General Discussion

General DiscussionEnchantress post TI9

Enchantress post TI9 in General Discussion

    This hero is going down, hard... How would you change the hero? What changes are needed? What would you do?

    Something needs to be done about the Untouchable skill. They could make it scalable, basically the closer you are, the more attack speed you lose... So basically it would be most effective against melee heroes, but not as strong against ranged heroes. At this point, she could use a strength gain buff to compensate for the lost OP:ness.

    Other thing could be just taking down the hero and reworking her entire skill set. She has some nice mechanics (Impetus & Untouchable) that are just unique from any other hero in the game which would be sad to lose. But something has to go, this hero is basically in every game and is in a key role in the games...

    She isn't all that good in the pub games we play, but be prepared to see her be just unplayable in pubs after TI9...


      Nerf mana pool (or make impetus cost more mana) & remove magic resistance talent. Magic resistance talent is just a dumb idea. I think that MR talent is what makes her ultra OP.


        I feel that tinkering with her talents doesn't really do anything. It may effect a little bit, but I feel that just tinkering with the numbers don't cut it. She is way too key in the pro games at the moment. Basically same as the Io of before. Has anyone else played Io in TI than Ana?

        But we will see what happens with Ench, she is going down hard. She is just too prevalent in the game right now. Too dominant. Especially in the hands of the pro teams. And that is what makes this thing go around. Us bad players can cry all we want, but the balance is set in games we can only watch from the distance.


          Guardian Scrub making post TI predictions cool.
          Glad the Ape agrees with you


            It was really just the he healing skill went overboard, got buffed like 50%. Just scale it back a bit or make it shorter or weaker early game etc. also maybe increase impetus mana cost, make it a bit less spammable so she doesn’t get such a massive power spike at lv 6.


              Sub 50% legend player talking down to a “guardian”? Lol
              Btw, that’s crusader, not guardian. Top kek


                Ench either goes completely out of the meta, or completely in. I remember when offlane was a complete suicide(6.85 I think?), and offlaners would just go back to jungle and farm, Ench was top tier. Then they made offlane more efficient, jungling less viable, Ench went unpicked in multiple tourneys. Slightly buffed her untouchable and wisps, and bang top tier again.


                  Crusade scrub sad


                    Legend with sub 50% winrate means i was ancient but i’m don’t give a crap


                      Ok, so you wanna bet that Ench doesn't get any nerfs after TI? Man, what kind of a noob are you???

                      It doesn't matter what kind of god awful player you are, if you have eyes, you cannot disagree with the fact that this hero is going down.

                      And I'd rather have high behavior score than 50 that you have, no matter what your rank is...

                      flourishing new leaf

                        She’s a fucking creep. Ignore her, outfarm and burst her when you feel like it.

                        Or be fucking smart and focus autoattacks and spells on her from level 1-3 then you get that bitch zoned out the rest of the game

                        flourishing new leaf

                          1 blight stone is all it fucking takes!! No pro even goes for it, they’re braindead blind about it. Instead they get the upgrade which is stupid and a waste of gold. I mean, they don’t even fucking know blight stone and desolator stacks gg

                          flourishing new leaf

                            Also wondering why they don't pick sky... You can zone her out level 1 before she can convert creeps and charge you

                            and pudge... where are the pudge picks this TI... :( pudge so strong these days (nothing to do with ench though just saying)

                            Ten komentarz był edytowany

                              Windranger just Q and R delete her from game.
                              By the way you uneducated crusader my Behavior Score is 9.5 K.
                              When you’re above 3k MMR you can patronize me


                                i dont know why valve so obsessed with ench
                                before ti, they buffed hero too much
                                now she is in most of the games


                                  Pudge is very strong even in the shit tier at the moment... And it scales quite well too with the Flesh Heaps, but I guess his team fight presence isn't as strong and I guess if you have good vision and visibility it ain't as good. And relying on a skill shot like the hook is probably not a thing for the pros...

                                  Pudge is very snowbally hero though, if he has a good early game he can get so big the other team cannot even 5 man him, but if he doesn't get that early goodness, his impact on the game is very little.

                                  It is nice to know that almost none of my most played heroes are meta at the moment... As almost none of them have been heavily picked in TI9. Except apart from Tide...


                                    @Asylum why all the hate? So you got carried by your friends to a higher plateau than I have reached? What does that matter? If you have that much hate in the forums you are just pure cancer in the game. It almost always way worse in game than on the forums? So only guys with high ranks get to start topics? I didn't know there was a rule about that? Why does it matter who starts a topic? If you don't like it, you don't have to be here. You don't have to spread your venom around. What have I ever done to you? I don't know who do you think you are???

                                    A noob with a 47% winrate from the look of your profile... If you are so godly at Dota, why isn't your win rate higher?

                                    Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                    flourishing new leaf

                                      Nah, you're wrong. That's not how you play pudge now. You play him like a core and hook is just a bonus. Then you build stacks on him as he's so hard to kill and still hits hard enough. You're supposed to just trade farm with him nowadays and bait them to go on you, much like ench


                                        I was Carried by my friends? And you checked my profile?
                                        Thats why you’re a crusader. Because you’r Dumb as hell. My Solo MMR when the system was locked was on 3.6 K before i hit 4.5K solo when i used to care about my MMR. Something you will never even reach


                                          Yes, the play with Pudge is pretty much you rush Blink and then go blinking in, ulting a dude with a team mate or two and if they are still not dead after all the eating, you hook from point blank range to finish them off... And as the ult damage scales with strength, it keeps on going up and up and up the more you succeed in doing this. There are few of these endlessly scaling heroes in the game now-a-days... Pudge, Silencer, Slark, Underlord, Legion Commander and I probably missed someone, but those are the heroes that just get stronger without gaining levels or items... And will keep on getting stronger the further the game goes.

                                          The old hiding in the bush for the hooks, is more of a slot 4 Pudge thing. I have not played him in a core role yet, as I rarely play the hero, but he is fun to play... Maybe I should try out missing a whole bunch of hooks again :)


                                            @Asylum. Dude, I don't know what is your issue and why do you keep on throwing poison here... You can just chill and go elsewhere to a topic that some un-herald has created... And leave us scrubs to mingle among ourselves. This is the internet, you can go where ever you want to... You don't have to be here in this topic on this forum...

                                            True, I will never reach those MMR levels, just because I mostly play the game for fun... And I play quite a wide variety of heroes. Which means my last hitting is never on point for example. If I were to just spam 3-4 heroes, I would have better cs and higher networth in pretty much all my games and would probably die less in the process as well and get a few more kills as I would know the hero limitations more better... And if I played more with friends and specific lane mates, it would help as well. Solo queuing is not the same, you don't know your laning partners and what they like to do and how do they play...




                                                Why should all the scrubs (me included) bashing the pros and teaching them how to beat ench lol. Blight stone isn't enough. There is a reason why in OG vs EG whichever team picked the Ench win. Post-match panel that highlighting Ench teamfight at mid t1 highground showcase her prowess quite well.

                                                Why no sky? Perhaps because sky is one dimensional nuke support that does nothing more than damage, and you need your support to set up kills and/or make sure your core could dish damage and survive teamfight?

                                                boring personality

                                                  Honestly the way I'd change ench is not make her spears pierce magic immunity.

                                                  '96 Neve Campbell

                                                    She was broken last TI and they did nothing then

                                                    '96 Neve Campbell

                                                      The main problem isnt necessarily that enchantress is a super busted hero its more that her main counters arent good for high level tournament games


                                                        Why so much hate on look like want be OP heroes? Its funnier pro have ban, you have ban, think how to stop do it or fail, rage quit, go low priority, stop playing dota, go play mario, fail in mario, get back to dota, forget how to play, complain how somr heroes are op or just stupid? Something like these?


                                                          @Tsuya!! its pure damage, your change would make it magic damage which would also make it complete dog shit. (EDIT Silencers W does not pierce spell immunity but its also a basic ability not an ultimate)

                                                          She has too much flexibility. Pure damage auto attack modifier is fine but then she also gets a stupidly mana efficient heal for herself and her whole team, a dispel that is also a strong slow AND can control jungle creeps to tank camps for her AND one of the best "get off me" passives in the whole game combined with a magic resist talent at level 10. Cant auto attack her with most heroes, cant nuke her with magic damage efficiently, she out tanks and out damages you.

                                                          She should keep her enchant but it should slow less at lower levels. She should keep her heal but its mana cost should not reduce when leveled up. She should keep her passive but her level 10 talent should be less magic resist. She should keep her ulti probably unchanged it keeps the hero viable.

                                                          Ten komentarz był edytowany


                                                            i award u as the mongoloioiodest person (!) in dotabuff
                                                            welcome to the clan

                                                            '96 Neve Campbell

                                                              Why so much hate on look like want be OP heroes? Its funnier pro have ban, you have ban, think how to stop do it or fail, rage quit, go low priority, stop playing dota, go play mario, fail in mario, get back to dota, forget how to play, complain how somr heroes are op or just stupid? Something like these?



                                                                ITT a bunch of trashcans arguing about who is the worse trashcan.

                                                                you are all trash btw.

                                                                Faded Spade

                                                                  Worst part about untouchable is; it applies even when you attempt to attack her so Nyx can't break her neither can heroes with silver edge.. Making untouchable applicable only after 1st hit would be good enough balance imo.

                                                                  Base MS nerf to 305
                                                                  Talent changes:
                                                                  +50 damage to +40 damage
                                                                  +20 ms moved to lvl 15 and change it to +30
                                                                  +8 nature attendance move to lvl 10 change it to +6

                                                                  and make nature's attendant dispellable
