General Discussion

General DiscussionDire vs Radiant

Dire vs Radiant in General Discussion

    Show me at least player who has Dire WR > Radiant WR. <-- this person must have ~1000 matches in total.

    I know there are countless threads on dotabuff. But I checked like 10 random profiles on dotabuff and everyone has Radiant WR > Dire WR. I myself prefer Dire over Radiant because of the jungle(mainly) and top lane but idk why everyone's winning on Radiant. I don't really think it's because Dire is worse than Radiant I think it's because GabeN's MMR system is broken and somehow it puts you with worse players on Dire. Just link me at least one profile so I can sleep tonight.

    Ten temat był edytowany
    Dark Hunter

      its just how your brain works. I've noticed myself that playing on Radiant seems to go easier than playing on Dire. The changes on map itself are too insegnificant (other than some jungle camps maybe) to have a noticable impact in the game.

      It's dependent on the person how significant the difference is and maybe you're the odd one and perform better on dire

      who will tell


        radiant's wood are super safe compare to dire's. radiant's mid's trees are way better than dire to defend yourself and have 2 natural spot for a ward that actually defend it pretty well on it's only weakness. radiant has much better access to roshan, and better spot to attack roshan thx to double hill + special spot you can access by foot on double high ground that allow you to blnik inside rosh pit. trees behind t1 safelane radiant are much better to tp in AND to hide in than dire's t1 safelane.
        Generally speaking, it's way easier to tp hide in radiant's side compare to dire's thx to the position of trees. only notable exception being t2 mid. (and that's a super big deal when you compare shrine's tp in the main woods of each faction). Also, when split pushing, it's way harder to juke people who actually tped on shrine behind you, when you are dire. It's also easier as a safelaner to actually let the ranged creep be in front first wave when you are radiant.

        Frankly, the only two things i can think off dire has an advantage on, are the hidden tp in t2 mid and the zig zag enemy wave of offlane, which is extremly hard to block as a safe laner to ensure the enemy ranged creep doesn't end up dying like a shit in front lane first wave.

        Ten komentarz był edytowany

          how does it take 6 years to balance the map somehow

          i don't ever remember dire having advantage except rosh access back in 6.8x

          me, government hooker

            my question is how did that atrocious dire offlane creep path even get into the game


              i remember that thing haunting my dream once