General Discussion

General DiscussionThe ultimate guide to the offlane that i just thought of

The ultimate guide to the offlane that i just thought of in General Discussion

    step 1
    tell your team before the game starts that j is default key for glyph
    step 2
    all chat press j for free battle pass when the creep waves meet
    step 3
    lane pushes
    step 4
    win offlane


      "maybe" applicable for 2k mmr and below

      死の恐怖 Haseo

        mind = blown 😨

        Lruce Bee

          Lmao fucking brilliant. I gotta hand it to ya


            Ill try this out today lol

            One Fourth of a Concubine

              I think I'm gonna try that today lmao


                Now the shitty vlads first offlane troll in my team will win his lane!

                Mad Scientist

                  This blow my mind more than she blow my d