General Discussion

General DiscussionPros and cons of Lina

Pros and cons of Lina in General Discussion

    Just started playing her . Was so bad at first but now atleast average . What are her pros and cons ? The ideal laning matchups and bad matchups ? Lina is just a hero not talked about very often, so i wanna get some knowledge .


      She's just squishy be good at positioning and you melt everyone


        which position are we talking about?


          Mid , pos 2


            + dominates most lanes
            + strong solo kill potential throughout the game
            + farms fast
            + lots of objective dmg
            + doesnt have to be last pick
            - really squishy
            - bag of gold throughout the game
            - requires good positioning

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              Ok ty my bro . Now for further details , what are good and bad matchups for lina in mid?

              Riguma Borusu

                There are basically two types of lina hard counters:
                1) Heroes she can't really kill because they're too tanky or likely to build tanky
                2) Heroes that get in her face and disable her, make it impossible to do anything


                  ta is hard
                  sf CAN be hard but it can go both ways
                  qop has some outplay potential but usually lina has pretty decent advantage against her

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