General Discussion

General Discussionbroken little shit

broken little shit in General Discussion

    every people who works on bounty hunter rework deserve a place in hell


      Why they don't touch lina


        goodluck saving buyback now

        Cancer Malaria

          I play BH, I have to say all those buff was a bit OP, especially now you can use ult from long range without breaking invis. But I love it anyways hahahaha finally He gets a good buff


            Luckily I started playing BH before this patch because I wanted to learn "shit" hero. Now it might have 50+% win rate finally

            Cancer Malaria

              but after all those buff only 51% winrate he's finally above average, you complain about that being broken? Hello meepo 68%, Slark 61%, Luna 61%


                level 4 jinada cooldown 3 second
                steal 30 gold +170 bonus damage

                level 4 shadow walk
                4 second 32% slow

                track now can be cast without breaking invi

                level 20 talent +90 gold steal

                steal enemy carry gold till he doesnt have buyback
                really balance

                The Ghoul

                  Seems to me that these patches help end pubgames way faster. I believe that the average pubgame was taking longer then normal during 7.19. These new implemented powerspikes seem to streamline the games. No more 70 min games ty.


                    Lol @JRE these patches can't be said to influence the duration of your average pub games at all.

                    Chubby: What's your point about bh? That he is now a situationally viable hero? Because he's anything but OP now. Until lvl 20 you won't just hit to cd with that glass cannon without a way to get away. Sure, he'll get some money every now and then, but "steal enemy carry gold" is more than just a bit going overboard over a BH of all things that could be mentioned this patch.

                    Yami Yugi

                      @yorgaSh I would'nt say no if I haven't see a BH ULTRAKILL PA, Naix, Rubick, and Jakiro last night.

                      Dude, open DotA2, there is watch tab there to spectate high MMR player's game. Open your eyes, and mind. Overboard maybe happens everyday in reality

                      Sygma zxc ghoul 2y.o dead...

                        Complete bullshit. His gold stealing is only a win-more spell.

                        The only good thing with this spell is the "Gimme your wallet" joke from Singsing on his stream.

                        A team of decent players that get them dusts and sentries EARLY (sentries war starts minute 0) with decent lockdown/nuke can easily punish bh stealing gold.

                        Other than that, most bh will try to steal gold during fights and will end up mispositioned and getting annhilated. Euls won't change shit and BKB neither as players will just hate on him literaly.

                        The idea is to shut him down/punish him in lane and at every attempts. Riki was much harder to deal with 2 patches ago because you ended up with 2 kfc chicken (supports) as they had to put sentries across the map.

                        By punishing bh, you:
                        - Get back the gold he tried to steal
                        - Make him lose the stolen g
                        - Get him in the state "they have sentries everywhere" which will either make him start a sentry war (which he will lose ofc, ez bait) or leech his team farms/exp

                        @yorgaSh I would'nt say no if I haven't see a BH ULTRAKILL PA, Naix, Rubick, and Jakiro last night.

                        Match ID plz. You can get an ultrakill even with the worse hero/creeps of the meta atm if you have a good setup (DR, OD).

                        Ten komentarz był edytowany

                          Lina is imba too!!!! After her spells I have to use healing salve and I lose 110g its more than BH steals! Pls nerf that bitch


                            Noobs just cry! git gud kill BH and he lose more than he can steal next 10 min


                              sorry im just a noob that reached divine in 2k games rather than legend in 2k games

                              srsly look at bh bonus damage 3 second cd 170damage
                              i would buy salve thousand times (u can dodge lina spell btw)
                              dont cry if u are an offlane getting trilaned by the enemies
                              not just offlane but carry also
                              go jungle? yeah bh wouldnt justt stand still on the lane he probably gonna bully u until u want to abandon (i would if iam bh. best strategies to win is to tilt the enemy)

                              Sygma zxc ghoul 2y.o dead...

                                sorry im just a noob that reached divine in 2k games rather than legend in 2k games

                                Brutal, Savage, Rekt.

                                dont cry if u are an offlane getting trilaned by the enemies
                                not just offlane but carry also
                                go jungle? yeah bh wouldnt justt stand still on the lane he probably gonna bully u until u want to abandon

                                You are in divine bracket as you said : WHERE THE F**K IS YOUR TEAM ? WHERE ARE THE SENTRIES ? EZ SQUISHY FREEKILL.
                                Even Legend supports have enough macro and are greedy enough to punish bh walking alone in your jungle.

                                Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                  Get a treant with sentry on lane and BH will be feeding you non stop. Seriously why no one talks abut treant that is ridiculously buffed.

                                  Sygma zxc ghoul 2y.o dead...

                                    Seriously why no one talks abut treant that is ridiculously buffed.

                                    Man we are already striving with our detection spendings that exceeds networth bullyingthese "dark_kevin_shadow" bounty hunters.
                                    You've just made it worse. But +1.

                                    Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                    Cancer Malaria

                                      OP complains about BH being broken, then proceed to play Luna a hero that is one of the high winrates of patch 7.20 (60% WINRATE BTW). Well done *Slow clap*

                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                        OP is a divine player so all of your arguments are invalid

                                        Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                        Stone Cold Steve Austin

                                          @Espada: Really? You've seen an ULTRAKILL from him? Then everyone can go home, Espada has seen an U L T R A K I L L Bounty Hunger, he's officially OP now, #nerfthatshit!
                                          What a moron.

                                          Sygma zxc ghoul 2y.o dead...

                                            @Espada: Really? You've seen an ULTRAKILL from him? Then everyone can go home, Espada has seen an U L T R A K I L L Bounty Hunger, he's officially OP now, #nerfthatshit!

                                            I have done 10 rampages with BH today in 2 minutes ! Ah.. wait... it was in hero demo.

                                            OP is a divine player so all of your arguments are invalid

                                            The writer of this comment is crusader5 and was named "#nerfClinkz" 2 months ago so the invalidity highlighted is invalid as his comment is invalid O_O.

                                            Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                              i tried this guy offlane,he's really weak on lvl 1-5 if you playing jinada first,even after lvl 7 you usually jus tfarm

                                              not sure about sp,probably just being annoying,that gold steal is seriously pretty weak


                                                He's back to where he used to be around TI2 - go Drums + BKB and you decimate supports.

                                                New deny change makes it that he can just hide in the treeline getting XP. Just don't BF/Deso etc like all Heralds


                                                  Reason why BH works is because noobs (all level of these from crusader to immortal) fear this gold stealing! Heralds and guardians doesn't fear because they doesn't know BH skills.

                                                  If u let BH push u back from farming bec he will steal 20g from u!?!? omega lul lol lalaöala


                                                    If BH would really be a problem win rate would show it! Currently 51% says it is balanced


                                                      Even Legend supports have enough macro and are greedy enough to punish bh walking alone in your jungle.

                                                      they're not lmao

                                                      Potato Marshal

                                                        Really just more annoying than overpowered. Even by the time you get to lvl 20, it often feels like your track gold for yourself and teammates is making more of an impact than your jinada gold steal.

                                                        Yami Yugi

                                                          @Espada: Really? You've seen an ULTRAKILL from him? Then everyone can go home, Espada has seen an U L T R A K I L L Bounty Hunger, he's officially OP now, #nerfthatshit!
                                                          What a moron.

                                                          @AvoNKraD so, you're smart enough to not see him kicking? not playing since 6 days ago? Plus, that is not my point, but I am a moron to expect you to saw trough my words, so no. I don't expect you to watch high MMR's live match in your DotA2 STEAM to open your mind, toxic in a nutshell.

                                                          Yami Yugi

                                                            Match ID plz. You can get an ultrakill even with the worse hero/creeps of the meta atm if you have a good setup (DR, OD).

                                                            Will post once I saw any legit BH users again, finding match that I saw the other night on a random occasion, any clue on how to do that?
                                                            Or just do me a favor and open that watch tab, and you might seeing it now whilst I still cant until tonight.


                                                              @captain KEEL: goodluck saving buyback now
                                                              @Chubby Fire Queen: steal enemy carry gold till he doesnt have buyback

                                                              Thread is kinda old. I need to explain a little though. BH steals UNRELIABLE GOLD. Buyback use RELIABLE GOLD first, then unreliable. Ana and OG wins TI8 balancing with reliable/unreliable gold ratio and buyback state. So...
                                                              ...just read this


                                                                my gold now TriHard


                                                                  Another pub cancer was created...

                                                                  Yami Yugi

                                                                    Match ID



                                                                      And i already know whats gonna happend when i play offlane with BH in team. The opponent buy a sentry then i dont see BH anymore, lose lane hard, mid game BH only circle around fights because he cant really do anything and we lose the game with BH contributing nothing and has the lowest hero damage of all 10 heroes.

                                                                      ...yeah that 20gold steal jinada was op... it sure would be nice if we had a warlock instead healing the axe in the offlane and used aoe stun in fight.


                                                                        Get immortal in 3k games op then come here



                                                                          I mean it's not a very high skill game but I'm not a very high skilled player. He plays pretty well as just a tempo carry that wants early fights. His biggest advantage is that if you're getting kills you will stay ahead in gold and you won't have to farm at all to do it. His weakness is that he doesnt go highground well and he provides like no teamfight.


                                                                            Pudge have 52,5% BH have 51,5% wins pudge picked twice as often!

                                                                            BH imba and broken :D

                                                                            Yami Yugi

                                                                              Match ID plz. You can get an ultrakill even with the worse hero/creeps of the meta atm if you have a good setup (DR, OD).

                                                                              @Eric Zemmour #RN #MLP


                                                                                24 lasthit but end up with 621GPM? totally balance.

                                                                                Yami Yugi

                                                                                  I know, Right? and this is the 2nd game I saw terrifying Bounty Hunter in high MMR games, but people denying fact with opinion, how fucked is that?