General Discussion

General DiscussionTide vs Jug matchup

Tide vs Jug matchup in General Discussion

    I enjoy tide offlane during this patch where offlane feels extremely hard, yet playing vs jug very difficult. Usually my build as offlane tide consists of greaves, pipe blink or lotus ( depends on enemy team) but in lane I have no clue how to stop a jug from farming hard. Any tips apprecaited.


      it depends on who your pos 4 is. if he is useless then you lost the lane and have to jungle and hope for team fight wins. If pos 4 is strong you can get early kills on with lvl 2 gush plus archor smash.


        fair, maybe rush boots windlace for the lane? not sure if i would want to waste the gold or just play safe.


          jugg starts beating u lvl 3, if u gush/anchor smash jugg early and force him to spin defensively, he can't use spin to get u to 20% hp and then zone u. jugg is decent against tide but he isn't supposed to stomp u



            lost from within



                wind lance, boots, hood in this particular scenario. Vs Wd/cm as support you are corpse lvl 2 if your positioning sucks.

                I think you are missing what you have to do as an offlaner more than just item build. You just need to get exp. Ask your support to pull the hard camp. Dont get into their lethal combo range, dont get flanked by their support. You just need to survive such lane and farm when you can safely.

                What people actually do - get close to creeps while getting flanked by their support, not keeping an eye on him. You end up getting caught in a sandwich. For example if I play undying pos 5 vs Tide, as soon as I position myself behind him (he didint react to my movement) he is instantly dead unless he tp out.You have to mimic their support movement. It also depends on what support you play with. For example with shaker you can risk more - he can always cut them with fissure, etc.

                Other scenario - if your pos 4 is doing right job, he is keeping their pos 5 occupied and jugg can never kill you solo, while Slark with orb can so there are worse scenarios.

                Ten komentarz był edytowany
                zoi | hoodi

                  It's quite clear that while Tidehunter opts for the more natural approach, under Juggernaut's mask his teeth are braced with Invisalign. This leads to a guaranteed victory for Tidehunter.


                    Buy 1 bracer, maybe u can buy 2 but i think thats waste of money, always carry a faerie fire on u if u play vs jugg that item is make or break as to whether u die to spin anot. Lots of ppl get rly scared and run when jugg spins on them, if ur above 70% hp and jugg spins on u, just tank the spin and punch him and use gush and anchor smash on him after spin ends, thats where the bracer comes in, most of the time ull come out on top. Just buy enough regen so ur hp doesnt drop within kill threshold of spin. Only exception to this would be maybe wd+jugg, maledict and spin is a very nasty combo... other than that this should be accurate most of the time... i guess? Gl


                      boots wind lace can only be good if only jugs pos 5 have no control. It's better to come to lane with tone of stats. Your buy should look like tango, 2 gauntlets, salve, fairy, branch, so you have much more stats and there will be a lot situations where you cann hit with jug even if he spins


                        2 bracer is definitely overkill u would rather just go ring of health or helm of iron will