General Discussion

General DiscussionMaster puck player here back again with more tips

Master puck player here back again with more tips in General Discussion

    Just beat an immortal mid with puck

    I am a master puck player with over 40 games in this patch. Feel free to ask me anything about puck the faerie dragon.


      A hero thats already a strong laner AND a big countermatchup
      Puck is supposed to rape invoker on lane. And immortal alone means jack shit
      E: Aight thats rank 600 SEA, about 6.4k i think

      Ten komentarz był edytowany

        40 games rly impressive


          hi master tell me all tips you know
          i dont even know what to ask srsly

          Jicniv Rune Farlord El Nix

            is Puck really a dragon or more a Butterfly?


              Puck loses to voker due to his high regen and damage even with coil puck can’t solo kill voker and have to orb every single wave for cs after a few minutes, here you need to get 3 nulls and maxed orb to one shot a ranged creep as right clicking the range creep is very punishable.

              However, Puck is unkillable to voker mid game pre hex and Schrödinger orbs in fights is very disruptive.

              If valve gives puck 650 attack range then it becomes an s tier mid.

              Ten komentarz był edytowany

                gib moar tips



                  dead acc

                    puck with the 34% winrate. thank u, next


                      ^ lol.


                        where is my answer and tricks

                        Manhattan Cafe

                          oh my, and here i thought immortal is 'immortal'.

                          Cheap Laugh Guy

                            Dafuq does coil do?


                              Early game coil is a 6 second disruptor 3rd spell that disables tps and movement spells. Or if the enemy is tanky they usually break it and get stunned for 1.8 seconds and take 300 damage which is like nothing. The spell has like 80 second cd and sometimes I just skip leveling ult until lvl 8 if I don’t see the use for it.

                              In the early game and mid game it should be used on supports/carries in between your q w volleys (you gets to orb and silence multiples times) or if near teammates you start with coil.

                              Late game you would want to use it on multiple bkbless people. Or save for after Bkbs, or use it to bait bkbs. Or if u planned it and predicted enemy buying bkbs and have aghs you use it on multiple heroes. But always on the carry or mid. The aghs coil lasts for 8 seconds and stuns for 4.5 if broken.

                              Ten komentarz był edytowany
                              Cheap Laugh Guy

                                Very informative. Thank you!

                                Manhattan Cafe

                                  Oh my, any tips for offlane puck?