General Discussion

General Discussion1k games are harder than 3k.

1k games are harder than 3k. in General Discussion

    It's not an accusation, it's an observation. At some point you have to abandon the good faith assumption in the face of overwhelming evidence. If you browse through this thread you will find that evidence aplenty. OP is not actually suggesting that 1k games are easier than 3k games, they are searching for any reason to be considered better at the game than their 1k brethren. Which is nowhere to be found obviously, since MMR works.

    '96 Neve Campbell

      MMR works.
      Good one


        More importantly, accurate.


          the result of all games are ultimately inevitable as we live in a deterministic universe

          checkmate high mmr retards


            ^ you couldn’t even get 1 mmr, I don’t think you can comment.

            Unwavering Stance

              sorry i win 19/20 games on 1k. its ur fault that u cant climb


                the result of all games are ultimately inevitable as we live in a deterministic universe
                checkmate high mmr retards

                How do you explain the electron diffraction then, huh? checkmate low IQ retard.

                @ .eXceL

                you couldn’t even get 1 mmr, I don’t think you can comment.

                Why not, it's not like gaining MMR is achievable in this case, at least leave the option to comment on the table.


                  knowledge != intelligence != IQ


                    Its people like you who ruin Party MMR's Reputation. if two 4k's queue together and both do well and in both players are 4k and both are fine to go up in MMR from 3k Solo. I have a friend I am teaching Dota. I met him at Herald 3. He is now archon 3 With a ~75% win-rate this patch. How do you explain that? Is he just Lucky? should he play my lottery numbers? No your Just bad. I play with Immortals in Party as an ancient player and perform "ok" but that does not make me immortal dumbass. Its possible for a legend to play like an immortal one game and an immortal like a herald. Most of the time alcohol is in play but the point remains. MMR is consistency. Clearly you are not consistant enough in your Solo MMR games to improve. When you tell me how my Herald friend has gained over 400 MMR and is still winning a majority of his games let me know.


                      knowledge != intelligence != IQ

                      Reading != reading comprehension, cap.

                      Ramtin H

                        Watch chi long qua or road to reformation channel on you tube he once was smurfing in 1 k to try new heroes to learn like voker warden and guess what 100% winrate
                        People in 1 k are absolutely bad at this game 0 vision they cant even cs not good farm patterns no one gets dust 0 defensive items so best is to watch some of this channels videos and then watch 2-3 of your replays and watch the misatkes u did (cs missing chasing etc) Not others
                        And after that if u done this stuff you should have around 95% or 100% win rate cuase even a 31kill monkey king can get dempestered why? Cuase he has deso echo when u have buterfly skadi thats what we call item building and also try to never pick suport and dont ever chat with toxic guys insta mute them and thank me latter
                        And thats it bro
                        Wish you luck and Remember its just a game Try to have fun by improving


                          Yea lol wonder how Clq went from 1k to 3k by playing shit like mid Lone druid watching in disbelief how bad people are in that bracket why don't you respond to that permadogshit


                            ^ This is kinda ill-timed considering mid lone druid is a prime pick right now.


                              He did it when he was 38% win rate not this patch


                                I know, I'm just saying that context is needed, considering the recent patch.

                                '96 Neve Campbell

                                  Its people like you who ruin Party MMR's Reputation. if two 4k's queue together and both do well and in both players are 4k and both are fine to go up in MMR from 3k Solo. I have a friend I am teaching Dota. I met him at Herald 3. He is now archon 3 With a ~75% win-rate this patch. How do you explain that? Is he just Lucky? should he play my lottery numbers? No your Just bad. I play with Immortals in Party as an ancient player and perform "ok" but that does not make me immortal dumbass. Its possible for a legend to play like an immortal one game and an immortal like a herald. Most of the time alcohol is in play but the point remains. MMR is consistency. Clearly you are not consistant enough in your Solo MMR games to improve. When you tell me how my Herald friend has gained over 400 MMR and is still winning a majority of his games let me know.

                                  This is like literally all bullshit. A quick look at your profile is all it fucking takes to determine that we have a similar skill level. You dont play with immortals, all of the people you have played with recently are ancient or below. And I give party mmr a bad rep why? You are an Ancient II who hasnt touched solo mmr in a year. I can garuntee you have way higher party than solo and if you dont then you must be pretty shite not to have gained party mmr in the year you have been playing it exclusively.

                                  Since creating this thread I have changed my opinion and I agree that 1k is fucking easy, hence why I have climbed 1000 solo mmr since making this thread. But I still stand by what I said about teammates. etc. Since reaching about 1.8k I have bottlenecked myself and avoided playing solo. I know I can go further because I still dominate 90% of the solo games I play, however progression is hard because I need to learn how to play in a new bracket where my teammates remain as shit as they have ever been but the other team actually has slight mechanical knowledge.

                                  Is this jungle Alchemist game with lowest hero damage on the team also a perfect example of why you made this thread? Because guess who was mad about useless 0 impact teammate in that game. Not you.

                                  It's all statistics, you need to be good all the time, not sometimes. As long as you allow yourself to justify your bad performances by your good ones you will remain a 1k shitter.

                                  I was tilted by the game before and am not sure why I started a new one, but I picked alchemist mid and they last picked literally the one hero in the game I can not lane against mid as alch so I decided I wanted the safe lane but the team refused to rotate or compensate for the fact that my lane was untenable so I went jungle and never had enough farm to make an impact. Shit games happen, your profile is fucking littered with them.
                                  This where you couldnt win as Wraith King despite getting carried 27-9 by excel
                                  This where you went 2-12 as axe and had almost the lowest hero damage on your team
                                  This where you have 387 gpm on an anti mage against a relatively simple lineup
                                  What about this one where you fed 10 deaths in 17 minutes as a seeker ???
                                  I was outdrafted and my team were too bad to account for our lack of draft so whatever, it was an unwinnable game and I dont really care that it was lost. I went into the next game, picked what destroyed me in the last, and went beyond godlike. Lesson learnt. There is no point in overanalysing my games trying to root out the rare occasion where i get my ass handed to me in solo ranked when you should probably be focusing on your own games.

                                  Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                    on average everything evens out. if you're unlucky for more than four dozen games, you're not


                                      hence why I have climbed 1000 solo mmr
                                      You have -3 wins in solo MMR since the last estimate I made(that was around 1575 with charitable assumptions), so where does this 1000 come from? Is it your kind of math again or were you extremely lucky with unparsed matches?

                                      I was tilted by the game before and am not sure why I started a new one
                                      Some more excuses, classic. My contention is not that you played badly, my dear. Everyone has bad games, as your examples of my bad games show. The difference is that not in a single one of those games did I say "Fuck it, I'm jungling". Not when I got trilaned as an AM at 3 mins, coz LC went jungle after level two, leaving pugna to feed offlane. Not when the Spectre tried going naked Radiance when the team had Alch already. Not when I got left solo in the offlane for 10 minutes. No matter how hard my team was failing in my mind, at no point did I go spite jungling. You, on the other hand, saw a Monkey King and decided the lane was "untenable" instead of learning to play against him, dragging creeps to ramps and spamming acid, getting some early armor item, calling for ganks when he overextends (it's 1k monkey, should be a cakewalk for your 3k self) chose to put your AA mid. Because that is a better matchup against MK I guess. Which resulted in you singlehandedly losing your team the game.

                                      That is the difference.

                                      Also please never use turbo games as an example of anything, it's not proper dota mode. Might also want to check the games instead of just checking the score. The idea that 3.0 KDA amounts to carrying hard or that WW+Phoenix+Pudge trilane at 3 minutes is relatively easy for antimage to deal with and the Axe game was actually pretty good-I fed while doing my support duties. All of those sound like excuses, do they? Except what I'm saying is that if you were to actually look you would've easily found my games with way worse performance. Half-assing everything as expected.

                                      '96 Neve Campbell

                                        ^There is no incentive to stick around in a dead lane especially when you pick a hero like alchemist who can jungle easily. If you choose to stay in a dead lane that is you being stubborn and nothing else.

                                        And those are perfectly valid reasons for losing a game. You seem to confuse excuses with valid reasons all the time though. If I was to say I lost a game because I was severely outdrafted that is a fact and a valid reason as to why the game was lost, not an excuse. If I was to say I had to answer the phone, or I didnt feel like playing, or someone on my team annoyed me so I decided to throw then that is an excuse.

                                        Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                        quest to questing

                                          i never really understood the debate about anything below 4.5k mmr

                                          at that level everyone plays so brain dead that you don't need to factor in things like making space or proper supporting or anything of that sort. you just faceroll everyone because they make so many mistakes and you just snowball out of control.

                                          stop focusing on efficacy or correct dota because why play optimally to gain a slight edge over your opponents when you could just capitalize on how bad they are and snowball? even at 5k+ this still happens as evident in my skywrath games which takes advantage of people being braindead


                                            “I lost a game because I was severely outdrafted that is a fact and a valid reason as to why the game was lost, not an excuse”

                                            whatever dude that’s a loser’s mentality

                                            劉 刘

                                              low skilled bitch whos delusional and goes to a dogshit uni xd

                                              enjoy your 10k salary.

                                              '96 Neve Campbell

                                                low skilled bitch whos delusional and goes to a dogshit uni xd

                                                enjoy your 10k salary.

                                                random fuck who thinks they know anything about me.


                                                  Imma fly from here(I live in PH) to Europe over next summer, assuming no plan changes. Let’s 5v5; me and my siblings vs you and a stack of friends. NO HIGHER THAN 3K. Let’s see if you could beat us.
                                                  Oh please make this happen. Stop dodging a straight-up test and make this happen


                                                    ^sounds like a good excuse to date a chick. Don’t fall for it Parmasama!!



                                                      but how can you date someone on 5v5 dota lobby online


                                                        Online DATING?

                                                        Is that not a term or am I too old?


                                                        Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                          ON DOTA!?


                                                            I have a girlfriend Gecko, no thanks


                                                              im having a bad day
                                                              If you were to establish yourself as a genuine and relatable person I would probably be sorry for you, but at this point I'm having to assume that is the carma for abandoning that slark game.


                                                              If you choose to stay in a dead lane
                                                              mid is never a dead lane in the laning phase. Which is what makes it an excuse. YOU got outdrafted and YOU lost the game. There is a set of objective factors that contributed to YOUR loss, some of them external for sure. But anything you say to justify your mistakes or allevieate your guilt in the loss is an excuse. Do I really have to explain it to native English speaker?

                                                              For ease of further use: anything you have said and probably will say in this thread in regards to any games you lost was and probably will be an excuse. Go ahead, surprise me.

                                                              '96 Neve Campbell

                                                                Don’t fall for it Parmasama!!

                                                                I dont date arrogant young boys anyway c:

                                                                '96 Neve Campbell

                                                                  i got ancient btw take that haters

                                                                  Yami Yugi


                                                                      You got ancient with party MMR wow so good
                                                                      Solo mmr? Still not yet 2K? Kappa krappa
                                                                      “Arrogant young boys” i’m 20 and 3rd yr college but ok

                                                                      EX Crusader player

                                                                        They need to remove the party-ancient badges. Maximum of Legend V would be pretty okay. More than that is just stupid.

                                                                        I mean, the whole party-mmr thingy is a joke ANYWAYS, but yeah.

                                                                        @ on topic

                                                                        Waiting for the: 4k/Ancient games are easier than 1k. Xd

                                                                        Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                          BUT IT'S INDEED ARE EASIER 111!!!!11

                                                                          Story Time

                                                                            They need to remove the party-ancient badges. Maximum of Legend V would be pretty okay. More than that is just stupid.

                                                                            ancient or legend - is the same shit. Divine is shit too but a glorified shit, so cant be easily accessed for keeping hype, otherwise would be no limitation

                                                                            EX Crusader player

                                                                              I don't share the opinion - Story time.

                                                                              I coinsider the Ancient and above to be strictly solo-based badges. When I see an ancient player, I coinsider him to be semi-decent at this game at least.

                                                                              Story Time

                                                                                to be semi-decent at this game at least.

                                                                                i like how you do not dare to write simply "decent", that sums it up

                                                                                EX Crusader player

                                                                                  Haha. Oh, well.


                                                                                    (solo MMR*0.8)+(party MMR*0.2)=medal MMR
                                                                                    herald- sub 1k
                                                                                    --------------cutoff for factoring party MMR to medal
                                                                                    immortal-top 3000 of the region
                                                                                    If only party MMR is calibrated, use (party MMR*0.5). If only solo is calibrated, use solo MMR as is.

                                                                                    I have no idea why Valve seem incapable of simplification of the medal system's calculations since its conception. There's all these weird computations for medal ranges; why not just have it in batches of 1000, with stars given based on increments of 200?


                                                                                      Using my proposed system, let's try to calculate where parma's medal would be.
                                                                                      Since she's Ancient 1, largely due to her party MMR, i estimate her party MMR to be in the region of 4100. Let's peg her solo MMR at 1400 or so.
                                                                                      (1400*0.8) +(4100*0.2)=1940, which would theoretically peg parma at Crusader 5.
                                                                                      infinitely more believable than her being A N C I E N T 1

                                                                                      '96 Neve Campbell

                                                                                        ^Ah yes I do love these random ass formulae. Very scientific, you are the next Einstein.


                                                                                          Random ass formulae? As opposed to the current system being implemented by Valve, without rhyme or reason? Valve promised when they released the medal system that solo MMR would carry more weight than party MMR, yet here we are; you’re Ancient 1 with a party MMR of 4K but solo MMR of ~1.5-2K MMR. What I did was merely propose a standardization of measurement metrics, with a logical flow of computation.
                                                                                          I suggested a far more convoluted method of calculation before, one which factored in difference between party and solo MMR, assigning multipliers accordingly. Is the proposed system above not much cleaner, and transparent, than what Valve currently does?


                                                                                            well the reason some 1k games are harder than 3k, is because nobody has even a sliver of a clue how to play - thus the outcome of the game entirely depends on how good you are at 1vs9.
                                                                                            you have to literally pick a mid hero ,10:0 the enemy mid in 10 minutes and end the game on your own by 20 minutes if you want to have an easy way in these games.


                                                                                              Also, why did you incessantly feel the need to keep bumping this thread? Taking a look at your last game, where you posted a convincing 15/1/12 and dominating victory as SF in a solo ranked match, have you not disproven your own point? If you’re better, you’ll climb, and you’re showing it now.
                                                                                              Maybe you finally are worth 3K. Congrats then. Kek


                                                                                                well 1k games arent actually harder than 3k, its just that in 3k you may have teammates you can rely on sometimes, whereas in 1k you are alone; so you just have to get better at solo-carrying and you can win a 100 games in a row to reach 3k.

                                                                                                '96 Neve Campbell

                                                                                                  ^Actually if I am going to be honest I think the new medal system is complete trash and really needs to be replaced by dual medals or a system not unlike the one you are talking about

                                                                                                  Maybe you finally are worth 3K. Congrats then. Kek

                                                                                                  Heck yeah friend, Ive gone like 10 kda every solo ranked game ive played since my last loss, tis easy.

                                                                                                  Also using 'kek'.

                                                                                                  well 1k games arent actually harder than 3k, its just that in 3k you may have teammates you can rely on sometimes, whereas in 1k you are alone; so you just have to get better at solo-carrying and you can win a 100 games in a row to reach 3k.
                                                                                                  This is what I was struggling with at the start, since making this thread I have learnt how to play around my team and solo carry. It has actually been a surprisingly good experience and I think I have grown as a player.

                                                                                                  Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                                                                  '96 Neve Campbell


                                                                                                    1000 REPLIES CLUB

                                                                                                    Get the champagne out

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