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General DiscussionNeed Help for GPM as Carry

Need Help for GPM as Carry in General Discussion
Willow's Alt Acc

    Hello guys, I need tips to raise my gpm as a carry. 700 gpm (in an average game, I am not owning) is the benchmark. I would appreciate if you take Naga as example. Thx.

    '96 Neve Campbell

      Tell your teammates to stop farming jungle for a start, I find in most 3k games the no.1 thing that reduces your gpm is your pos 2/3 taking camps.


        FOcus LH in Lane Dont be like intimidated on enemies , dont give them too much respect and just remember the fountain is the only one you can respect. Its all your on your playstyle how you farm faster . I mean I suck But I try to learn when watching games from pro players perspective.

        Willow's Alt Acc

          And also any tips and rules for smoke play, like you should push certain lane b4 that etc. Advice from very high mmr player plz.


            lol willow, idk how many times we meet in unranked.

            Willow's Alt Acc

              I cant remember who u r @Tom Hanx xd
              Here is a recent match of my naga game, id:5781199602. I would appreciate if anyone can criticize my play.


                match id : 5774807563

                u were the doom

                Angela (no chat)
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                  dota2 tutorial

                    lol just tell youre teammates that your hero is not yet on his/her timing yet and you need to farm more . problem in that bracket is everyones is like fighting like warriors and don't know their timing.

                    nice impact

                      play on the opposite side of the map as your team. is your team farming your jungle? tp to the opposite side of the map and setup camp there and push lanes / take enemy jungle


                        BSJ say it very easy. Till 5 min buy items that can make you sustain. Then your main decision is when to go jungling. (unless you play Monkey King or Riki)

                        After 5 min mark usually push out the lane and take 2 camps and repeat. That way you can have solid 65-70 cs/10 min mark every game.

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                        Chilling And Winning

                          This is how i started improving my gpm as a carry(pos 1). First i memorized all sources of gold in the game.
                          1.Around 90 gold you get passively.
                          2.Each creep wave is 150 on avg.
                          3. small/medium/large/ancient camps give 60/80/100/170 on avg.
                          700 gpm can be gained by killing 2 waves(300) + 90 + triangle (310). repeating this for every minute gets you around 700 gpm.
                          Waves are extra important so 2 waves per minute is a must i would rather kill a few waves and die than staying in the jungle passively doing nothing. Not only waves are a great source of gold but they also make pressure which is like your main source of contribution to the game until you're ready to take a fight.
                          There are many different patterns such as the one i stated above to get 700 gpm or even more. What matters is thinking about your farming pattern actively and adjusting it to your team's position and enemy team's rotations.
                          Another farming pattern for early game is 90 passive + 2 waves (300) + 3 camps near to your safe lane(240) which is around 650 gpm.
                          If you kill 2 waves per min without going to jungle. That's 400 gold secured. and a lot of pressure on top of that. Try to think in terms of gold until you reach a point that you can contribute to 5v5 fights. Even your early game fights should solely be to get more gold e.g is the offlaner denying your creeps possibly reducing your gpm by 60 to 100? Then just man up on him. Remove any factors that make your gpm get lower.
                          As a starting point i started playing lobbies, having 1000 gpm as my goal on flash farming heroes e.g battle fury, radiance builders or other naturally good farmers. I still need to work on my gpm but this is generally good practice to increase your gpm.
                          It's hard to get +700, 800 gpm unless you're having a really good game or are getting a lot of space from your team.
                          In a game where your have a greedy mid laner and offlaner e.g alch and bristle. You can pick up more agressive farming patterns such as cutting the waves behind tier 2 tower (300) + enemy jungle or enemy triangle. Also keep in mind that around 850 gold spawns in jungles each minute and 900 gold in creep waves.
                          And another thing to point out is the safe laner is not always the pos 1 so you might want to play like a pos 2 or pos 3 in some games e.g in the bristle, alch example you can switch to pos 2 or 3 and go for less greedy items, fight more and etc.

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                            @konnichiwa good deets man as a support player i really appreciate that insight :) can u predict my mmr? or possible after 8/10 calib? would appreciate it man


                              dehj why dont you just calibrate and see instead of asking stupid questions ?


                                cause i need 28 hours more, i dont know why some people like you are born stubborn and without consideration for others.


                                  lex xd


                                    Consideration for others xd

                                    „hey Im dehj and Im too lazy to finish my calibration matches, but I already want to know if by some miracle I can get higer rank here than on my main. On my main team hold me back and I cant get out of trench.” Xd That was retoric question btw.

                                    Willow's Alt Acc

                                      Thx for your contribution guys.
                                      I am midlaner and I learn by watching Quinn playing. So I am suck at side lanes, I mean like I might get outplayed for creep equilibrium at very high level. Other than that I aware of map movement and no stupid TPs xD Advices on smoke play in high level is appreciated.

                                      Please dont be toxic ones in Dota community. We have enough. :)


                                        i have other acc too willow, i always see u use doom.

                                        Willow's Alt Acc

                                          I would change my mind on that @Tom Hanx.
                                          Actually drafting is important in very high bracket. I am still learning the matchups of sidelanes, despite being a midlaner, and I benefit a lot from playing in new acc.


                                            First of all it depends on your heroes and the situation of the game like for example you are playing as faceless void and as faceless void you should atleast use your chrono in first 10minute to make a advantage for your team like a sudden tp in mid and killing the enemy mid and after that you can either farm jungle or farm top if radiant farm bottom if dire repeating the process will give you good farm.