General Discussion

General DiscussionMaths question

Dota 2 API jest obecnie niedostępne. Wyniki twoich nowych meczów pojawią się gdy API zacznie działać.
Maths question in General Discussion

    Making a spread sheet of the items in Dota to help me understand what stats they give, i am on the Butterfly and would like to know the answer to these questions

    One Butterfly evasion is 35%

    Two Butterfly evasion is = ?

    Three Butterfly evasion is = ?

    Thank you.


      Two: 1 - (1-0.35)*(1-0.35) = 0,5775 = 57,75 %
      Three: 1 - (1-0.35)*(1-0.35)*(1-0.35) = 0,7254 = 72,54 %

