General Discussion

General DiscussionPlease analyse my last game?

Please analyse my last game? in General Discussion
Palmen aus Plastik

    I'm not doing this to brag about my kda or anything. In fact if anything I'm ashamed of the fact that I had all that and still couldn't win the game. What did I do wrong? How do people solo carry?


      Hey, I took a look at your match. I'm not a core player, but I'm Immortal so take that as you will.

      The first thing I noticed wasn't necessarily your fault; Tusk came mid for a gank, but he wasn't level 3 yet and you guys couldn't catch the Hoodwink. If Tusk had waited until he hit 3 so he could use Ice Shards, then you probably get that kill.

      I would also maybe go Quas/Wex this game. They have few stuns on the Radiant side and going Q/W would let you kite them more easily in the early game, before the Tide has blink or Jugg has manta.

      At 16 mins, you can see four heroes top. Tide shows on lane, and Hoodwink, Silencer, and NP all show on the ward in the enemy's triangle. At this point, since you know where their heroes are, you can pressure the opposite side of the map. There's no Tier 1 tower top for the enemies to take, so you don't need to fight them there. However, instead of going to a lane to push a tower, you take safe farm in your triangle.

      That's farm that PA should be taking, as she's behind and can't stay in a lane as you can. At this point in the game, you've got 2500 gold on the enemy mid. Utilize your advantage and make the enemy take a fight they're likely to lose. If you go bottom as soon as they move on PA, you possibly get Jugg, NP, and the Tier 1 tower. Radiant losing the Tier 1 makes it much more dangerous for them to farm in their jungle, which you can now farm.

      At this point in the replay, I've noticed a few times that you let Silencer's combo finish on you. You can purge that off and save yourself 1000 hp, which would let you play more aggressively bottom.

      At 19 mins, your team takes a fight top, and you land a sunstrike to kill Tide and then TP to the outpost. Upon completion of the TP, however, you move mid in an effort to save the tower (which falls anyway, despite your glyph being available) and then farm the creeps. All the while your team is still fighting top. If you were there then maybe PA lives, or the enemy can't chase, and you can get the tower.

      Overall what I've noticed by the 20-minute mark is that despite having a lead on the enemy team you aren't using your gold and item advantage to prevent the enemy from farming. The enemy can't farm as easily if they don't have towers; they are forced to play safer and share less farm. You ask how people solo carry; They can only do so if they press the advantage.

      Furthermore, as a mid, your job isn't necessarily to solo carry. Your job is to use your solo exp and gold advantage from lane to bring your allies to success. You're making solid plays, landing your spells regularly, but unless you can translate kills into objectives, it's not going to win you the game.

      I'm not going to watch the rest of the replay, but I'm assuming it follows the trend of being unable to take the towers. This isn't entirely your fault, though. I've seen half a dozen fights where Centaur refused to show up for whatever reason. At this point in the game, PA has died too many times to catch up to Jugg barring a miracle.

      If you have any other questions, feel free to reply to this and I'll check back when I can. If any core players want to point out anything I missed feel free.

      GL in your future games!

      Palmen aus Plastik

        Thank you from the bottom of my heart, for taking the time out. I feel directionless in most games and don't know what to after the laning stage. Sometimes things happen and we end up winning and sometimes enemy team groups as 5 and we end up losing. I feel like I have little impact on what is going on in the game besides being able to land my spells. I suppose from reading this, I think I have a problem with map movement, knowing WHERE to farm, and how to stop enemy farm. The first two I can reasonably deduce what to do, but how do I push if team doesn't want to come with me. Should I try solo pushing, or going into enemy jungle (with some wards) to try and stop their farm?


          Your team lose lost 2 lane. only mid lane won. If you won, I would say wtf how you win ? :axe_laugh:

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