General Discussion

General DiscussionI can't raise my mmr! Too many idiots!!

I can't raise my mmr! Too many idiots!! in General Discussion

    Jesus christ, I'm below 800 mmr now because my teammates griefed me by NOT killing the ancient when we had an advantage. What the hell is wrong with ranked matchmaking, and should I just consider teaming up with people that y'know, ACTUALLY listen to their teammates?

    Match ID: 6346970553


      Yes lets team up I will listen to every word u say mi lord


        I hope I dont stay guardian after 600 more hours like OP


          well i threw 3-4 games past month just with buying deso from enemy fountain and dying to buybacks :D
          focusing on yourself is much more rewarding than bitching about teammates, in all of those 4 games i had a pos 4 griefer following me or a core going amulet or rage buybacking
          i lost cause of my own bad decision

          asdasdsadsadsad sadf wer ...



              I don't play ranked that often, double ent. One of the reasons why is because I don't think I'm good enough to go up in rank... yet. Doesn't help that I'm coming back from a 6+ year hiatus.


                Imaging your skill is like me Devine 1 :lick: there is no way you can't raise your MMR. When your skill is improve your MMR is also. MMR is calculated with skill. And It's not calculated with idiots. :lick:

                asdasdsadsadsad sadf wer ...

                  ye good player bro after 7000 games u are 4k mmr with 49% amazing job keep it up bro


                    hire a coach, someone with a good amount of experience.

                    Slim Shady

                      Just learn to play a strong carry/snowball hero and master it

                      You can just ignore your team all game and farm like crazy, and all of a sudden jump the enemy and kill them, just farm farm farm and dont die a lot and you can usually carry the game solo
                      Learn how to farm effectively, how to deal with not being able to farm, learn the power spikes of your hero, learn to be careful

                      Ofcourse if people purposely ruin the game, forget about it. I dont even think about these games anymore i just move on to the next. You dont have to win every single game to get out of the trench, 51% of them is good enough

                      Ten komentarz był edytowany
                      Feeding in progress

                        Hi Eric, I was watching your match replay for just the 2 - 4 min mark and I think you deserve the loss. Forget about how bad your team mates played but as a safe lane support you were basically wasting time standing on the back lines instead of harassing, warding and pulling the lanes to maintain equilibrium. Suggest you watch more pro matches on how the supports play and compare your performance just for the 1st 4 mins.

                        Ten komentarz był edytowany


                          Literally any 5k player could win 20 games in a row on your account. It's very hard to lose games at that rank.

                          No disrespect towards you. Being 800 mmr is fine, but blaming your teammates is laughable and pathetic.

                          Ten komentarz był edytowany
                          '96 Neve Campbell

                            I wana be 1k again

                            asdasdsadsadsad sadf wer ...



                                @Eric Just by looking at your games seems like you don't have a specific role that you play. I suggest learning one role and mastering it. A core role in usually best, I have been having great success climbing mmr with Mid lane

                                Ga bontod nga totoy
                                  Ten komentarz został usunięty
                                  Ga bontod nga totoy

                                    Search "Lolicon" .. F with the games he had XD