General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do you impact the game the most as pudge right now?

How do you impact the game the most as pudge right now? in General Discussion
Chao Vritra

    Hi i suck but I still love dota. Lately I have been trying to be more critical of my play and learn, rather than just going through the motions of a game. I want to practice and start playing ranked again, I used to be pretty decent at this game a few years ago but I took some breaks and then started playing more casually. I used to have a decent WR with pudge but it has been dropping the last few months. I know I am probably just going to get flamed for making this topic, but I love this cruel forum.

    But any advice from any pudge mains on playing in the current meta? I feel like I really started struggling around the time that bounty runes stopped giving XP, and the nerf to the rot slow at level 1 and the nerfs to roaming in general. Should I focus on shutting down my lane if I can? Should I leave as soon as I get rot level two at level 3 and start roaming? Any advice in general I will take.

    Also, thoughts on safelane support? Is it possible with a ranged carry sometimes or too punishable? Also, what about aether lens? Worth it every game? Thanks in advance if anyone can answer.


      "But any advice from any pudge mains"

      Wat do someone play pudge as main :D Its trolling hero which u pick when u doesn't have any reports already and getting 4 is not disaster :D

      ps. Nice 55% wrate as pudge well done

      Ten komentarz był edytowany

        Best way to have alot of impact as pudge:

        Don't pick Pudge.
        Pudge is unreliable and can literally lose the game alone.

        Pudges always have most deaths
        Least impact
        Maybe hits a hook sometimes.

        Compared to ES/Venge/Es etc that have reliable controls, always relevant etc etc.
        Also any of the above can actually apply pressure to their lane more then once every 24th sec.


          Pudge is garbage and game losing hero

          Chao Vritra

            yeah, I am not spamming him anymore, as I lose whenever I pick him lately. But I have so much time invested in the hero. And I have heard before that hero picks do not matter in 3k bracket. Generally I try to only pick him if the enemy has a lot of channeled spells, or someone I can throw off positioning like void or legion. I have been trying to hook smarter, and pull enemy heroes out of fights that matter rather than just hooking whoever.

            Whisper Rage

              As a pudge main with over 2500 pudge matches between 3 different accounts I can tell you this; my first 200 games as pudge were game ruining and I got reported by almost every teammate I had. After that though it just clicks and you finally start to get a feel of how the hero works, his strengths and shortcomings. In the hands of a mechanically experienced player pudge is a complete menace to the other team. The best way to get better with a hero is understanding his weaknesses. So what are Pudge’s weaknesses? 1) His mana pool is dismal allowing for only 2 hooks before you’re completely out of mana. 2) He’s completely out of shape, slow as hell and is heavily reliant on mobility items to do literally anything for his team. 3) He’s a crowd magnet. Yes that’s right, when you’re playing pudge know that everybody in that game is watching you. You are being judged unlike any other hero out there. Miss a hook = get flamed by both your teammates and opponents. 4) If you are playing him in the pos 4 roaming your positioning is literally everything, if they see you you already lost your gank, as the enemy is already retreating by now. 5) His hook. This is possibly the greatest double edged sword out there in all of dota. Hook a fleeing enemy hero and your team will spam “Well Played!” endlessly. However hook your friendly PA off a fleeing enemy hero after she used her blink strike and your team will also spam “Well Played!” but trust me, the amount of salt your team will be feeling at that point will be unparalleled. Look I can go on and on about how horrible of an experience playing Pusge can be, but on the flip side there is no other feeling out there better than throwing a blind hook into the trees and dragging out the body of a juking 50 hp shitlord. There is no other hero that can trigger more adrenaline inside your veins like The Butcher. There is a reason he isn’t played in the VHS bracket and that’s because he’s too much of a double edged sword. But that’s also arguably the greatest reason on why we even pick him in the first place. So go out there and instalock Pudge. Become the Pudge everyone fears :)

              Riguma Borusu

                There is a reason he isn’t played in the VHS bracket and that’s because he’s too much of a double edged sword.

                THE most picked hero in 3-4k
                THE most picked hero in 4-5k
                4th most picked hero in 5k+

                I don't know what you're smoking but it must be good shit.

                Whisper Rage

                  And also back in 2015 I was top 113 Pudge in the world. I’m probably top 1000 right now but as someone who has been flamed endlessly for missing hooks let me also chime in on some advice. Never let the flaming effect you personally, shrug it off and throw another hook. The worst thing that can happen is you will get flamed more, but by now you already know that just because they flame you doesn’t mean you aren’t improving. :)

                  Whisper Rage

                    THE most picked hero in 3-4k
                    THE most picked hero in 4-5k
                    4th most picked hero in 5k+
                    I don't know what you're smoking but it must be good shit.

                    I like how you ignored the entire post and are now bagging on one thing I might have said incorrectly. Proves to you how toxic pudge haters are. Thanks for proving almost everything I said :)

                    Riguma Borusu

                      ^I don't hate pudge, I hate imbeciles.

                      Also people who can't use paragraphs.

                      Ten komentarz był edytowany

                        he does get pretty bad after nerfs,but i saw lots of pudge solo carrying games honestly

                        ye he's the kind of guy who kills everyone if success,and get like 2k-3k hp at min 20 or useless whole game

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                        Mode : TOPSON

                          just sit on lane until lvl 6 and start killing everybody
                          if u have good lane partner try to disturb enemy carry so enemy carry cant farm at all.
                          i cant hook at all but i buy blink dagger and making the game 5vs4 (aether lens is garbage because hook speed imo).


                            Pudge is absolutely trash hero with fucking high pick rate...


                              These children are sleep on pudge. Most picked hero in Dota with a good winrate means the hero is great. Play as a pos 4, buy your wards, smokes and shit. Gank the enemy mid to make them tilt and you win. Nothing more annoying that dealing with a 5k hp pudge who built defensive items, can be a monster.

                              Suck my tiny curry dick

                                Pudge is better as a right click carry


                                  Pick it when:
                                  you have cores in your team whitout natural escape.
                                  Your enemy heroes are squishy and int. heroes, or heavy positioning based heroes (tinket , enigma,silencer etc..).
                                  Maximize tp scroll and roaming.
                                  Land hooks
                                  Land hooks

                                  Story Time

                                    i love playing against pudge :)


                                      my winrate when someone in my team picks pudge.
                                      -225 MMR.


                                        Pudge the second most fun hero to play with, injoker being the first


                                          Pudge is so shit hero . So passive laner , no impact in team fights , only pickoffs which arent reliable always.


                                            What am I missing ? Why blue stars hating on pudgy?

                                            Suck my tiny curry dick

                                              Get silver edge and Daedalus and 3 divine rapiers. Try to have like 100 flesh heap and pray you get a lucky crit. You’ll smash squishy heroes in no time.


                                                Pudge @laning stage is useless! There is the reason to hate it. It just leach exp its worse than LC jungle

                                                edit. if u play hero which can jungle and your "support" is pudge better go to jungle and let pudge work on lane so he is forced not to AFK!

                                                Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                  I dont mind pudge as a hero but i dont like when pudge players dont help the offlaner early because they are roaming. Usually they might get a kill in the safelane after spending some time there, then they proceed to the mid lane and when they finally get to the offlane its too late to actually achieve something there cause both support/carry are ahead in xp/farm vs the sacked underleveled offlaner and roaming pudge.

                                                  Justin Weaver

                                                    Pudge on the laning phase is so useless? Ever heard of spamming the hook level one with some mangos and clarities? You have to hit the hook btw 😂. Well I've almost 300 pudge games with 64% winrate. A hero that got me to 3k apart from necro when he was super op, and pudge is still carrying me forward. The satisfaction u get from landing a hook is so soothing.


                                                      Playing pudge is same as gambling imo.


                                                        Playing pudge in 3k is like saying ur the best at riding a bicycle in a class of retarded people.

                                                        Picking pudge after 4500 is just ruining for ur team. Check pudge winrate in divine bracket.

                                                        as some people already mentioned, when someone picks pudge :
                                                        1. Their safelane gets a freelane
                                                        2. Your offlane gets denied almost all gold/xp
                                                        3. Pudge is unreliable compared to Earthspirit/Shaker/Venge/Tusk etc that is doing basicly the same thing as pudge.
                                                        4. almost 0 pressence on lane.
                                                        5. Ur safelane is gonna get less Xp if pudge stays on the lane to try to get a kill, which he might.
                                                        6. Pudge literally always has the most deaths. Even if he has 20 kills/assists by 20min, he will probably have atleast 10deaths.

                                                        Play game, not compete

                                                          Make surprise hooks. Never hook when enemy expects you to hook. Double fake your hook, then hook.


                                                            51.5% win-rate in Immortal bracket, even higher in other brackets.
                                                            Clearly - v. bad hero Kappa.

                                                            There is no other hero that you can suck for pretty much whole game, be totally useless, and with one lucky hook get insane impact. In my bracket I've seen many Pudges that were like 0-10, got 1-2 good hooks in teamfights (esp. when enemy was pushing high ground), and won the game. I always ban this hero because he brings too much variance. He can instantly make team fight 4v5, all with pretty much zero networth & low xp.

                                                            People think that hero is bad because he has bad KDA, but he can win you the game with couple good hooks.

                                                            Not to mention that he is quite tanky, and people waste stuns/spells on him in fights. Of course he dies, but the rest of his team win a fight.

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                                                            Story Time

                                                              the best way to play Pudge is to pick Axe!