General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to ditch games easily

How to ditch games easily in General Discussion

    I was watching a random match on Dota; came across this dude playing Tinker, who got mad because there was a Storm Spirit on mid as well. So he bought shadow amulet and idled in lane; game was lost in 11 minutes:

    I then started looking into more of his games; it appears he does this often, judging by his item builds containing shadow amulets:

    You'd say he'd be in low prio by now; but apparently it doesnt matter ...


      it seems they get 2 lp games for this behavior
      but realistically they deserve to get perma banned if not killed irl :)

      high mmr games are super trash cause of these russian animals


        can u tell low prio from dotabuff in any way?


          they might hide the games

          Von Darkmoor

            Bah modtly Brittish, French, Germans that so this kind of shit.

            Tbh its weird how fota havent fixed it.
            It cant be very hard for a bot to identify players with Shadows amulett WHO stood still om the mapp for more than 5 min.

            0 effort.