General Discussion

General Discussion+1500 score since overwatch hihi

+1500 score since overwatch hihi in General Discussion
Kabir Singh's Booster

    I can just pretend im retarded now, no one will know. I can pick Pudge and afk in mid trees while missing hooks, its ok im just guardian scrub I don't know better muhhahahahaa.


      i was doing that on my divine account picking troll supports but i think it isnt safe anymore


        The thing is, guardian players are so bad that it's hard to tell if someone is griefing or playing serious.
        You can win guardian games by sitting afk in trees and missing hook.
        Most games are just 50/50 as to who throws more.

        I think you just roasted yourself. LUL

        Kabir Singh's Booster

          What if im not guardian :))))))))))))))


            Then you successfully roasted the Guardian players. LUL


              The thing is, guardian players are so bad that it's hard to tell if someone is griefing or playing serious.
              You can win guardian games by sitting afk in trees and missing hook.
              Most games are just 50/50 as to who throws more.

              I think you just roasted yourself. LUL


              Willow's Alt Acc

                I literally gain my beh score b from red zone to green zone OMEGALUL
                Stay quiet all the game. Nobody is able to report u KEKW

                KINDA SUS...

                  yeah, but how do you stay quiet and not flame when your pos 5 doesn't pull when the creep equilibrium is on the enemy side or when your pos 5 can't prevent a pull.


                    ^mute everyone, anyway most games are instant loss/win so don't bother flaming