himself implemented pure socialism by the book. The abomination you created in your mind is not socialism from the book. But what can I know with my master degree right? In my country if u said something like this in public, you would be laughed at and no one would ever invite you anywhere again. Where are you from?

                            You probably mistake socialism with present social money distribution. In todays true red socialism only methods changed (where money distribution to the poorest is just one of them), final outcome remains the same. And its the only difference between communism and socialism. Tempo of implementing changes and non violent methods. Whenever I talk to people that claim to be libertarian something I already know they have absolutely no clue what they talk about. And they always go into denial mode together with being abusive.

                            Ten komentarz był edytowany
                            '96 Neve Campbell

                              Secondly google "What was Stallin definition of socialism". Stalin himself implemented pure socialism by the book. The abomination you created in your mind is not socialism from the book. But what can I know with my master degree right? In my country if u said something like this in public, you would be laughed at and no one would ever invite you anywhere again. Where are you from?

                              Pretty funny cause I am Slavic descent and I am telling you that the Soviet Union was not a modern socialist state. Authoritarian Stalinism is not socialism, it orientates around the creation of a 'dictatorship of the proletariat' designed to prioritise the military-industrial complex at any cost. That is not socialism, stop allowing the reactionary stories of your ancestors distract you from political science, just because they lived in a system does not mean they can define said system. They may THINK that they were living in a socialist state because that is what the USSR masqueraded as, but the reality was they lived in a national-Bolshevik police state. The USSR was a token socialist state, if you want a genuine socialist model to follow look at Denmark, Finland or the Cuban welfare state not tinpot dictatorships like the USSR and China. The USSR was a repressive dictatorship which killed working class people and China is a predatory capitalist state which contributes to corporatisation.

                              You probably mistake socialism with present social money distribution. In todays true red socialism only methods changed (where money distribution to the poorest is just one of them), final outcome remains the same. And its the only difference between communism and socialism.

                              You can't tell the difference between ideological communism, communism in practice and libertarian socialism. I am not a communist, I do not believe in mass wealth redistribution, I do not believe in the class struggle. I believe in an ethical capitalist free market which actually benefits the people who support it instead of just the people who own corporations; that is distinct from a shithole country like the USSR which was founded by people who had a naive understanding of human nature and how economics work in practice.

                              I talk to people that claim to be libertarian something I already know they have absolutely no clue what they talk about.

                              Then you are probably talking to right libertarians who want to abolish the age of consent and bring back slavery. I am not even that libertarian anyway I associate more with democratic socialism than left libertarianism, I only really have libertarian views with regards to policing and surveillance laws.

                              Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                "While some historians view Stalinism as a reflection of the ideologies of Leninism and Marxism, some argue that it stands separate from the socialist ideals it stemmed from." So there seem to be some problem here with definition, but lets leave that.

                                According to Karl Marks, socialism is lower-stage of communism. He used socialism and communism interchangeably. The system you talk about is socialdemocracy which is something totaly different. So maybe thats why I understood you wrong but good you explained.

                                Well we seem to have very simmilar economic views. Apart from one thing, that I dont believe in socialdemocracy because we have one in Poland right now. Maybe it worked in some countries (by fair tax/money distribution) but we have very bad experience due to 1 thing. We have much less economic freeedom than small companies in China. Mind blown ? No. We are lead by true socialist ideologues that believe in "social equeality". That means they burden companies with outrageous taxes right now to support the poorest they say. In reality they are trying to fill the huge budget hole. Its leading year by year to further economic collapse.

                                So the biggest beneficiary of socialdemocracy are corporations because they are usually very mildly taxed, while the middle class is burdened to cover the costs of the system.

                                In my opinion you have almost pure rightist point of view.

                                Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                  shut up nerds

                                  Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                  '96 Neve Campbell

                                    According to Karl Marks, socialism is lower-stage of communism. He used socialism and communism interchangeably.

                                    Marx did not use the terms interchangeably, to him they were separate systems even he believed that socialism would lead to communism. BTW, it is easy to stop a political system from advancing toward communism at the socialist stage, Marx only thought communism was inevitable if the people truly pushed to achieve communism, most people do not want communism so the system will end at at a socialist welfare state most of the times when applied in practice.

                                    I dont believe in socialdemocracy because we have one in Poland right now. Maybe it worked in some countries (by fair tax/money distribution) but we have very bad experience due to 1 thing. We have much less economic freeedom than small companies in China. Mind blown ? No. We are lead by true socialist ideologues that believe in "social equeality". That means they burden companies with outrageous taxes right now to support the poorest they say. In reality they are trying to fill the huge budget hole. Its leading year by year to further economic collapse.

                                    Poland is not a social democracy. Duda is a right winger, the Law and Justice party is a right wing populist party, further right that most conservative parties. Poland has no social democractic system in place. Ironically most countries that rank highly for economic freedom are countries which have forms of regulation and social welfare policies in place; New Zealand, Denmark, Iceland, Finland and Switzerland all rank higher than state capitalist countries like the United States. Taxation against companies should be a priority for any government, the only issues with it is corporate greed encourages companies to relocate to places with favourable tax rates. The reason Poland's economy is shite runs a lot deeper that taxation policy. Also for the record, Poland has the same corporation tax rate as the United Kingdom and a lower corporation tax rate than the United States so this argument that taxation is trashing your economy really does not stand up to scrutiny. In fact, from what I can gather, Poland has a pretty strong economy compared to other Eastern European countries so I am not even sure what you are talking about.

                                    So the biggest beneficiary of socialdemocracy are corporations because they are usually very mildly taxed, while the middle class is burdened to cover the costs of the system.

                                    Simply false, any actual socialist state would raise corporation tax and a wealth tax on the super rich whilst easing tax burdens on the middle and working classes. In the post-war period where most countries embraced Keynesian economics, corporation tax was as high as 52%, whilst tax rates on the poor were lower. You have the likes of Ronald Regan and Thatcher to blame for the current system of fucked up tax rates, bad wage growth and high inflation, not socialists who have not had any real power over the economy since the 1970s.


                                      Marx did not use the terms interchangeably

                                      lmao I copied this from Encyclopedia :D But I guess some random guy on video game forum knows more.

                                      Poland is not a social democracy. Duda is a right winger

                                      Im speechless of how much maybe not dumb, but huge lack of knowledge you have. Mr Duda is called "The pen" for a reason. Party is led by completely different person who is not even a Prime Minister. PiS party is only rightist when it comes to culture aspects, they are 100% pure leftists when it comes to everything else and every Pole knows that. But I can understand why you say such BS, you cant know it. You dont live here.

                                      any actual socialist state would raise corporation tax and a wealth tax

                                      And thats exactly what they did. :D But ofc not for the corporations because they are too strong and can easily influence legislation. They tax'ed the wealthiest. And you know how much "the wealthies" people earn a month by PiS party definition in Poland? People that earn more than 1800 dollars/month. :D Curtain.

                                      Poland doesnt have the highest % taxes but we will be n1 now with the most complicated tax regulations in the world soon. We are in the top now, right behind Italy. We have western prices and eastern salaries, while purchasing power of money is decreasing. We also have stronger economy that some African countries, oh come on. :D

                                      You seem to know something, but you only scratch the surface and make wrong conlusions here and there. I have to say I admire your confidence when you have absolutely no idea what you talk about. :P

                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                      '96 Neve Campbell

                                        lmao I copied this from Encyclopedia :D But I guess some random guy on video game forum knows more.

                                        Your understanding of Marx comes from a random encyclopedia on the internet, mine comes from reading his works and years of political study, so yes some random guy on a video game forum knows more about Marx in this circumstance than some random internet page, yes.

                                        And thats exactly what they did. :D But ofc not for the corporations because they are too strong and can easily influence legislation. They tax'ed the wealthiest. And you know how much "the wealthies" people earn a month by PiS party definition in Poland? People that earn more than 1800 dollars/month. :D Curtain.

                                        Poland doesnt have the highest % taxes but we will be n1 now with the most complicated tax regulations in the world soon. We are in the top now, right behind Italy. We have western prices and eastern salaries, while purchasing power of money is decreasing. We also have stronger economy that some African countries, oh come on. :D

                                        You seem to know something, but you only scratch the surface and make wrong conlusions here and there. I have to say I admire your confidence when you have absolutely no idea what you talk about. :P

                                        I literally do not see what the relevance of using the actions of a government led by a right wing coalition in an Eastern European country has to do with modern western democratic socialism sorry, you are grasping at straws. The ruling class in Poland is right wing, the governing coalition is a right-wing bloc. Describing them as socialist is fucking stupid when by your own admittance they have raised taxes on people who clearly are not wealthy, this is the opposite of what a socialist party would do unless the people at the top are taxed far more. Your government is dominated by people who were members of anti-communist movements in the days of Soviet puppetry by the way, they would likely laugh at you if you called them a socialist.

                                        Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                          Ten komentarz został usunięty

                                            Seriously are you high? Or just your ego cant stand that you are wrong?

                                            How can you even think that you know better about my own land? Where are you from? Well.. on the other hand idc. You seem more like a smartass than a person to discuss with. Farewell.

                                            Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                            '96 Neve Campbell

                                              You deflect instead of actually saying any accurate counter point. My paternal family are from Poland, my Dad often mentions how the ‘racist’ government there are just like the shitty right wing fascists who run the government of this country as well. Stop pretending the fucking eurosceptic right wing populist law and justice party is socialist cause its comical.


                                                Fascists lol story cool bro. I feel sorry for your father then, that he raised such a naive person. But I guess an apple doesnt fall far from the apple tree.

                                                Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                '96 Neve Campbell

                                                  Yes continue to deflect thats fine buddy


                                                    Yo guys the famous dystopian movies director Gill Bates just announced the second season of Plandemic and said it will be more rich in adventures and deaths, as the main character will be as contageous as the moronic variant but more lethal. Date of release should most likely be 2025.
                                                    Meanwhile in Italy the anti-farce people will be limited in WHAT THEY CAN BUY IN SUPERMARKETS.
                                                    Wait, what were we fighting against again? It's not the 0.02% death rate lab-created virus? Ah we're fighting democracy? Oh then it's a very effective measure, the former JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs banker that no one has elected ever has been doing wonders really. Decades and decades of apes going to church, to school to study history and pretending they gave a shit about what happened during the Holocaust during the memorial day and look at them nowadays. The same apes. Don't know about you but at this point I'm really looking forward to the second season finale.

                                                    Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                    '96 Neve Campbell

                                                      The government here are arguing with headteachers cause the government are abolishing all covid restrictions including wearing face masks in school. But yeah im totally quaking in my boots over how the government are restricting our freedom over covid 😂


                                                        Not everything revolves around your asshole. And what matters the most to them is that you got the poison, season 2 will be so fun with all the psychotically terrified zombies deprived of their immune system. Cannot wait, you see in the end I agree with average retarded sheep about everything. More jabs needed and cannot wait for communism and season 2.


                                                          I dont believe in Bill Gates stuff but Ive seen today many materials connected with and what he say. Tbh its terrifying. He is not informing about the next pandemic. He is threatening the world that IF they dont allow to set worldwide ministry of Health that would be a start for a new world order, there will be next more lethal pandemic.

                                                          I never believed this stuff but studing what their fundation did in India and Africa give me shivers. They truly believe that there are too many people in the world. They estimate lack of water and food in a couple of decades. But its all BS since developed countries have problems with lowerr number of people every year. Even China have problems with new born childs. Thats exactly what Elon Musk said in public and why they didnt invite him into White House. Because he is not a psycho like Bill and others we dont know.

                                                          If this wirus theoreticly was created artificially then its just a test for the final exam.

                                                          Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                            ^"...He is threatening the world..." exactly. Only the firestarter knows when the next fire is gonna be. This firestarting eugenist happens to unofficially own the WHO since 2016. And most people still think he's this prophetic philantropist insterested in saving the world LMAO. India has been trying to give him the death penalty for years for what he did, there's tons of countries he's not welcome in. Little Epstein's friend. The virus was 100% lab-created and this whole thing was set up, there's physical documents stating it. Project Veritas is the group that more than others dug deep and exposed it. A literal real life Squid Game, all programmed, just like all the other past and future crises, from terrorism to the upcoming climate crisis and famine. Gill is in fact already working on making sure there will be food shortage, much sooner than you think.

                                                            Physical reality is a literal simulation and humans will suffer through the same cyclical, devastating historical events until their conscience wakes up and breaks the illusion. This cycle exists both on an individual, personal level and on a collective level, as above so below. The current first plandemic has helped the collective consciousness wake up a bit, but we're still at coma levels as you can tell from how the vast majority of the world population responded. Needless to say, I'm expecting to not be understood and be called a tin foil hat nutjob again, but this cycle of chaotic duality is what keeps humanity trapped. Again, both individually and collectively.
                                                            Spiritually speaking, being forced by karmic law, evil always has to announce what its plans are. This is why they always openly say what they're gonna do next.
                                                            "They truly believe that there are too many people in the world", yep. They've been saying it through direct announcements, books, agendas, movies, music, the Georgia guidestones even, for decades. People don't take such messages seriously because they're spiritually blind. They call plebs useless eaters because of this. On the contrary, they are VERY spiritually aware, this is where the cults I was referring to come into play, they worship Saturn and know astrology. See them as humanity's ultimate challenge for spiritual awakening. They're basically trying to purge the world from the unevolved and unaware, "useless", souls that are still too materially inclined. The useless, the stupid and the weak. Paradoxically they're trying to make the world a better place. But again, not expecting to be understood.
                                                            Honestly Elon is a billionaire and in the same circle as all the others, not to mention he owns his own company developing brain microchip techs. Again, just because he gives warnings it doesn't mean he's not following the same script the others are following.

                                                            "If this wirus theoreticly was created artificially then its just a test for the final exam" bingo, had to plant the seed of health psychosis first and condition people to accept having no real freedom, following absurd rules that create distance between each other, being tracked down for everything, getting locked up home, taking experimental gene poisons and of course they had to destroy people's health, especially the youth's one, to prepare for the real mass genocide (that btw has already silently started, +30k deaths than normal only during autumn in Germany, +40% yearly deaths of people aged 20-50 in the US, none of them covid related but guess what the cause is).

                                                            The new reality, the new world order, starts in the mind first. Its practical applications are just a consequence of the blind psychological compliance to that mental state of slavery. This is why you hear them constantly talk about obedience, responsibility and compliance, some even directly say you have to accept the new world order (Australian politicians during a conference around November last year). This is what I was trying to make Parma realize while he was cheering for his fake regained freedom, they changed the way humans perceive reality and their own peers. "Reality" is now made of constant health threats and other humans are not peers anymore but potential vehicles, therefore enemies to distrust and keep away, of said fabricated health threats. It's complete disunity/duality/chaos. I'm not a catholic but damn if this doesn't look like the Apocalypse I don't know what does.

                                                            '96 Neve Campbell

                                                              Maybe you should go tell your therapist about this stuff, they are the more appropriate audience


                                                                If you weren't so busy pretending to be a raped girl or one with cancer just to steal people's money you might actually learn a thing or two about spiritual existence.

                                                                '96 Neve Campbell

                                                                  Yawn, dont see the relevance of what happened in my past when you are insane in the present


                                                                    The relevance lies in the fact that if instead of committing your psychopatic little crimes you had spent your time learning about phylosophy and spirituality (and politics considering the discussione with Lex) there would be one less ape on this planet defending experimental jabs, calling crazy everything he doesn't understand and just repeating "hihi but in my neighborhood we're free to herd now" in the middle of a totalitarian regime.

                                                                    '96 Neve Campbell

                                                                      See the thing is with you is you are so deluded and clearly dissatisfied with your own life that you have to seek refuge in this alternative reality constructed by other conspiracy nuts as a way of coping with the anguish they feel. Where did you get your political degree? Or Lex? The fact you would speak on these things that you know nothing about and even suggest that I know little about politics when I hold actual political qualifications and spend much of my life doing political research is laughable and testament to how ignorant you are. Reality is often disappointing and mundane, and whilst the temptation to look for alternative truths is there, its a fools errand for uneducated people. Its funny cause I was once a lot like you, I used to spend my time absorbing myself in absurd conspiracies, paranormal activity, mysticism. etc. Now that my life is in order, I have a clear mind and can see how retarded I was, maybe some day you will come to realise how absurd your beliefs are; if not now, when some time passes and your life is unchanged from how it was in 2019 and you realise that covid was nothing other than a pandemic like the other many pandemics that came before it.

                                                                      By the way, if you want some actual tyranny to lose your shit over, maybe have a look at the Patriot Act and the Prevent Initiative. Actual laws in place which have a permanent effect on all of our freedom, instead of inconsequential vaccine mandates and lockdowns which will have no bearing on our lives in a year.

                                                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                        So for you it's out of this world that a person is interested in questioning existence and digging in abstract, philosophical and even esoteric/spiritual concepts for the sake of understanding life. One must necessarily be dissatisfied, can't be innate intellectual curiosity and an intuitive bend of mind, because that was your experience. And of course they know nothing, because you say so. And it's all nonsense, despite all the evidence and investigations regarding the cults and all the thousands of years old philosophies and religions that are based on those concepts, because you say so after getting into such topics out of despair. Interesting. If you have a bad relationship with abstract thinking and prefer to rely on your tangible, university piece of paper to feel like you know something in regards to how the material world politically works then you do you. But don't go calling people uneducated just because the abstract and philosophical is out of your reach. Half of what I said is not even covid or strictly government related, it's literally philosophy, as my own research for knowledge is not a reaction to the plandemic and didn't start with it. Funny thing is that even the immediate and more visible seems out of your reach. All you've been doing is ignoring the absurd and tyrannical injustices that are still happening worldwide just because in your little garden things are now "normal" (but still wearing masks and being informed about how many people contracted the cold on a daily basis ha?). "Omagad you guys chill it's fine we're good" meanwhile the Nuremberg 2.0 trial taking off, containment camps, rights taken away left and right all over the world, Italian people under technocratic dictatorship, australians going full NWO, ridiculously high overall death rates across the world population with "no correlation", the metaverse taking off too as microchip tech studies go on, Bill already announcing the next tragedy they set up, along with the climate and food one, and you dare say all this is not only over but will also be inconsequential? Lolol cute how blind you are, no wonder you struggle with the metaphysical if you already struggle with what's under your nose. All good though, twas really expected.

                                                                        '96 Neve Campbell

                                                                          So for you it's out of this world that a person is interested in questioning existence and digging in abstract, philosophical and even esoteric/spiritual concepts for the sake of understanding life. One must necessarily be dissatisfied, can't be innate intellectual curiosity and an intuitive bend of mind, because that was your experience. And of course they know nothing, because you say so. And it's all nonsense, despite all the evidence and investigations regarding the cults and all the thousands of years old philosophies and religions that are based on those concepts, because you say so after getting into such topics out of despair. Interesting. If you have a bad relationship with abstract thinking and prefer to rely on your tangible, university piece of paper to feel like you know something in regards to how the material world politically works then you do you. But don't go calling people uneducated just because the abstract and philosophical is out of your reach. Half of what I said is not even covid or strictly government related, it's literally philosophy, as my own research for knowledge is not a reaction to the plandemic and didn't start with it.

                                                                          Actually philosophy is a huge part of any politics course. I personally just finished writing a short essay about how the concepts described in Michel Foucault’s works such as ‘Discipline and Punish’ have influenced postcolonial political studies. I have also done works on Marx, Nietzsche, Adorno & Horkheimer, Fanon, Arendt, Mill, Locke, you name it. Political philosophy is one of my prime interests, what you are describing is not abstract, intellectually stimulating, or scientific in any way, its actually anti-intellectualism.

                                                                          All you've been doing is ignoring the absurd and tyrannical injustices that are still happening worldwide just because in your little garden things are now "normal" (but still wearing masks and being informed about how many people contracted the cold on a daily basis ha?). "Omagad you guys chill it's fine we're good" meanwhile the Nuremberg 2.0 trial taking off, containment camps, rights taken away left and right all over the world, Italian people under technocratic dictatorship, australians going full NWO, ridiculously high overall death rates across the world population with "no correlation", the metaverse taking off too as microchip tech studies go on, Bill already announcing the next tragedy they set up, along with the climate and food one, and you dare say all this is not only over but will also be inconsequential? Lolol cute how blind you are, no wonder you struggle with the metaphysical if you already struggle with what's under your nose. All good though, twas really expected.

                                                                          Most of these things are the consequences of an unsustainable and unethical system of capitalist domination. You inhabit a dystopian reality as does everyone else, but instead of actually pointing a finger at the system that created it like a politically educated person would, you choose to point it at people who have little involvement with politics or the system. Whilst you point the finger at scientists, doctors, crisis workers and the technology industry, you ignore the financial services industry, the lobbyists, the neo-liberals and the hegemonies which are to blame for your misery. That is what they want after all, when the populace are fooled into placing their trust in conspiracy hoaxes and propaganda they do not band together properly to oppose the current system which is to blame for their misery.

                                                                          Also it always make me laugh when unhinged people obsess over people like Bill Gates whilst you shit yourselves over the idea of a communist system. The power wielded by men like Bill Gates comes from the obscene wealth they have hoarded by exploiting the same capitalist system responsible for high inflation, poor wages and the shit quality of life you are experiencing. The fact you think capitalist fat cats like Gates and Soros have the actual legislative power to dictate disaster responses or some kinda new world order is fucking funny when their wealth is pennies compared to the United States federal government or the wealth held in the City of London. Every single year the United States government throws away 70x Bill Gates total net worth in their budget. Every year over 10x that value passes through the banking industry in London alone, and yet you actually believe weird tech billionaires like fucking Bill Gates have any true governing power over these systems beyond their lobbying positions lmao. What makes it even funnier is you would think a wealth hoarder like Gates would try to undermine the system that made him one of the wealthiest individuals in the world. Wealth redistribution is the very last thing these people want.

                                                                          Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                            You know what, I've been writing a reply for the past 20 minutes to dive even deeper into something so intricate, but I can see it will fall on deaf ears. I mean, after all these messages you proved you completely missed my point. I ignore the capitalist system when I've been saying humanity has turned into money whorshipping slaves?! I blame scientists, when I've been saying science is just the trojan horse through which those who economically own this world are imposing a tyrannical political system?! You can write all the essays you please but you lack awareness and fail at connecting dots and different subjects, therefore don't see the big picture. At this point I have no idea what you even got out of the more spiritual bit if you already misunderstood the more political and practical one. Lmao absolute baboon, it's ok.

                                                                            True, it's not a commie regime. Even worse, it's totalitarian lmao. In the grand scheme of things Bill is nothing but a puppet, although a rich one, making his own interests and willing to expose himself. I said in previous messages that you don't see those behind it all but only the puppets in charge of practically implementing the plans. Doesn't mean he's not a sick fuck who deserves the death penalty.

                                                                            Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                                            '96 Neve Campbell

                                                                              Yet you persist in deflecting your hatred of the system at the wrong people. Covid has nothing to do with capitalism, if anything covid measures are disruptive to the capitalist system. Resist those who are responsible.


                                                                                The discussion between the two of us is completely pointless, it's as if we spoke two different languages.

                                                                                very litty

                                                                                  @zyklon B for 3k doggos take your meds


                                                                                    take your experimental jabs