General Discussion

General DiscussionKowareta, why did people stopped building Radiance on Spectre?

Kowareta, why did people stopped building Radiance on Spectre? in General Discussion
Ayaneru   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯



      its bad


        why u ask me?

        anal enjoyer

          ^enough signs, ask her nude

          S h ō

            Latom for radiance on spec


              because manta is better

              Kabir singh's bo0ster

                Builds change as people get better. A year ago ape brain sees Radiance is good on spec so they jungle for 20 min with no problem and it works. Now people figure out Spec can be pressured and being able to fight anywhere on the map with a Manta is much better.

                Ten komentarz był edytowany

                  dude, the physical build was always better, before delay mechanics u would get ass raped with yasha @15, u should always go radi cause u supposed to delay the game. now its different. the game is long by itself and u can freely go for early useless items cause nobody can punish u. u dont afraid to lose game @25-30 any more

                  most likely u are playing against am and thats the second reason


                    even a brood cant pressure spec nowadays ,this guy thinks manta is a must cause u cant farm radi cause 3k mmrs are now 6ks :axe_laugh: :axe_laugh:

                    cool story bob


                      I dunno I like flashy items and would still buy it after small items if the game is going fine.

                      Kabir singh's bo0ster

                        That makes no sense dude. So before games were supposed to be delayed so u could go Radi, but now games are naturally long so u should get physical items with bunch of build up?I don't get it. The whole point with Drums/Manta/Diffu u will have like 3 power spikes by 25 minutes, while with Radiance you will have 0 until you farm the whole item.

                        Ten komentarz był edytowany
                        anal enjoyer

                          well accordin to my very little experience with spec, I think getting radiance works still good when enemy has like 3 fragile heroes.

                          I can get much kills until min 30.


                            first, u cant say manta diffu drum = radi , cost diff between manta and radi is 500 gold already :))
                            so i consider drum + manta = radi

                            now before recent patches, could u win a game against ta/meepo/lycan last pick as 4th pick spectre with drum manta? u would get teared apart by them. but with a radi @20 u had a tiny chance of turning the game with a good ult.

                            and i told u already physical build is better for sure. im just saying why there is no reason to go radi anymore


                              u can still go rad after manta drum tho


                                doesnt skadi much better choice in that time? personally i never consider bfly on spec, moreover in current meta situation when everybody build mkb


                                  In the past I only picked Spectre for tanking when off picked some weak core. So I went dispersion build with Radi, hot, bm, manta + addons. Dunno if it still works.

                                  I just ban spec now so they pick anything else and lose.

                                  Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                  pissfuck shitass gaytard

                                    spectre is so damn boring


                                      spectre should never buy radiance, i mean you can just go drum manta abyssal and be way more useful

                                      anal enjoyer

                                        ^never? drum = 1475 Manta= 4600 | Rad= 5150

                                        drum + manta= 6075 about 1K gold more than rad.

                                        a normal vhs player will purchase drum-manta until min 21 or Rad until min 18

                                        so I guess first build is better but I can still see top spec players purchasin RAD ! why?

                                        Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                        pissfuck shitass gaytard

                                          ^why you get boosted bro

                                          anal enjoyer

                                            ^^the same reason ppl talkin irrational here
                                            spec > Drum: 102k plays, %52.31 wr | Rad: 171K plays, %61.81 wr

                                            Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                            Vladimir Putin

                                              Item winrates can only be compared if they're the same price and tend to get bought at the same point in the game, even then it's a bit iffy. Even useless but expensive items will have high winrate because winning teams will generally have big items whereas a lot of lost matches are over before the losers can ever buy the big items.

                                              If you could look at item winrates only for games over 30 mins in length it'd be more useful.


                                                i actually checked all your links buddy
                                                they are all considered as garbage players not top players :axe_laugh: :axe_laugh:

                                                non of them are even 6k, even the guy who is rank 4k, he is SEA player , 5.6-5.8k ish.
                                                one of them playing normal games not even ranked :))
                                                there is a guide section on this site and u can stop trying to find a data that cover your ass and instead start getting real.

                                                beating crusaders with radi spec is just as meaningless as beating them with dagon 5.

                                                anal enjoyer

                                                  ^even in the new guides page, some still buy RAD check it
                                                  ^^ I know, but most ppl go for Rad before min 19 so that won't count as those expensive late-game items like EOS so I think the wr can be somehow acceptable


                                                    yes 15% of them buying it, so what?
                                                    25% or even more going for domi on lycan. i think its the worst item in dota. i didnt checked any replays but i assure u if u go and watch those games the main reason is getting a +30% buff from wolf and grouping up for rosh with medal in super early game (if the guy not being retarded for buying that item in first place). something that belong to 0.000000000001% top dota and will never ever going to happen in your dota experience unless u play party.

                                                    15% is like a joke tbh

                                                    Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                      The fuck are you really copying build from these trash tier 4digit immortal?

                                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                        manta op

                                                        drum+boot+dagger op de hero 550ms

                                                        S h ō

                                                          I would say drums > manta > skadi > abyssal > cuirass > nullifier is the good item for spectre. I could win over ta/meepo/lycan last pick or any hero as you might think lol, for my 4th pick spectre. Early or late, either way. Maybe you’re the only player who gets teared apart during those times. Sadge.

                                                          Nuff said, broken


                                                            you only played this hero for last 2 months mr pro. everybody with brain knows cheese last pick was the best counter to late game heroes like spec,am,techies. u are not cool when you are disagree with facts, u are simply retarded

                                                            S h ō

                                                              Wanna try mr broken?

                                                              S h ō

                                                                Words of wisdom from the man himself lol. If im retarded then what are you? Facts doesn’t matter kid. Once when you are in game, nothing is impossible. It can change everything. Stop your ego dude. You feel like knowing all of these stuff replying each post 1 by 1 haha

                                                                Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                  wow, u can time travel us to 3-4 months ago so we try this??

                                                                  your 3 digit rank on SEA not gonna impress any body here, stop trying to sound edgy and cool
                                                                  its so sad to see someone can be 3 digit on your region with knowledge worse than "counter" section of heroes. LMFAO


                                                                    hey at least this guy isnt as braindead as "WARCRAFT" xd


                                                                      disagree. being wrong doesnt mean u are braindead. warcraft looking for reasons, there is a hope for him. u can discuss with him logically. but the other guy is just a typical teenager who tries to sound cool and edgy

                                                                      >> guys im so cool, i win against last pick cheese with spectre. plz someone notice meeeeeeeee
                                                                      >> facts doesnt matter. fire is cold, ice is hot. anime is real.

                                                                      pissfuck shitass gaytard

                                                                        lmao kowa cheesing his way into immortal by spamming chen (when he was bonkers) talking shit about a sub1000 immo