General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy nobody is picking Troll

Why nobody is picking Troll in General Discussion

    Share your ideas poggers


      Cz he’s trash.


        Because its a shit hero with a low winrate


          Is he fun to play?
          -Um... hit creeps, run around, hit more crap, hit roshan, hit buildings and/or run at heroes.. Pretty boring I'd say because of the "run" aspect, whereas heroes like Morph and AM have more movement options which make them "fun"? That's my opinion of course. Also, surrendering control of your hero with ult isn't exactly an enticing offering.

          Is he a winning hero to play?
          -sub 50% winrate in all brackets. 48.61% at herald-crusader, 45.46% at divine+. At no point is he a winning hero.

          There you go


            Troll is self sufficient in lane, maybe this patch meta is about farming so laning doesnt matter much xD


              too many of the popular supports counter troll too hard


                Tried playing him several weeks ago to counter pick some cheese pick. And yeah, too much item needed, too fragile and simply meh hero


                  Troll has the most reliable laning phase from all carries, high base dmg, ms, armor, range and aoe slow on lvl 1 for little mana (also for securing range creeps). You pick him when your enemies have difficult offlane duo and you need to (at least) drew the lane, so your team can put pressure on their hard carry and prevent him from farming. If you pick weak laner and lose the lane, game will be hard to turn around.

                  He is a tempo hero, so you need to carry the game and add items asap. If the game drags into late, all their players will have items to deal with you and save teammates. Troll is not meh but requires a lot of practise to play. You need to swap range to meele all the time.

                  He doesnt have much counters. Axe is the biggest and a team with a lot of armor or a lot of disables/saves.

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                  Sup m8

                    His ult is fucking garbage


                      the same reason ursa is not picked as much. easily kited, too single target oriented, and not enough sustained/burst damage.

                      if we compare him with more popular heroes like wk, wk doesn't care about enemy huge ultimate. he has good farm and pushing tool with the skellies and high burst with his crit. plus, he has some tools to solo kill with his stun. tb has illu to help him farm and present on the map (push lanes safely). he has sustained damage with his metamorph and his new agh. and the damage is strong enough to burst a single hero in a few tap. same goes for medusa, high farm and present on map.

                      jugg is always a stable pick for carry cause he has built in bkb with his spin, farm faster than naix, and high burst with omnislash. and after omnislash, he has sustained damage to clean enemy up of what's left after omni.
                      naix is not as popular but he has a gimmick that makes him strong to punish certain offlane picks.

                      and then we have void whose only reason to pick him is his chronosphere if your team lacks team fight and you have enough damage in chrono.

                      compared to all heroes I mentioned above, troll has nothing. but don't get me wrong, if the situation is good enough, troll is still playable. like of you need a hero to goes 1v1 against enemy carry, and your midlane has strong enough damage, you can pick troll. he is a very good front liner as long as he doesn't get perma stunned (his teammate plays a massive role to ensure this).


                        currently he's out of meta. in turn, meta changes after every major tournament or patch


                          adding to @inthependant 's point, single-target carries are the worst performers rn except naix/ursa in certain lineups, notice how most popular carries dont focus a single target and just wreck whatever comes in sight? tb, luna, medusa, all of them are ranged heroes who dont care about who they're targeting, they just own the entire teamfight

                          edit: yeah tb isnt ranged but he usually fights in meta. thats what i mean

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                          one-man bukakke

                            Mostly ww being in every game and halberd being busted as fuck


                              Troll is a hit & miss hero... In some games, you can really go off and take over the game and snowball the game, and in other games, he can feel next to useless. The meta right now is tank and fight oriented. Which is not bad for Troll. He can take down anyone 1-on-1. But fighting against many heroes can be an issue.

                              The Troll ult can save him from many dangers, the problem is getting it off when you get jumped. I have been playing troll a little bit in the dumpster tier, and it does work there usually. But he isn't a really good late game option for a team. His BKB will be running low and he can only take out people one-by-one... He is one of those heroes that doesn't have a clear role or lane to go to. There are always some heroes that just don't work in their traditional roles in a meta.


                                troll is a tempo hero but the carry meta rn is greedier heroes who farm faster and scale harder like tb luna dusa.

                                if u want a tempo carry then ursa is just better rn, you can fight really well with just diffusal, but troll is in this sad middle spot where he feels not good enough at the tempo fight gameplan as ursa and worse at scaling than the other meta carries.


                                  too much hardest gamplay when u playing without a good tmates whos dont understand about supporting, making any space and calls for any actions. he cant do something solo coz any control brake him and u still lose a game

                                  one-man bukakke

                                    But they are (at least on high mmr games)

                                    Troll can work versus sven n slark because ult+bkb piercing snares/basher.