General Discussion

General DiscussionJugg: Phase or treads?

Jugg: Phase or treads? in General Discussion
Crimson Sky

    I understand both are situational but is one clearly better than the other? I manage to win using both with pros and cons for both. I would say Jugg is one of my better heroes and would love some feedback on whether my ideas are correct and which is generally superior.

    Pros of phase: Good vs heavy physical lineup, active makes farming slightly faster and able to chase / escape slightly easier, increases right click damage / crits, better for Manta illusions.

    Pros of treads: Tread switching - especially with no bfury, mana can be an issue, improves ulti (?), potentially better with diffusal / maelstrom build (?), can build from sideshop without courier use.


    Ritsu x boni = 0 IQ

      ITs just a personal preference
      In my case, i like treads better because it helps jugg farm faster
      But if i want to keep fighting, i get phase

      Crimson Sky

        Great, thanks. I think I actually like treads better for switching and ease of access in the lane. Cheers for reply.

        Where is my Hu Tao

          without phase good luck killing people


            I would take treads for better farming and also that small AS boost that goes well with your ultimate

            '96 Neve Campbell

              Phase boots so you can stay ontop of people when you are casting blade fury. I find mana is rarely an issue on jugg post 15m so the pros of being able to tread switch simply do not compete with running people down with phase boots, especially if you are a retard who forgets to tread switch 50% of the time like me.

              Cheap Laugh Guy

                Phase is a bit better than Treads now

                Λce (Breedable Sub)

                  Treads is so much better in every way in my opinion. I used to only go Phase at some point, but I now realize how much better treads are. First off, the treads switching is extremely good for every hero. It can save you multiple times, it saves you mana (now that we don't even have Aquila), the agility from Agi treads gives you +10 attack speed on Agility heroes, while the boots themselves give you +20, so on Agility heroes you get a total of +30 Attack speed which helps you farm really fast. Now since Jugg is an agility hero, keeping treads on Agility gives him +10 damage as well. Not only this, the bonus agility gives you 1.6 more Armor and 0.5% Movement speed as well. And remember, Treads are even 30 gold cheaper than Phase, for whatever that counts.

                  Before I list the final point, I will simplify the comparison for easier viewing.

                  18 damage
                  06 armor
                  00 attack speed

                  TREADS (Agility)
                  10 damage
                  1.6 armor
                  30 attack speed

                  So you basically get 30 more attack speed with Treads while only getting 8 less damage than phase.
                  I shouldn't even need to mention how the increased attack speed benifits Omnislash. The Active movespeed buff of Phase is a little handy at times, but you don't really depend on that as much as attack speed. Agility treads and 1/2 wraith band already give you higher agility, which in turn gives you more movespeed than an average, most likely, strength offlaner, so you don't really need the Phase active to chase him while using Bladefury.

                  And for the last point, I'd just like to tell you something I think is so obvious, yet people ignore it. In my understanding, attack speed is always superior on heroes that have proc based abilities. The fact that you attack more is wayyyyyy more valuable in ensuring your ability (Critical) procs alot more often than a little more damage. Even if your damage is 8-10 lower, if you're attacking more, you will proc your critical more, which will inturn significantly increase the overall damage output compared to you proccing it less but with slightly higher damage. This applies to all Proc-based ability heroes, especially Void.

                  Hope that helps.

                  Crimson Sky

                    That last point really helps. Thank you to all who contributed to the thread. :)


                      every time i wonder phase vs treads i look at the s i x a r m o r and buy phase

                      obviously some games hp > armor


                        Against any heavy auto attacking cores such as PA or Ursa Phase are good for the armour and for helping to disengage. Against most other matchups, Treads attack speed will give you more value with your ulti and your passive crit chance.




                          Ten komentarz był edytowany
                          Where is my Hu Tao

                            you have to be a complete retard to go treads. There is a fucking reason why going treads has a 48% win rate while phase has a 50.5%. Movement speed is everything. Faster ms lets you kill, lets you move to creeps faster, lets you get to objectives faster literally everything about jug depends on movement speed. no hero is going to afk stand there and let you hit him he is going to run and having phase and getting the kill and not having it and missing the kill will butterfly effect ur entire game.

                            BooMerang | |

                              Explain to me how the phase boots are better for manta illusions?

                              Where is my Hu Tao

                                i believe if you have active phase boots when you manta. The images will have the faster speed for the entire duration.

                                Xin disciple

                                  ^ lmao no. You forgot to factor there is some low mmr support who buy threads instead of phase because 'they want to carry' when you were looking for its global winrate. For jugg,both phase and threads were roughly the same with phase 51.34% and threads 51.53%.

                                  Where is my Hu Tao

                                    in patch 7.21 treads lost 4 stats while phase got 2% more ms. With an item like windlance giving u 20 ms. windlane plus phase is very close to 480 movement speed. it is definitely not 51% to 51%

                                    Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                    '96 Neve Campbell

                                      Look at the featured guides. It speaks for itself. Only a donkey would buy treads on jugg.

                                      Player 368673122

                                        ramzes, rtz, countless pros get treads on jugg

                                        its kinda like how theyd get treads on naix too at times

                                        personal opinion on why this is that in a 5v5 of PROS, and in the current meta where fighting early is important - STATS STATS STATS


                                          um like wat people say treads is go when you need hp,phase when you need armor

                                          also,treads if you want to afk farm jungle+pushing lanes and cant punish your opponent

                                          phase if you want go towerdives and fight and can punish your laning opponent with it,usually the 2nd reason is enough already i think


                                            Noobs talking like they know anything .


                                              Treads if you honestly tread switch diligently.


                                                The extra movement speed is nice but with diffusal its not always needed and later on with blink its really not needed. I mean its personal perference/situational.


                                                  ppl were making this stupid argument about how u dont need ms with diffusal a year ago i had hoped it was dead


                                                    Phase in low mmr, treads in higher unless you will be fighting aka chasing a lot in that case go phase.