General Discussion

General DiscussionYour Enigma build?

Your Enigma build? in General Discussion
Dark Hunter

    I usually get midas as early as possible and more often than not skip soul ring completely
    so my build usually looks like this

    boots -> midas ->blink -> arcane boots -> mek -> greavs or bkb depending on the game -> refresher

    i see a lot of people getting octarine, but i'd rather have 2 ultimates instantly isntead of 1 every 70-80 seconds

    what do you build?


      is too short (minimum is 6 characters)

      Machado98 #xatubaking

        I like to get as much cooldown reduction as I can, so I can be very liberal with black holes and therefore more useful, octarine ftw


          i think midas is dead, so you go early helm of the dominator instead

          Dire Wolf

            Pretty sure midas sucks on everyone.

            Hopefully you are a core enigma so you can farm stuff.

            Treads, blink, aghs, refresher, octarine.


              Enigmas in my games usually come out of the jungle after 30mins with Midas,blink and Mel and then flame everyone for having lost their lanes


                hotd is great
                rushing dagger is stupid
                getting mek would be situational (early)


                  I think rushing blink is not necessary and hotd can be purchased on any offlaner rn, considering enigma is a good pusher, and he lacks the ability to fight outside of his big cooldowns, it's nice to have a neutral creep to help u fight as well as a great aura for u eidolons

                  Dire Wolf

                    I don't get why more people don't go for aghs on enigma. What does enigma really need? Stats, cooldown, initiation. Aghs has stats, really beefs up his ult so it does like 4 times the dmg. It's pretty hard to get midnight pulse down and still get a good ult so with aghs you don't worry about it.


                      Aghs is a luxury item, usually enigma doesn't need the dmg since his team has the dmg and he is mainly lockdown.

                      And why would enigma need "stats"?

                      Ten komentarz był edytowany
                      Dire Wolf

                        so he doesn't die. Tanky enigma is awesome.


                          go blink mana boots. refresher bkb and euls.


                            refresher > octarione core

                            change my mind

                            Dire Wolf

                              I would definitely get refresher before oct core but they are both good.


                                Sometimes u want octarine over refresher, usually when u have no raw Mana items and can't afford the Mana to hole refresh hole

                                Potato Marshal

                                  Aghs is mediocre, why would you want an item that only buffs your ult when it's one of the highest cooldown and unreliable ults in the game?


                                    octarine probably better than refresher in my ns opinion. All these ults with super-long cooldown benefit both from bringing the downtime more in line with the other ultis on your time and from reducing the window where the other team can force a fight when you don't have your ult.


                                      Meteor hammer and atos enigma