General Discussion

General DiscussionUndying Itemisation?

Undying Itemisation? in General Discussion

    So, I like playing undying and have a very good winrate with him in the Archon bracket (80% over 30 games), so I want to play him more often. However, I often have the problem that I'm not sure what to buy past the laning stage. I know mek > greaves is supposed to be a good pickup, but lots of people say mek is a terrible item. Radiance is super strong on him, but he has no real way to farm it, making it a long time before you have any real presence in fights - the opposite of what you want as undying. I've also considered just being a ward bitch, but I don't feel like it plays to Undying's strengths of being a tanky hero in the middle of a fight.

    Thoughts on this? What items do you like to go on Undying, and how does this change from game to game? Input appreciated.

    One Fourth of a Concubine

      Orb of venom is kind of a must since you have no disables outside yer zombies.
      Arcanes and wand, because the burst mana and heal are super good for a brawler like undying.
      Urn and spirit vessel are awesome too.
      Personally I love hotd for the aura and extra versatility your bring with the creeps. You can also split push lanes and farm!... Just don't feed the 200 gold.
      Mek crimson, pipe etc. Usual utility stuff from a pos 4 really.
      Also getting shivas or aghs helps you scale later on, if you can afford them.

      Hopes this helps!

      Suck my tiny curry dick

        Ask HanYolo. He’s probably one of the best undying players right now.


          thats the point of undying, you can buy kind of whatever.

          sniper and drow? buy blademail
          qop? rod of atos is good
          zeus? pipe
          PA? solar crest
          you can also go HotD and really deathball with your team to end the game early (the creep also lets you push lanes, tomato or satyr)

          I wouldnt buy expensive items like HoT, AC etc, since it takes forever to get them.

          win the lanings stage, win a teamfight with tombstone, take a tower. with the gold buy a cheapish utility item that will help you win the next teamfight


            Thank you all for your useful advice!


              probably perseverance into aghs
              boots arent needed till after aghs, at which point phase is ur best choice


                ^keeping the memes alive rofl, was about to comment the same thing anyways
                You forgot, get tombstone on death