General Discussion

General DiscussionCan i calibrate at archon++ ?

Can i calibrate at archon++ ? in General Discussion
rank 859

    hy im top 859 Lee Sin (most difficult hero on leagueoflegends) I try to play Dota, can i at least calibrate more than archon to prove my friend that he's wrong.
    Thank you


      u will calibrate at ancient

      rank 859

        would be really nice if i got ancient (~ ̄▽ ̄)~


          stop trolling kiddo

          卍pudge king卍

            I calibrated at archon too on my main. But turns out it's just a false result after I made a new account I got immortal

            Kabir singh's bo0ster

              why do u sea tards do this its not funny at all

              卍pudge king卍

                Rude to think I'm being funny


                  Max calibration now is 6k+ If you're new to dota you can practice at least 3 heroes and calibrate at least legend judging by your skill level with Lol


                    you will calibrate around herald but you can buy my dota coaching plan and I guarantee at least crusader, maybe archon if you're lucky or if u suck gabens potato dick you get immortal

                    Ten komentarz był edytowany

                      I personally get calibrated at 'archon prime gold+'