Bakur 06-02-2021I dont get very high skill matches why?6k mmr smurf 06-02-2021archon 5Unknown 06-02-2021because some of your games are fed Kriémhild Gretchen 06-02-2021archon-legend Bakur 07-02-2021how to get high mmr calibration? my winrate are decent too Bakur 07-02-2021@kidnextdoor can u play with me? Bakur 08-02-2021@kidnextdoor hey invite me here's my id no. 1172176513 im online right now KINDA SUS... 08-02-2021lol i played with u. uwere playing pa and i was playing morph KINDA SUS... 08-02-2021on other acc Zaloguj się aby dodawać komentarze.Zaloguj się na Steam
I dont get very high skill matches why?