General Discussion

General DiscussionAny NP build suggestion. just practicing np.

Any NP build suggestion. just practicing np. in General Discussion



      Phase solar crest and anything you want after that. Special shoutout To hex


        Ok i will try .. UP UP


          @HanYolo thanks .

          Chilling And Winning

            if u are looking for a decent build and also play style . u should check top world nature prophet players like mind_control and watch how they play and learn from them.


              you can also watch Admiral Bulldogs, best NP player

              да хуевый

                red stone, tango, 2 swall trees =>
                phase boots =>
                drums op, vlad in case when you have high phisical dps teammates who will not buy vlads, midas when you can play greedy =>
                if you can solo kill more than one person than orchind if not I would rather go for shadow blade =>
                now swap the previous item choice and buy shadow blade or orchid =>
                nullifier =>
                now you can solo kill any solo target if you get it in right timing =>
                bkb in any case =>
                up your orchid to bloodthorn =>
                now here you can buy whatever you want actually , I would suggest not relay on your team too much till 6k average and just get AC and moon shard and hit f*king racks

                Ritsu x boni = 0 IQ

                  Never ever go for mael ty


                    Build like a tanky offlaner go pipe crimson phase. You dont take it late pressure and choke the enemy group up and do some shit glass canon builds are shit


                      Basically build utility to bulk yourself up you have adequate damage lol

                      ROAD TO HERALD 0

                        Never ever go for mael ty



                          boots are core

                          smurfs = no balls

                            power threads, dums, silence, aghs and hex

                            Ritsu x boni = 0 IQ


                              because its the worst item in the game, and np can farm fast with treants and ult already. I prefer drums since it will help np push faster with the active that affects treants as well.

                              ur parents r siblings

                                Drum orchid
                                You can go auras too like crimson pipe i dont know about mek tho
                                Oh and halberd is ok i think np item is really depends on your team and enemy team
                                Whoops dont mind me i'm just a normal skill scrubb

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                                  You shouldn’t be farming with ult unless you just wanna split all game. Mael is great for clearing waves fast.

                                  jeremy meeks' personality

                                    get either vlad or drum if you are the designated aura sļut
                                    orchid/solar crest to destroy lone wolfs and be a "ganker furion"
                                    necrobook if you prefer the "pushing furion"
                                    or sbade + deso if you don't want to use brain

                                    Road to 0 MMR

                                      I play a shit ton of Furion. I build him multiple ways, really depends on the lineup im going agaisnt. The Main thing that is always consistent is I get midas, shadowblade. Then I typically pickup maels, Daedalus.

                                      Sometimes Ill get Vlads, BKB or MKB. Really depends on who I'm playing against.

                                      Another tip, make sure you pretty much ALWAYS keep ur ult on cooldown(u can also use it to help teammates in team fights, early game), great way to get extra farm. I see lots of NP players have it up 24/7.

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