General Discussion

General Discussioni cant stop winning

i cant stop winning in General Discussion

    In order to win games in dota 2 there should be 100% communication and team play. Without those 2 things your way of losing increases in every possible way. Also my total winrate is about 51+- %. But I guess this is my limit around 5.1k mmr. It seems like i cant increase it any higher or luck should be on my side. Either way my last tide game was pure example of a little bit harder game or that balanar game. My team had 0 aggression i wanted to feed and not to win since we were going to lose, but then i decided to stop feeding and do else on the map to help my team mates.


      SLQ Legend 2 soon?

      Hatrið mun sigra

        Kowadumbfuck been trying to reply to your nonsense but db says it contains offensive language or banned terms even with no particular bad words. I think they're trying to protect you from taking your own life considering how pathetic you are, broken.

        Hatrið mun sigra

          @Bambooni is communicating really that necessary with people who won't listen anyway? I'd rather mute chat and ping items to suggest or draw on the minimap etc. What's the point in 3v7 one-sided games. Only mistake I keep making is go ranked after a bad summary instead of doing one round of turbo. Behavior > skillls

          Ah ofc if any other subhuman wants to join the "omagad let's gang up on that one person to feel part of the group" train feel free to do it. Humans like to be in herds after all.

          Ten komentarz był edytowany

            thats the problem. If your team mate want you to some stuff that he thinks will be good for the game and you don't respond to him he'll get confused what is going on. People usually "give up" early into the game, but they keep on playing till late game and usually late game decide the outcome of the match. As long as people are willing to play then i see no problem with trying to win with those guys. But as u said some times it is better to mute annoying people who are disturbing the flow of the game and you can easily unmute them for certain situations @actually speechless


              sike! tanga ina mo bobo

              Dirty FeeDeR

                btw TG is the most shittiest anime of all time ,bullshit and nonsense


                  so cool man, I cant stop losing :(


                    i had the same thread a couple days ago ^_^


                      wow still winning pogchamp



                        muted all, it's just a ga...

                          Mega Pogchamp


                            u killed the very small hope i had with that kaya&yasha timber buddy
                            very sad, u gonna rot in 4k till the day your hands get slow and u play with rage on archons

                            Ten komentarz był edytowany

                              i couldve played better (also i didnt knew what items to get). Either way losing streak incoming.

                              Roo Roo Jr.

                                Just informed Gaben about this thread. He said he put you back in the forced 50% pool. Have fun.


                                  i broke the streak

                                  Roo Roo Jr.

                                    Gaben broke the streak.

                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!