General Discussion

General DiscussionInsights from playing with guardian support

Insights from playing with guardian support in General Discussion

    Maybe an interesting read for some guardians stuck in their mmr

    Yesterday i played with a stack, some things i noticed

    dude is guardian, most played hero is lich (rank 12 medal)

    He basically has no clue how to play the hero at all, the way he plays him makes him have as little impact as possible

    Uses his deny while enemies are in xp range instead of denying the range creep behind the tower, leeching XP, nullifying the strength of his hero (guve his carry an XP advantage)

    sits in lane doing nothing, sometimes randomly runs into 2 enemies and dies. pudge is in lane, doesnt bother buying a ward.

    starts with 3 tangos a windlace and a stick, no shared tangos for mid.

    lich is supposed to give his carry an early XP advantage, once the carry is 2 lvls ahead you have a free lane. but he manages to completely nullify this oart of the hero, which makes him effectively a walking creep with a nuke.

    If you play lich, you deny ranged creeps and let your ursa solo XP the ursa will be lvl 4 while enemies are lvl 2, with the 2 slows you will kill them as soon as they show up in lane.

    doesnt buy wards before min 20, when he starts to buy wards he places them at the ward spots between our tier 2 towers which doesnt do anything. no wards at the river or enemy jungle to get pickoffs.

    never follows cores or axe to use his ulti when axe gets a 4 man call or a core gets jumped by the enemy team. walks around randomly, when he joins a teamfight everyone is already dead, even if cores say "go roshan", then uses ult with 0 effect. enemy pushes high ground, ulti is then on cooldown.

    These low mmr players get so caught up in the "my team is bad"-mentality that they never question their playstyle. even if said player plays so bad that he single handedly ruins the carries lane and has 0 impact or even negative impact througout the whole game.

    Also i would like to apolgise to every 5k+ player i ever supported in past in party games, since i probably played similiar from his persoective. If i ever play with feel free to treat me like i have voicecommand, tell me what to do when to do

    Sanft & Sorgfältig

      I doubt you have and clue how to play dota @ op.

      Btw last time sacrifice gave xp to enemy heros Was 1975 or some Shit.


        Units denied by sacrifice do not give xp at all you ape.


          you think you can hide your anger and ranting by making it look like a "guide" for low mmr players
          the average dotabuff dweller is known for having superior intellect ...we detect autism and rant threads at higher rate than the average human...shame on you op


            how is "you have no clie to play dota" related to what i wrote? sad troll

            i guess i learn something, doesnt change much about the point.
            people crying about not being able to climb but when they play with slightly higher mmr players they play very slow without any thought and cant even follow basic calls

            if i would get angry over losses why would i play with random stacks to gain pointless group mmr

            Ten komentarz był edytowany

              is this the same when lets say an Immortal 2 player plays with a legend 2 player?

              Sanft & Sorgfältig

                @ CnP they Do give XP to your own Team.

                Sygma zxc ghoul 2y.o dead...

                  Do your own pulling for lane equilibrium, buy your own wards not to get hooked/ganked, try to trade a kill when he goes suicide to pudge.

                  Playing in hard mode can only make you a better player even if you lose the game. You need to have more map awareness, to farm more to insure warding + core items, to count as 2 players in the fight, etc...

                  You should be happy he is not body blocking you, taking your farms and flaming you because you won the /roll and he is sad.

                  is this the same when lets say an Immortal 2 player plays with a legend 2 player?

                  No, worse if his ego is attacked (cf. my example above).

                  Ten komentarz był edytowany
                  Story Time

                    lol OP is a legend player, wow, so much better than guardian, wow


                      WOW story time is an immortal player WOW only 1k MMR higher than me WOW so much better WOW


                        afaik 1k mmr is huge skill gap...hell even 500 mmr is a notable difference


                          Excuse me? my mmr is 3.4k (top 75%)(LITERALLY A LEGEND) and according to valve i am above average (2.1k) so my opinion must be respected and my analysis on the game is legit and im going on factual basis. I dont like to kiss♥♥♥♥♥of any pro without any reason. U have no right to criticize it u bastard.


                            Says legend omegalul . U know how i feel when i play with legends ?? What u said are things that anyone with iq above 90 ,can understand ,but u legends make mistakes first and then dont even accept them later and act like a big 5k mmr player while u are shit .


                              i just noticed
                              i literally understand everything these pro's are doing
                              i thought it was impossible for me to understand them with my level of knowledge
                              so i never watched pro games
                              i litereally exactly know what's gonna happen in advance
                              omg this is so simple
                              like idk how to explain
                              but if you were to apply a 2 tier counter to a 7-8k pub match
                              you'd get a pro match


                                ywn shitposting warms my heart

                                Story Time

                                  Maybe an interesting read for some legends stuck in their mmr


                                    maybe an interesting read for people that play like legends on any other hero than silencer smileyface



                                      Story Time

                                        Maybe an interesting legend for some reads mmr in their stuck