General Discussion

General DiscussionHi La Rious

Hi La Rious in General Discussion

    queue 8 min to play pos 4 chen
    some fucker picking ww and not buying cour and going to my lane
    at the end he reports me
    i mean, yeah, deserved thank u community :)
    wish u all long life with cancer

    Ten temat był edytowany
    Ritsu x boni = 0 IQ

      spread love not toxicity


        Spread love ban chen and techeis


          how im suppose to spread love when i got 2 lp games after the guy reported me?
          and the guy still queue pos 5 and playing 4

          i love this game and this community
          nice punishment system valve
          u punished the ruiner, toxic, little ape very well

          just st-fu and be 10k player like ww player :)


            1st game calibration, nice game, people behave normal.

            2nd game I get an iranian carry, flames from minute 1, ''i hope your sister dies'' ''I hope all of your families get cancer'', denies items

            sounds similiar ?

            wish u all long life with cancer


              yeah we are all similar
              now fuck off and go cry in your all chat about iranians


                what about this games buddy? no iranians in team and u are still a fucking toxic little ape?
                but well, im the one who deserve to play lp cause i made a mistake and cried in all chat after we win a teamfight about this rigged matchmaking.


                  1st game i wasnt even all chatting, that IO player was just a bit sad. After he said ''Im a beast on IO" then feeded all game seemngly not understading how hes hero works (according to dotabuff he played ith 7 times and has a 33% winrate) I told him to screw himself and not pick that hero again....very toxic

                  2nd game that ember had a solo lane vs doom while I was trilaned and still won my lane, he then got doomed, died and talked about how he had to solo vs 3 heros and then put his items in roshpit :). At that point It felt to flame the guy a bit in all chat, which isnt particularly toxic