General Discussion

General DiscussionHard support sucks.

Hard support sucks. in General Discussion
Dark Hunter

    I'm a pos 5 player and boy do I hate it... Especially since the last few match making updates. I'm always the highest in my team. by 2-3 ranks... why? How am i supposed to support a drow that auto attacks lane and then goes jungle from min 5 and does literally nothing all game while mid and bot get destroyed. The quality of my games has gone down so much and i dont even get any benefit from it since i dont have dota plus lmfao.

    Hard carry or mid should be highest rank. Pos 5 should probably be lowest.

    Sure supports carry games but only if your carry carries you later.

    I'm not going to fully blame my team for my recent losses. I just feel game quality has suffered severly.


      youre probablt just as garbage at dota as your teammates


        imho, in your screnario when your drow go jungle from MINT 5 and afk farming there and he does nothing when your mid and bot get stomped meaning your drow is literally right. Here's why:

        1. Why your drow went afk jungle in the first 5 mins? does he really trust you in terms of supporting his game?
        2. What do you want from early game drow?
        3. Why your bot and mid get stomped? do you really move around to make sure your lads are okay?

        if you're really doing support role correctly and your core always doing stupid things and in the end you lose, its somehow you're not belong in your bracket, so go play mid/carry and start carry your own mmr.

        Ten komentarz był edytowany

          ah i just checked your recent matches. If you enjoy playing support, here's my simple tips for you:

          1. Can you pls at least stop feeding?
          2. Try to learn dota 2 basic mechanism (there are a lot of nice guide out there)
          3. Practice makes you perfect


            1-If other lanes are being stomped it’s your duty to TP there and help them!
            2-If your draw goes jungle in 5 minute then stay in the lane and farm!
            3-If he is auto attacking creeps : 1-ask him to stop 2-stack and pull the lane
            4-I am a support player but not because I like it! I play support because below devin/Immortal 90% of support players suck hard. You might find a good carry player in legend bracket but good support players don’t exist below devin/Immortal!
            If you do your job well as a support you must have around 60-70% win rate! So instead of blaming others try to find your mistakes.


              imagine having ancient core medal and crusader support medal lmao

              cursed by Gaben

                Read the latest update dude.

                According to valve “we are putting a bigger emphasis on having supports not be the highest MMR players in a game, to the extent that it’s possible within parties. We’ve heard feedback from both core and support players that they would prefer the intra-match rank allocation to be that way.“

                Im also a pos5 player since 2017, my mmr raised from 2800 to 5200. I understand your frustration, I was always the highest rank in my team in the past few months as a hard support player, but I realized that valve had made a change recently. My teammates are at the same medal or higher than me now.

                I think it is very easy for me climb to immortal

                Acoon ak'mp Put in

                  Your last week was bad, but it's only five games, that happens. 57.14% winrate in the month. Basicaly what I can see, you had a couple bad games recently. Seems not that bad as you describe it.Your AA has negative winrate and you keep playing it, Shaman does not bring you mmr too. Find some relevant supports considering what's going on in dota right now.

                  Also as 5 you have to be a friend to you carry, a babysitter and a psychologist if you choose this role. If someone leaves a lane, most likely it means you can provide nothing with your hero as 5 so they can't stay there or you did not treat your carry like a princess.


                    if u want good teammates ur gonna have to win like 80 games in a row


                      Pos 5 is like mother (sometimes a single parenting mother).
                      1. Your children requires your intuition for the very start while keeping their enemies away
                      2. Your 4th pos is the Father, sometimes they help your children directly, other times he's the one who need farm
                      3. The 3rd post is your first child. Pretty mature at keeping its sibling safe.
                      4. The 2nd post is your middle child. You probably won't notice it anyway. But good parents always support it no matter where it was
                      5. The 1st post is your last child. It got potential but it is a spoiled brat. Your job is either giving the best to this kid or letting it cry for 20 minutes straight
                      As a "DotA" parenting expert, it's the hardest job you'll ever learn. But when the time comes, a yellow star/thumbs will be rewarded to you
                      Never give up on you supports

                      Fuka suginai o nīchan

                        Normal skill, Legend 1.

                        Dark Hunter

                          You people take this as if i'm complaining about my last two games cuz those are losses? I'm not.

                          I'm just using them as an example. My recent wins weren't all that great either. I noticed a lower overall experience than before the changes.

                          And I enjoy playing support more than i like queueing for 20 minutes to find a game.

                          At least before the changes people would be nice to you since you picked pos 5.
                          Now they expect nothing less and start flaming you when they die alone bot after i tp top to help my team for example.
                          Not saying i should be applauded to for playing pos 5 but at least some more respect would be nice. I'm sacrificing my time doing "boring support stuff" so you can take all the glory and play the role you want to play.

                          Dark Hunter

                            Update: after queueing for 15 minutes for offlane i just gave up on and switched back to support queue.

                            Acoon ak'mp Put in

                              Look, dota is not the place to expect some respect, no matter what role you are playing. If you play a support and a carry starts flaming, mute him but keep supporting, win the game and report him after the game. Dota is full of weak people and whiners, "I can't farm", "they ganked me mid, I'm done", "the are trilaning, I'm done" etc, for some reason people expect a chill game when they can farm, then kill and nothing will bother them. Mute and report all "I'm done" mfckrs, but keep playing till the end, no matter what. Some games can be won in a couple minutes even with a carry that sucks if you put some effort and maybe tell him once or twice when to back and when to attack.


                                queue 5, my 4 not buying any wards and getting all my dewards
                                queue 4, my 5 not buying any wards and getting all my dewards
