General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat to do when you've been playing horribly for 30 matches?

What to do when you've been playing horribly for 30 matches? in General Discussion

    So, I've been playing like shit for the last 30 ranked matches. Sometimes I win them, mostly I lose them, but I've turned to an absolute herald I level player for the past 30 games.

    It's not that I've stopped my 5 minute lasthitting routine in lobbies before games, it's not that I've stopped looking at the minimap, it's not that I don't have a post-it for all the things I should be doing...

    But, I mean, I literally don't know what to do. It's almost like every game I play, my team loses specifically because of my fault.

    TBF I still have more than 50% winrate on my Ranked Matchmaking, and I still dominated the last few unranked games... but i genuinely don't know what else or how I can survive this MMR fall. I only play Pos 1 and Pos 5 btw, but I've had a decent share of mid and offlane games

    P.s. the post it note I placed next to my PC contains: i check it every 30 seconds during a match, so I don't forget anything

    1. Lasthit properly
    2. Cut trees for movement efficiency
    3. Check for stack timers
    4. Always shove the wave
    5. Attack creeps and maximize lasthitting under tower
    6. Move your courier when the game starts
    7. When playing mid, shove the wave, then stack the small camp before runes spawn.
    8. Don't get too tempted to fight enemies, lasthits matter much more
    9. TP AWAY FROM THE ENEMY TEAM. Create map pressure, and try to not join fights
    10. Look at the minimap. LOOK AT THE MINIMAP.

    If any of these are wrong, please tell me...

    Also, I run a meme page on twitter, feel free to follow that, I'm followed by Tundra Esports, by, chicken fighters, and No Bounty Hunter.


      Take a break from the playing for 2-3 days. Have a mental reset and try.
      I had one of this streaks once, you are tilted and you don't even notice and that affects your play adversely.
      Watch your own replays before starting again. Identify and rectify your mistakes.

      Hexy Rose~

        not joining fights is not right. for me, deciding to join fight is like: if u think a huge war is gonna happen, like 4v5 or something , TP asap and join ur team


          Try to not join fights is right only your team 4 can handle enemy 4 or 5. Anyway don't care about number sometime 1 hero can win 4 hero :laugh: just help if your team will lose. And farm ? run away ? split push ? hide in jungle ? cut wave ? well i dont know when your team are absolutely lose or win. :axe_laugh:

          Ten komentarz był edytowany



              No.9 is lol wut

              Coup De Grace

                You have to stick around 2-3 heroes with same role.


                  You think too much lmao. Just keep playing and enjoy the game sir.
                  And subscribe and like my in-game hero builds. They help xD

                  DOG EAT DOG, RAT EAT RAT

                    Git gud


                      Must be trolling

                      100% la creatura

                        watch a pro playa replay and copy watever they do to refresh


                          I think in guardian rank decision making skills are more important than the mechanic skills you've mentioned. Items, picking heros for laning stage and late game and knowing when to fight.


                            The note is the problem, focus fully on the game itself. Also you really should be in fights most of the time these days. Ye auld farming style of play only works on very few heroes in the current patch. Not in the notes but not dying is very important for a core player and you seem to die a lot. The carry should really not have that many deaths. Don't go too deep and overall play with the mindset of basically never dying. Easier said than done but it is very important.




                                replays, replays, replays
                                Esto lo aprendí con -400 de mmr


                                  yeah dude, i agree tht u think too much, try to simplify the game, not all games you play would be the same and the scenario of what you should be doing will be different every games


                                    just take a short break for a few days, just watch some streams and learn


                                      u just have to click and push buttons in the correct order and in the correct timings, it`s easy

                                      Use chatwhell=mute

                                        Block intentional feeders on steam.