General Discussion

General DiscussionHand of midas question

Hand of midas question in General Discussion

    Hey, i just played dota after 6 month of not playing it and i see a lot of hand of midas usage on carries. So what heroes are good with midas? Can i buy midas 1st item if its already 16-20 minute? Which heroes are bad with midas?



      If on 16-20 min mark you have 2k networth you should not play dota, because you would have more just by standing still and not farming at all. On a very bad lane 8 min mark is maximum.

      Midas on WK seems like a core item, since he benefits the most from high level talents. Slark and LS same. Rest situational if you are behind.

      smurfs = no balls

        Midas is ok on any hero that needs fast xp or the attack speed from it. Its ok on carries if u can get it before 10 minutes, the earlier the better. I would suggest bying it on at least ursa, wk, slark, void, and ck. Those heroes are all very bad at farming so midas allows them to stay relevant into the late game. Hard carries such as medusa, naga, tb or antimage should generally not buy midas since they need their core items as fast as possible and will scale pretty well if they get their early mantas and whatnot.

        EDIT: yea i forgot ls from the list of heroes that should / could buy midas

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          @Lex i mean i was trying to buy midas after treads on void safelane, and i was left solo by my supp and i got raped by tide and necro, and yeah i made mistake by still buying midas at 16+ minute instead of MoM


            Thx for the replies everyone


              In that scenario you should have made a quick decision to go jungling long before. If you play vs necro he can easily Reaper you after lvl 6 unless you have Oracle or Dazzle. You aim for Lifesteal mask asap and go jungling. Fight everytime chrono is up.

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                The key here is the 40 attack speed... If you have a hero that benefits from attacking more often, you have a crit or bash or have a hard time farming anything, can benefit from this.

                WK has crit, Void has Bash, PA has Crit etc.

                And if you have high level talents that you are planning to get, you can use the bonus experience from Midas to get there faster. The money you do get with it, is always nice as it is guaranteed gold and you do not lose it when you die, but the -20% gold gain from half a year ago, really shut this down for most heroes. There are better items at this price point for most heroes. You can get a Yasha for example, which will give you more movement speed, attack speed, armor, damage if you are agi hero.

                Ogre multi casting Midas is still hella good... This is a core item on Ogre... That 4x Midas is still a truck load of gold when you get it. And Ogre is tanky as heck, so an item that doesn't offer much more than farming speed is ok on Ogre. And he still benefits from the gold thing well and way faster than any other hero in the game.

                Cooldown reduction is also something to keep in mind. Dazzle for example has cooldown reduction in his ult, so it accelerates Midas as well. But you really should be gunning for GG boots on Dazzle... That 20 second cooldown on GG Boots is quite op.