General Discussion


NEW SEASON DOTA 2 MEDAL RESET??OH NO? in General Discussion
Frag Out

    The new Ranked Season of Dota will go live with tomorrow’s update. As we kick off the season, your new Ranked Medal will be calculated through a calibration period of ten games. This season's calibration will allow for a substantial change in rank based on your performance during calibration, seeded by your previous rank. Your previous season’s medal will be displayed in your profile, alongside your new medal.

    We've made some changes to the Ranked Medal system itself. You'll now be able to see the progress on your profile medal, visible only to you, to track your advancement towards the next star or rank. Additionally, the steps between ranks go from 1 star to 5 stars, instead of 0 to 5. There is also a new tier of Ranked Medal exclusively for players positioned on the Leaderboards — designated as Immortal — to help more clearly distinguish the top players in the world. The Immortal rank does not have stars, just the explicit leaderboard ranking.

    As always, Rank Medals represent your highest performance level for the current season, and a medal will never decrease in rank once you've earned it. Once you've calibrated your new ranking, there's nowhere to go but up.



      Potato Marshal

        Time to be a filthy ancient again.


          we will become flith

          E m t Y

            Just yestarday I earned Ancient [1] and the new season begains.


              And now i can be ancient 5 brother


                Nice to see those token abusers must do another effort to unlock their precious medals

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                Marko Bulat

                  ^impling that its possible to lose or gain more than 500 MMR from just 10 "calibration" matches, i honestly doubt that someone will drop or gain more than few stars in this process. Mind if i remind you that we had same "calibration" in November where just our MMR was turned into medals, nothing happend bellow 5k MMR. Only people who had absurd values like pro players with 7-10k MMR lost significant ammount and were caped to 6k.

                  Plebs attained their MMR, to prove this stupid shit, screenshot your MMR now and see how much did you gain or lose after calibration if its more than +-500 i owe you all apology.


                    What should I do if I got a winstreak for the last 10 games, and during the callibration the system decides to reward me with a 10 loses? I'll drop another 500 mmr from my 1900? xD

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                      unless your recent winrate is in the 60-70% range, calibration is nothing to get excited about. really matchmaking is an amazing algorithm in that, apart from a few smurfs/boosted accounts almost everyone has a winrate 45-55% and we are all where we deserve to be....


                        Yep, 50% system.

                        Even having a winrate of 52% you will need 3000 games to rise from 2k to 5k mmr. But ~90% of players have <51% wr. So if u have 51% u need 6k games to up from 2k to 5k.

                        So it was with me. I came to play DotA for the first time, after 100 games I made a callibration and got 1700 mmr. I played almost 1000 games in the ranking and still on the same rating. I receive every week +/- 200 mmr.

                        Did my level of the game not grow in 2.5 years? Or is the 50% system trying to keep players at the current level? How then to improve the skill, if you always play with opponents of the same level?

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                          you can improve your understanding and skill in the game but still not be better in a measurable way (ie. winning more)

                          i don't believe in the trench being a thing but maybe you are better in some aspects than the average player in your bracket now compared to where you started while still being held back by severe deficiencies in other ways

                          flourishing new leaf

                            So long as they keep taking behavior into account when setting up teams, MMR will keep staying non-representative of skill and just pure bullshit


                              @D-maister if you want to climb, you need to be 1000MMR better than your current MMR to do it at any reasonable speed. forced 50% winrate isn't a real thing. its just most people don't get better.


                                You can increase the level in several ways:

                                1) Play with a stronger opponent
                                2) Listening to the advice of a mentor with a high rating
                                3) Studying the replays of strong players

                                The problem is that if you do not have strong friends with whom you could play at a party and no one to give advice - you can not notice your mistakes. So you can not improve the skill.

                                Playing hundreds of games with equal opponents - your level will remain at the same level. How will you learn if everyone plays the same.

                                And considering the system that picks up teams depending on winrate for the last 10-20 games - the chances of increasing the skill and the percentage of victories are reduced even more.


                                  'And considering the system that picks up teams depending on winrate for the last 10-20 games - the chances of increasing the skill and the percentage of victories are reduced even more.'

                                  pretty sure that's not true. find a booster and watch their replays for how to beat your mmr


                                    Did y’all say I will be ancient now ?


                                      You right but how i can play 1000 mmr better on my 2k if i never play with 3k+ players?)

                                      I will give an example
                                      If you are a professional in building sand castles - you can not build a house. But if you ask the builder of houses to build a sand castle - he will easily make it.

                                      And even if you will train for years to build sandcastles - you can not build a house.

                                      The same is true for the DotA rating. If you play hundreds of games on the same rating - your level of play does not go up. The only way to improve it is to play with stronger opponents (at least 300-500 mmr higher) or teammates who will point out your mistakes and give advice (what to buy or do).

                                      If you send to play with players who are 1000 ratings below you - you can easily beat them. But if the 1000 mmr higher - then you lose. And it does not depend on whether you spent 100 games or 1000 games.

                                      'pretty sure that's not true. find a booster and watch their replays for how to beat your mmr'

                                      Of course, if a player is higher than others, no player selection system will balance the teams.

                                      The system is based on your current MMR, win the last games and decency. If you play higher than others (often winning), the system picks up players on your team that have lately lost. And in the team of the enemy of those who are winning the last time

                                      Repeatedly noticed that getting a series of victories in my team begins to throw players with winrate in 43-47%, and in the enemy 52-55%. This is the confirmation of my assumption.

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                                        Having a winrate >50%, you gradually increase your rating. But I can not accept the fact that I will need more than 3000 games in order to reach the 4K level, considering that I played only 900 games for 2.5 years? Thats mean that i need 8+ years for it.

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                                          I won 2 games in a row on rank match im now 2-0 the first match was im with archon 4 and 5 and i played well then we won the second match has too many legends there is legend 1,2,3 and im confused why does it gains fast? I only won 2 match in a row

                                          Fuck Dota 2's Devs

                                            hello every one
                                            played a match BEFORE new rank update comes lost the match closed the game updated my dota 2 , opened dota 2 and saw it i lost 1 out of 10 first game of new rank :| wtf
                                            any wat won 7 games lost 2 ( + 1 force lose by valve)
                                            got from 4170 to 4813
                                            looks like for every lose it is -150 to -200 mmr and for every win u get +150+200 mmr
                                            last medal was anc 2 and new rank got anc 4

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