General Discussion

General DiscussionJust got Divine 1 playing only Pos 4 and Pos 5

Just got Divine 1 playing only Pos 4 and Pos 5 in General Discussion

    any tips or advice to keep climbing


      Tip: Don't think about climbing. Just think about keeping your Divine rank. :axe_laugh:


        just keep ur conduct score 9k+ so u will meet less retard player in that bracket and climbing will be way easier
        my div3 acc got like 6.9k conduct and it is already full of retard player both on my team and on enemy team


          Do you have proof 9k+ have less retard ? I had 9k+ before and Valve warned me that I got 9 reports. :axe_laugh: :lick:

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            cause you play ursa offlane I would report you also

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            Kabir singh's bo0ster

              Yes with pos 4 camp mind 4 and 6 runes if any of the mid laners has a bottle.


                i feel like 4k+ mmr, ppl really start using low rank as insult
                my last game as AA, LC claim they are higher rank and fake divine 3
                spends the rest of the game flaming us for being divine 1, proceeds to duel WR 3 times in a row WHILE she has evasion
                ends game with no +damage

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                  Hey, I saw pro using duel on WR while she has evasion too. Even my Ursa had used Abyssal Blade on her during evason too :axe_laugh:

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                  Justin Weaver
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                    Justin Weaver

                      Duel isn't just about gaining damage. It's a kind of lockdown as well. Considering how elusive of a hero wind ranger is, it makes sense if people duel her while wind run is active


                        Divine 1 to Divine 3 is a milestone. After u breach it, you will find Divine 1 games super easy.

                        Just keep playing and focus on your mistakes. You cannot make any major mistakes if you want to grind more. Things like initiating stupid fights or positioning poorly is no longer acceptable and that little tiny things can be game losing.

                        Generally the more you grind, the more tiny things matter. And tempo gets faster. You gotta just practise playing faster. Just play a lot of solo rankeds and eventually you will grind.

                        卍pudge king卍

                          There's no point climbing because games are just filled with toxic tryhards that aren't good at the game that just force stupid engagements at some trash tier area that requires 5 allied heroes to join in preemptively without using smokes because there's no tp available to achieve some non existent objective in the name of being "annoying to deal with" when it just makes the game a gambling sim or go on stupid targets and then blame you.

                          You are also at the mercy of gabens matchmaking system which predetermines your losses or wins.

                          Ten komentarz był edytowany

                            ^ toxic and muted


                              Jus b good


                                play core instead